
Hamilton Rent Books 1693-1850 (Strabane, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland) - The Hamilton rent Books are the records of accounts of rents of land in the townlands that belonged to the Hamilton's.

Names in the Donemana Presbyterian Church Financial Statement for Year ending 31st December 1870, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland - Donemana otherwise known as Dunamanagh is about 8 miles from Strabane, 12 miles from Derry and is in the civil parish of Donaghedy.

1839 Trade Directory for Strabane, County Tyrone

Dromore Roman Catholic Church Records, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland - transcribed from Dromore RC church records on LDS film No. 0926052.

Griffiths Valuation of County Tyrone Index - partial

Transcriptions of Donemana Presbyterian Registers 1861 -1889, County Tyrone

1666 Hearth Money Rolls - Parish of Donagheady, County Tyrone

Land Granted in County Tyrone, Ireland 1610

Griffith's Valuation for specific townlands in Clonfeacle Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland - Broughadowey (1859/60), Cadian (1860), Culrevog (1860), Syerla (1851).

Coagh, County Tyrone Civil Births 1865-1874

Coagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Roman Catholic Baptism Records 1865-1872

Misc. County Tyrone Church Records

Religious Census of the population of the parish of Artrea 1766

Coagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Civil Births 1864-1874

Misc. Donemana, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Records

Presbyterian Ministers in County Tyrone 1799 - A list of Ministers, the congregation and the stipend paid to each.

Saint Luran, Derryloran Parish Records 1797-1896 - The parish of Derryloran in Northern Ireland, is part in County Tyrone, part in County Londonderry.

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone : Born in Tyrone, Buried Elsewhere

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone : Castlederg New Cemetery Burial Records

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone : Cookstown : Saint Patrick Cemetery - The graveyard is located at the Ballinderry Chapel.

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone : Glenhoy Presbyterian Church Gravestones Inscriptions

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone : The Gravestone Photo Project - Browse over 1,200 gravestone photo records from across Tyrone.

Northern Ireland : County Tyrone Gravestone Photos - The Gravestone Photographic Resource project is gradually photographing and indexinging County Tyrone cemeteries.

Co Tyrone website - linked to the Co Tyrone Mailing List - Landowners/Land Descriptions and Land Rentals ft

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