Membership Info
Benefits to Members:
Camaraderie with other outdoor enthusiasts
Participate in a variety of outdoor projects to benefit wildlife
10% off FOS Merchandise
Friends of Sandhill Newsletter
Overnight use of dormitory facilities for special FRIENDS OF SANDHILL events or activities.
Friends of Sandhill Memberships (for calendar year)
Regular (Single) Membership $30 _____ Patron Membership $100_____
Family Membership $50 _____ Benefactor Membership $200_____
(Payable to Friends of Sandhill)
Phone # (optional)_____________________
e-mail address (optional)_________________________
(We send the newsletter and other info by e-mail whenever possible. We DO NOT solicit funds by phone .)
Mail to: Friends of Sandhill, Inc.
P O Box 156
Babcock, WI 54413
Or: Vicki Palen, Treasurer, FOS
3837 County Rd N
Milladore, WI 54454
Remember: Friends of Sandhill memberships run out at the end of the calendar year. Even if you can’t make it to our meetings or to many activities, your membership is still appreciated!!
Special note: NEW memberships paid in the last quarter of the year are good until the end of the following year.