
Publication list

 Publications (263 + 14 submitted/in revision)

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Last update : 27/02/2025

 2025 (2) + 14 submitted/in revision 

278.  M.J. villeneuve, F. Jourdan, M. Corsini, D. Delvaux, B. Kalikone, A. Gärtner, N. Wazi. Two main post-Kibaran geological events recorded by new 40Ar/39Ar age determination in the basement of Eastern Kivu (D.R.Congo). Consequences on Neoproterozoic belts and Cenozoic rifting in Eastern Africa. Submitted to Journal of African Earth Sciences. 

277. T. Zega, T. McCoy , S. Russell, L. Keller, Z. Gainsforth, S. Singerling, V. Manga, C. Harrison, G. Libourel, B. Prince, K.Thomas-Keprta, A. King, M. Portai, V. Guigoz, V. Tu, L. Le, M. Thompson, M. Benner, N. Kerrison, Jessica Barnes, I.  Ong, P. Haenecour, L. Chaves, L. Smith, M. Kontogiannis, N. Vega Santiago, D. Hill, Z. Zeszut, K. Domanik, Y.-J. Chang, C. Corrigan , S. Ray , L. Wardell , T. Gooding , T. Rose , H. Bates , P. Schofield , N. Almeida , T. Salge , J. Najorka , L. Seifert , N. Lunning , K. Righter , A. Nguyen , F. Brenker , S. Eckley , J. Dworkin , R. Jones , S. Sandford , M. Marcus , H. Bechtel , G. Dominguez , H. Yurimoto , N. Kawasaki , K-i. Bajo , N. Sakamoto , P.-M. Zanetta , S. Tachibana , H. Busemann , V. Hamilton , I. Franchi , M. Grady , R. Greenwood , K. Tait, N. Timms, P. Bland, F. Jourdan, S. Reddy , W. Rickard , D. Saxey , L. Vincze , H. Connolly , D. Lauretta. The micro- to nanoscale mineralogy of Bennu samples resulting from hydrothermal alteration. (Submitted to Nature Geosciences).

276. F. Jourdan, N.E. Timms, T. Nakamura, W.D.A. Rickard, C. Mayers. Asteroid Itokawa … but when and how did it form exactly?(Submitted to Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta).

275. S. Rybar, P. Novakova, K. Sarinova, J. Kotulova, F. Jourdan, C. MAyers, V. Subova. Subsidence history modeling in a Miocene continental pull-apart to back-arc basin calibrated by 40Ar /39Ar dating. Insights from the Danube Basin - Central Europe. (Submitted to Global and Planetary Change).

274. J. Yu, B. Xu, Z. Miao, F. Jourdan, Z. Hou, Y. Yuan, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, G. Kou. Factors increasing the oxygen fugacity and volatile content in porphyry deposits: Constraints from zircon and apatite. Submitted to American Mineralogist.

273. JJ. Barnes, A.N. Nguyen, F.A.J. Abernethy, K. Bajo, D.V. Bekaert, F. Bloch, G.A. Brennecka, H. Busemann, J.S. Cowpe, S.A Crowther, M. Ek, L.J. Fawcett, M.A Fehr, I.A. Franchi, E. Füri, J.D. Gilmour, M.M. Grady, R.C. Greenwood, P. Haenecour, N. Kawasaki, P. Koefoed, D. Krietsch, L. Le, K.M. Liszewska, C. Maden, J. Malley, Y. Marrocchi, B. Marty, L.A. Meyer, T.S Peretyazhko, L. Piani, J. Render, S.S. Russell, M. Rüfenacht, N. Sakamoto, M. Schönbächler, Q.R. Shollenberger, L. Smith, K. Thomas-Keprta, A.B. Verchovsky, J. Villeneuve, K. Wang, K. Welten, J. Wimpenny, E.A. Worsham, H. Yurimoto, L. Zimmermann, X. Zhao, C.M.O'D Alexander, M. Amini, A. Baczynski, P. Bland, L.E. Borg, R. Burgess, M. Caffee, L.C Chaves, P.L. Clay, J.P. Dworkin, D. Foustoukos, D.P. Glavin, V.E. Hamilton, D. Hill, C.H. House, G.R. Huss, T.  Ireland, C. Jilly-Rehak, F. Jourdan, L.P. Keller, T.S Kruijer, V. Lai, T. McCoy, K. Nagashima, K. Nishiizumi, R. Ogliore, I.J. Ong, S. Reddy, W.D.A. Rickard, S. Sandford, D. Saxey, D., N. Timms, D. Weis, Z.E. Wilbur, T.J. Zega, H.C.jr Connolly, D.M. DellaGuistina, D.S. Lauretta. Diversity and origin of materials accreted by Bennu’s parent asteroid. (Submitted to Nature Astronomy).

272. J.C. Di Maurizio, C.J. Spencer, R. Harris, E. Blereau, C. Prasetyadi , M. Smit., F. Jourdan. Geochronology and metamorphic conditions of Earth’s youngest blueschist terrane, Banda Arc, Indonesia. (Submitted to Geosphere).

271. C. Zuluaga, L. Rayo-Rocha, F. Jourdan, M. Bernet. Long- and short-term replenishing of magma chamber in Nevado Del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. (Submitted to the Geological Society special publications).

270. P. Li, M. Sun, T. Narantsetseg, F. Jourdan, W. Hu, C. Yuan. Prolonged subduction and oroclinal bending in the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen (Central Asia): new structural and geochronological constraints (Submitted to Tectonics). 

269. A. Santos, W. H. Santos, E. Guedes, A.L. Ferrari, S.W. Oliveira, J. Mata, M.C. Geraldes, F. Jourdan. 40Ar/39Ar ages for Martin Vaz Island: implications for the Pleistocenic Volcanism evolution of the Trindade mantle plume (in South Atlantic Ocean). (Submitted to Journal of South American Earth Sciences). 

268. R. Chandler; J. Mavrogenes; F. Jourdan; C. Spandler. REE fractionation and redistribution during the autometasomatism of a Miocene trachyte, Warrumbungle Volcano, Australia. (Submitted to Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology). 

267.  J. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Yuan, Z. Liu, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, Z. Zhou, S. Yu, Su–Chin Chang. Timing and cause of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a revealed in the terrestrial record. (Submitted to Geology).

266. A. Cavosie, S. Roy, M. Barham, S. Reynolds, M. Towner, M. Cox, R. Quintero, P. Bland, F. Jourdan, N. Evans, K. Rankenburg, B. McDonald, C. Mayers, and M. Roberts. Microtektite evidence for a Chicxulub-type impact setting in the Pleistocene. (Submitted to Geology). 

265. J. Li, Z.-X. Li, A. Pourteau, F. Jourdan, S. Volante, H. Olierook, A.R. Nordsvan, W.J. Collins. Crustal extrusion and orogenic collapse in the Georgetown Inlier of NE Australia after 1.6 Ga Nuna assembly: new insights from Ar thermochronology. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth).

264. B. Cariddi; V. Guarino; L. Giacomo Costamagna; M. D'Antonio; L. Franciosi; F. Jourdan; R. Lonis; V. Morra. Intrusive roots of a calcalkaline volcano: the Monte Nureci intrusion of the Arcuentu volcanic complex (Sardinia, Italy). (Submitted to International Journal of Earth Sciences).

263. S.A. Wilde, F. Jourdan, L. Frewer, M.A. Kusiak. Precise 40Ar/39Ar dating of multiple potassic minerals constrain the age and rapid cooling history of the Walgidee Hills lamproite intrusion, Kimberley Region, Western Australia, at 17.49 Ma. (Submitted to Chemical Geology).

262. T. McCoy, S. Russell , T. Zega , K. Thomas-Keprta , S. Singerling , F. Brenker , N. Timms , W. Rickard , J. Barnes , G. Libourel , S. Ray , C. Corrigan , P. Haenecour , Z. Gainsforth , G. Dominguez , A. King , L. Keller , M. Thompson , S. Sandford , R. Jones , H. Yurimoto , K. Righter , S. Eckley , P. Bland , M. Marcus , D. DellaGiustina , T. Ireland , N. Almeida , C. Harrison , H. Bates , P. Schofield , L. Seifert , N. Sakamoto , N. Kawasaki , F. Jourdan , S. Reddy , D.d Saxey , I. Ong , B. Prince , K. Ishimaru , L. Smith , M. Benner , N. Kerrison , M. Portail , V. Guigoz , P.-M. Zanetta , L. Wardell , T. Gooding , T. Rose , T. Salge , L. Le , V. Tu , Z. Zeszut , C. Mayers , X. Sun , D. Hill , N. Lunning , V. Hamilton , D. Glavin , J. Dworkin , H. Kaplan , I. Franchi , K. Tait , S. Tachibana , H. Connolly Jr , D. Lauretta. An evaporite sequence from ancient brine recorded in Bennu samples. Nature, accepted.

 2024 (21

261. X. Wei, H.n Chen, E. Garzanti, H. Zheng, P. Wang; F. Jourdan, X. Shi, K. Zhu. Isochronous Miocene volcaniclastic horizon in the SW Tarim Basin: Composition, ages, origins, and implications for tephrochronology. GSA Bulletin, in press

260. V. Subova, S. Rybar, N. Hudackova, M. Jamrich, F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, L. Sliva. Cenozoic Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution and Its Implications for Reservoir Rock Identification and Utilisation in the NW Transcarpathian Basin. Geologica Carpathica 75 (4), 243-269

259. J. Madeira, L. Martins, G. Bellieni, A. Marzoli, A. DeMin, N. Youbi, H. Bertrand, F. Jourdan, S. Callegaro, A. Fioretti, J. Mata. Time-dependent magmatic evolution at São Jorge Island (Azores). Journal of Petrology, accepted.

258. X. Cui, W. Zhu, F. Jourdan, H. Liu, L. Zhang. First identification of Late Permian mafic dykes in the nucleus of Yangtze Craton: Emeishan large igneous province doubled? International Geology Review, accepted.

257. V. Michel, F. Jourdan, M.-H. Moncel, B. Gratuze, G. Shen, W. Wang\, C. Mayers, A. Frew, D. Cauche, P. Valensi, S. Gallet, A.P. Derevianko, A.V. Kandyba, S.A. Gladyshev, H. de Lumley. High-precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of Australasian tektites associated with bifacial tools in the Bose Basin (Xiaomei and Fengshudao sites), South China and in Vietnam (Go Da and Roc Tung 1 sites). Quaternary Science Reviews, accepted. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

256. M.A.M. Teodoro, A. Costa dos Santos, L. C. Bertolino, P.A. da Silva Rosa, C.R. Bezerra, J.C Lopes da Silva, L. Guimarães Pereira Monteiro, M.B. Fagundes, M.C. Geraldes, L.M. da Costa Cardoso, F. Jourdan. Unraveling the Poços de Caldas – Cabo Frio Alignment: A petrochronological review of an unconventional plume model. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, accepted.

255. Q. Jiang, H.K.H. Olierook, F. Jourdan, D. Carmona Hoyos, R.E. Merle, E.M. Mervine, W.W. Sager. Earth’s longest preserved linear volcanic ridge generated by a moving Kerguelen hotspot. Nature Communications, 15:9692. 2024. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

254. S.L. Anderson, G.K. Benedix, B. Godel, R.M.L. Alosius, D. Krietsch, H. Busemann, C. Maden, J.M. Friedrich, L.R. McMonigal, K.C. Welten, M.W. Caffee, R.J. Macke, S. Cadogan, D.H. , F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, M. Laubenstein, R.C. Greenwood, M.P. Roberts, H.A.R. Devillepoix, E.K. Sansom, M.C. Towner, M.Cupák, P.A. Bland, L.V. Forman, J.H. Fairweather, A.F. Rogers, N.E. Timms. The Arpu Kuilpu Meteorite: In-depth characterization of an H5 chondrite delivered from a Jupiter Family Comet orbit. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, accepted

253. A. Shekhar, F. Jourdan, A. Naik, C. Cucciniello, H. Sheth, B. Astha. Geology and 40Ar/39Ar age of the Khopoli olivine gabbro intrusion, Konkan Plain, western Deccan Traps. Geological Magazine, accepted.

252. W.-F. Zhang, D.-W. Zhang, F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, Y.-G. Xu, X.-H. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, J.-J. Wang, Y.-D. Jiang, M. Xiao, J.-J. Li, J. Zhang. ZMT04 Muscovite: A Potential Early Precambrian Reference Standard for 40Ar/39Ar dating. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, accepted.

251. C. Cucciniello, A.P. le Roex, R. de’ Gennaro, F. Jourdan, C. Grifa., V. Morra, L. Melluso. Geochemistry of Cenozoic mafic potassic and sodic volcanic rocks in southwestern Madagascar: long-lived lithospheric mantle heterogeneities in an extensional tectonic setting. Lithos, accepted.

250.  P.-F. Shan, M.-J. Cao, N. J. Evans, P. Hollings, F. Jourdan, L. Wang, K.-Z. Qin. In-situ geochronology combined with geochemical and isotopic signatures record mineralization and fluid characteristics at the Xiaoxi’nancha porphyry Au-Cu deposit, NE China. Mineralium Deposita, in press.

249. R. Prokešová, M. Danišík, M. Fiebig, F. Jourdan, C. Lüthgens, J. Procházka, J. Holec, J. Minár. Late Cenozoic alkali basalts and their interactions with the paleo-Hron River (Western Carpathians): New insights from geochronology and fluvial morphometric indices. Geomorphology, in press. 

248. E.H. Abdeina, F. Jourdan, G. Chazot, H. Bertrand., B. Le Gall. How old is the Eye of Africa? A polyphase history for the igneous Richat Structure, Mauritania. Lithos, in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

247. D.S. Lauretta, H.C. Connolly Jr, J.E. Aebersold, C.MOD Alexander, R.-L. Ballouz, J.J. Barnes, H.C. Bates, C.A. Bennett, L. Blanche, E.H. Blumenfeld, S.J. Clemett, G.D. Cody, D.N. DellaGiustina, J.P. Dworkin, S.A. Eckley, D.I. Foustoukos, I.A. Franchi, D.P. Glavin, R.C. Greenwood, P. Haenecour, V.E. Hamilton, D.H. Hill, T. Hiroi, K. Ishimaru, F. Jourdan, H.H. Kaplan, L.P. Keller, A.J. King, P. Koefoed, M.K Kontogiannis, L. Le, R.J. Macke, T.J. McCoy, R.E. Milliken, J. Najorka, A.N. Nguyen, M. Pajola, A.T. Polit, H.L. Roper, S.S. Russell, A.J. Ryan, S.A. Sandford, P.F. Schofield, C.D. Schultz, S. Tachibana, K.L. Thomas-Keprta, M.S. Thompson, V. Tu, F. Tusberti, K. Wang, T.J. Zega, CWV Wolner and the OSIRIS-REx sample analysis team. Asteroid (101955) Bennu in the Laboratory: Properties of the Sample Collected by OSIRIS-REx. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, accepted. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

246. J. Qiang, F. Jourdan. Obtaining accurate ages of basaltic rocks using 40Ar/39Ar techniques. Methods and Applications of Geochronology. Elsevier (Book), 2024. 345-366.

245. C.E. Mota, A.M. da Silva, F. Jourdan, M.C. Geraldes, and G.L. Potratz. U-Pb, Lu-Hf and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, geochemistry and isotopic (Sr and Nd) signatures of the alkaline rocks of Morro Redondo intrusive complex, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: implications for alkaline magma genesis. Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil, in press

244. S. Rybar, K. Sarinova, F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, L. Sliva. Middle Miocene Volcanic Flare up Preceding and Synchronous with the Langhian/Serravallian Sea Level Decline in the North Pannonian Basin: Insights from 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Geo-seismic Analysis, and 3D Visualization of the Subterranean Kráľová Stratovolcano. Basin Research, accepted.

243. R. Fukai, T Usui, W. Fujiya, Y. Takano, K. Bajo, A. Beck, E. Bonato, Nancy L. Chabot, Y. Furukawa, H. Genda, Y. Hibiya, F. Jourdan, T. Kleine, M. Koike, M. Matsuoka, Y.N. Miura, F. Moynier, R. Okazaki, S.S. Russell, H. Sumino, M.E. Zolensky, H. Sugahara, S. Tachibana, K. Sakamoto, M. Abe, Y. Cho, K. Kuramoto. Curation protocol of Phobos sample returned by Martian Moons Exploration. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, in press. // Summary Video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

242. D. Cluzel; E. Ferrari; A. Secchiari; A. Montanini; M. Heizler; F. Jourdan; S. Meffre; C. Teyssier. New geochemical and age constraints (40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb) on forearc intrusive rocks from New Caledonia Ophiolite (SW Pacific): diversity of melts generated at hot subduction inception. Journal of the Geological Society, accepted.

241.  F. Jourdan, T. Kennedy, L. Forman, C. Mayers, E. Eroglu, A. Yamaguchi, A slowly cooled deep crust and the recent impact history of differentiated asteroid 4 Vesta recorded by diogenites. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, accepted // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

 2023 (10

240. B. Ware, F. Jourdan, N. Timms. The Ferrar Continental Flood Basalt: a ~1.6 Ma long duration evidenced by high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages suggest a potential role in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian extinction event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, accepted. 2023 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

239. Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan. Obtaining accurate ages of basaltic rocks using 40Ar/39Ar techniques. Geochronology textbook - Edited by G. Shellnut & S. Denyszyn - Elsevier; Accepted.

238. B. Cariddi, V. Guarino, L. Costamagna, M. D’Antonio, F.  Jourdan, V. Morra, L. Melluso. Magmatic evolution in an open and polybaric system feeding the Cixerri calcalkaline lava domes (SW Sardinia, Italy). Geochemistry, accepted. 2023 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

237. B. Yang, A.S. Collins, M.L. Blades, F. Jourdan. Reconstructing the Mesoproterozoic palaeogeography of northern Australia through coupled detrital thermo- and geo-chronometers.  Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1-19, 2023. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

236. P. Rochette, D. Baratoux, R. Braucher, J. Cornec, V. Debaille, B. Devouard, J. Gattacceca, M. Gounelle, F. Jourdan, S. Moustard, S. Nomade. Linking a distal ejecta with its source crater: a probabilistic approach applied to tektites. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 355, 144-155. 2023.

235. J.M. Fox, J. McPhie, R.J. Carey, F. Jourdan. Revised stratigraphy and first geochronology of the Miocene submarine volcanic succession at Kennaook/Cape Grim, northwestern Tasmania. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

234. K. Evans, S. Reddy, R. Merle, D. Fougerouse, W. Rickard, D. Saxey, J.-W. Park, L. Doucet, F. Jourdan. The origin of platinum group minerals in oceanic crust. Geology, accepted. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

233. A. Santos, J.C. Mendes, J. Mata, M.C. Geraldes, F. Jourdan. Petrogenetic insights on tephritic magmatism from Davis Bank (South Atlantic Ocean - Vitória-Trindade Ridge, Brazil): The role of a CO2-enriched mantle source. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, in press. 2023

232. Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, R.E. Merle. An appraisal of the ages of Phanerozoic large igneous provinces. Earth Science Reviews, in press. 2023 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

231. F. Jourdan, N. E. Timms, T. Nakamura, W.D.A. Rickard, C. Mayers, S.M. Reddy, D. Saxey, L. Daly, P. A. Bland, E. Eroglu, D. Fougerouse.  Rubble pile asteroids are forever. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (5), e2214353120. 2023 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]. Article in The Conversation

 2022 (18)

230. M. Velicogna, M.K. Prasek, L. Ziberna, A. De Min, V. Brombin, F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, A. Marzoli. The Norian magmatic rocks of Jabuka, Brusnik and Vis Islands (Croatia) and their bearing on the evolution of Triassic magmatism in the Northern Mediterranean. International Geology Review, accepted.

229. G.O. Quaresma, A.C. dos Santos, E.R.V Rochat Junior, J. Bonifacio, C.A.Q. Rego, J. Mata, C.d.M. Valeriano, F. Jourdan, N. Mattielli, M.C. Geraldes. Isotopic constraints on Davis bank, Vitória-Trindade Ridge: A Revised Petrogenetic Model. Journal of South Anerican Earth Sciences 104099. 

228. C. François; B.K. Baludikay; V. Debaille; J.L Birck, D. Limmois, F. Jourdan; D. Baudet; J.-L. Paquette; D. Delvaux; E.J. Javaux. Multi-method dating constrains the diversification of early eukaryotes in the Proterozoic Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup of the D.R. Congo and the geological evolution of the Congo Basin. African Journal of Earth Science, in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

227. R.E. Merle, Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H. Olierook. The age and origin of the Balleny and Scott volcanic provinces, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geochemistry [Chemie der Erde], in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1paper in 1 minute].

226. Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H. Olierook, R. Merle, J. Bourdet, D. Fougerouse. Rate of volcanic CO2 governed the severity of past environmental crises. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (31) e2202039119. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

225. M. Sun, Y.-G. Xu, E. Gazel, J. Li, W.-F. Zhang, L. Zhang, P.-L. He, Y.-Y. Xiao, F. Jourdan, S.A. Wilde. Exploring small-scale recycled mantle components with intraplate continental twin volcanoes. Chemical Geology, in press.  // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

224.  Y. Özdemir, V. Oyan, F. Jourdan. Petrogenesis of Middle Miocene to Early Quaternary basalts from Karayazı-Göksu Plateau (Eastern Turkey): Implication for role of pyroxenite and lithospheric thickness. Lithos, in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

223. A. Boscaini, A. Marzoli, H. Bertrand, M. Chiaradia, F. Jourdan, M. Faccenda, C. Meyzen, S. Callegaro, L. Serrano-Durán. Cratonic keels controlled the emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

222. H. Zheng, Q. Yang, S. Cao, P.D. Clift, M. He, A. Kano, R. Tada, F. Jourdan. From Desert to Monsoon: Irreversible Climatic Transition at ~36 Ma in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 9:12, 1-14. 2022. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

221. R. Taylor, L.E. Morgan, F. Jourdan, T. Monecke, E.E. Marsh, R.J. Goldfarb. New 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the age of orogenic gold mineralization in the Klamath Mountains, California, U.S.A.: Evidence for far-field tectonic controls. Ore Geology Review 141, 104661. 2022.

220. H.K.H. Olierook, J. Gale, F. Pirajno, F. Jourdan, C.L. Kirkland, N.J. Evans, B.J. McDonald, Q. Jiang, A.S. Kumara, M. Krejci, H. Kaag, B. I. A. McInnes. Terminal tectono-magmatic phase of the New England Orogen driven by lithospheric delamination. Gondwana Research, accepted. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

219.   E. Koester, R. Siviero; L.A.D. Fernandes, F. Jourdan. Tonian and Cryogenian 40Ar/39Ar hornblende and muscovite ages for the São Gabriel Terrane, Dom Feliciano Belt, southern Brazil.  Geological Journal, accepted

218. S.-C. Chang, J. Wang, C.-F. Zhou, F. Jourdan. Jehol fossils from the Jiaolai Basin of Shandong, North China: review and new perspectives Mesozoic Biological Events and Ecosystems in East Asia. GSL Special Publication 521 "Mesozoic Biological Events and Ecosystems in East Asia". // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

217. P. Li, M. Sun, T. Narantsetseg, F. Jourdan, W. Hu, and C. Yuan. First structural observation around the hinge of the Mongolian Orocline (Central Asia): implications for the geodynamics of oroclinal bending and the evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. GSA bulletin, accepted.

216.  J. Mc Hone, S. Barr, F. Jourdan. Petrology of the Lepreau River dyke of Southern New Brunswik, Canada: source of the end-Triassic Fundy group basalts. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 59, 12-28. 2022.

215.H. Olierook, F. Jourdan; C. Kirkland; C. Elders; N. Evans; N. Timms; J. Cunneen; B. McDonald; C. Mayers; A. Frew; Q. Jiang; L. Olden; K. McClay. Mafic intrusions in southwestern Australia related to supercontinent assembly or breakup? Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 69, 200-222. 2022 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

214.P. Wang, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, X. Wei, L. Tang, F. Jourdan, J. Chen, X. Huang. Sedimentology, chronology, and provenance of the “Yangtze Gravel”: Link the Lower Yangtze River to Late Cenozoic tectonic and climate in southeast China. GSA bulletin 134, 463-486. 2022  

213.  D. Fu, B. Huang, T. Johnson, S. Wilde, F. Jourdan, A. Polat, B. Windley, Z. Hu, and T. Kusky. Boninitic blueschists record subduction initiation and subsequent accretion of an arc-forearc complex in the NE Proto-Tethys. Geology 50, 10-15. 2022 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1paper in 1 minute].

 2021 (24

212. L. Daly, M.R. Lee, L.J. Hallis, H.A. Ishii, J.P. Bradley, P.A. Bland, D.W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse, W.D. A. Rickard, L.V. Forman, N.E. Timms, F. Jourdan, S.M. Reddy, T. Salge, Z. Quadir, E.V. Christou, M.A. Cox, J. Aguiar, K. Hattar, A. Monterrosa, L.P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. Dukes, M.J. Loeffler and M.S. Thompson. Solar contributions to Earth’s oceans. Nature Astronomy 5, 1275-1285. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

211. M. Putiš, O. Nemec, M. Danišík, F. Jourdan, J. Soták, Č. Tomek, P. Ružička, A. Molnárová. Formation of a composite Albian–Eocene orogenic wedge in the Inner Western Carpathians: P–T estimates and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology from structural units. Minerals 11, 988. 2021 

210.  Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, R.E. Merle, C. Verati, C. Mayers. 40Ar/39Ar dating of basaltic rocks: the pitfalls of plagioclase alteration. Geochimica Geochimica Acta 314, 334-357. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

209. L. Richards, F. Jourdan, A.S. Collins, and R.C. King , Deformation recorded in polyhalite from evaporite detachments revealed by 40Ar/39Ar dating. Geochronology 3, 545-559. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1paper in 1 minute] 

208. Šarinová, K.; Hudáčková, N.; Rybár, S.; Jamrich, M.; F. Jourdan.; Frew, A.; Mayers, C.; Ruman, A.; Subová, V.; Sliva, Ľ. 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleoenvironment at the early-late Badenian (Langhian-Serravallian) boundary in the northwest margin of the Pannonian Basin System. Facies 67, 9. 2021

207. X. Che, A. Nemchin, D. Liu, T. Long, C. Wang, M.D. Norman, K.H. Joy, R. Tartese, J. Head, B. Jolliff, J.F. Snape, C.R. Neal, M.J. Whitehouse, C. Crow, G. Benedix, F. Jourdan, Z. Yang, C. Yang, J. Liu, S. Xie, Z. Bao, R. Fan, D. Li, Z. Li, S.G. Webb. Age and composition of young basalts on the Moon measured from samples returned by Chang’e-5. Science 374, 887-890. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

206. E. Scibiorski, F. Jourdan, K. Mezger, E. Tohver, H. Vollstaedt. Cryptic excess argon in metamorphic biotite: anomalously old 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages tested with Rb/Sr geochronology. Geochimica Geochimica Acta 315, 1-23. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

205. C. Cucciniello; L. Melluso; V. Morra; F. Jourdan. Constraints on duration, age and migration of the feeder systems of the Madagascan flood basalt province from high-precision 40Ar/39Ar chronology. in R. K., Ernst, R. E., Buchan, K. L. and De Kock, M. (eds) Large Igneous Provinces and their Plumbing systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 518, 1-16. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute].

204.  Šarinová K., Rybár S., F. Jourdan, Frew A., Mayers C., Kováčová M., Lichtman B., Nováková P., Kováč M. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Burdigalian paleobotanical localities in the Central Paratethys (south Slovakia). Geologica Acta 19, 1-19. 2021. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

203. T.M. Erickson, C. Kirkland, F. Jourdan, M. Schmieder, M. Hartnady, M. Cox, N. Timms. Resolving the age of the Haughton impact structure using multi-chronometer methods. Geochimica Geochimica Acta 304, 68-82. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute]

202. M. Cao, P. Shan; F. Jourdan; N.J. Evans; X. Ge; J. Sun; K.Z. Qin; C. Zhao. Biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating and chemical composition inform metallogenesis at Xiaoxinancha porphyry Au-Cu deposit, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews 104140. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

201.  J.M. Fox; J. McPhie; R. J. Carey; F. Jourdan; D. Miggins. Construction of an intraplate island volcano: The volcanic history of Heard Island. Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 1-21. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

200. S. Alwmark, F. Jourdan, L. Ferrière, C. Alwmark, C. Koeberl. Resolving the age of the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) against alteration and inherited 40Ar* - no link with extinctions. Geochimica Cosmochemica Acta 301, 116-140. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

199. P. Rochette, P. Beck, R. Braucher, J. Cornec, V. Debaille, B. Devouard, F. Jourdan, F. Moustard, F. Moynier, S. Nomade, and B. Reynard. A new tektite strewn-field and source crater couple discovered in Central America: insights into the tektite generation process and its ubiquity. Communications Earth & Environment 2:94. 2021 //  Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

198. F. Jourdan, L. Forman, T. Kennedy, G.K. Benedix, E. Eroglu, C. Mayer. End of magmatism in the upper crust of asteroid 4 Vesta. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 56, 619-641. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

197. H. Olierook, R. Affleck, N. Evans, F. Jourdan, C. Kirkland, S. Volante, A. Nordsvan, B. McInnes, B. McDonald, C. Mayers, A. Frew, K. Rankenburg, N. D'Offay, M. Nind, A. Larking. Mineralization proximal to the final Nuna suture in northeastern Australia. Gondwana Research 92, 54-71. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

196. S. Grignola, S. Hagemann, A.S. Fogliata, J. Miller, F. Jourdan, A. Ford, J.O. Santos, G. Sotarello, I. Belvideri. The Casposo gold-silver deposit: evidence for Permo-Triassic low-sulfidation epithermal mineralization in the Cordillera Frontal, San Juan province, Argentina, Economic Geology 116, 227-239. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

195. A.C.D Santos, S.W.O. Rodrigues, M.C. Geraldes, F. Jourdan, A. Motoki, E.M. Bongiolo. Martin Vaz Island Geochronology: Constraint on the Trindade Mantle Plume track from the youngest and easternmost volcanic episodes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 106, 103090. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

194. Q. Jiang, R.E. Merle, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, M. Chiaradia, K.A. Evans, X.-C. Wang, C.E. Conway, H.C. Bostock, R.J. Wysoczanski. Origin of geochemically heterogeneous mid-ocean ridge basalts from the Macquarie Ridge Complex, SW Pacific.  Lithos 380, 105893. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

193. H. Zheng, P. Clift, M. He, Z. Bian, G. Liu, X. Liu, L. Xia, Q. Yang, F. Jourdan. Formation of the First Bend in Late Eocene Gave Birth to the Modern Yangtze River. Geology 49, 35-39. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

192. X. Cui, Y. Wang, F. Jourdan. Subduction-related subcontinental lithospheric mantle metasomatism and crustal thickening: origin for superchondritic Nb/Ta in mafic dykes. Journal of the Geological Society 178, no. 1. 2021.

191. Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, R.E. Merle, J.M. Whittaker. Longest continuously erupting large igneous province driven by plume–ridge interaction. Geology 49, 206-210. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

190. A.J. Schaen, B.R. Jicha, K.V. Hodges, P. Vermeesch, M.E. Stelten, C.M. Mercer, D. Phillips, T.A. Rivera, F. Jourdan, E.L. Matchan, S.R. Hemming, L.E. Morgan, S.P. Kelley, W.S. Cassata, M.T. Heizler, P.M. Vasconcelos, A.A.P. Koppers, D.F. Mark, E.M. Niespolo, C.J. Sprain, J.A. Benowitz, W.E. Hames, K.F. Kuiper, B.D. Turrin, P.R. Renne, J. Ross, S. Nomade, H. Guillou, L.E. Webb, B.A. Cohen , A.T. Calvert, N. Joyce, M. Ganderød, J. Wijbrans, O. Ishizuka, Huaiyu He, A. Ramirez, J. Pfänder, M. Lopez-Martínez, H. Qiu, B.S. Singer. Reporting and Interpreting 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data. GSA Bulletin 133, 461-487. 2021 // Summary video 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute]

189. S. Anderson, G.K. Benedix, L.V. Forman, L. Daly, R.C. Greenwood, I.A. Franchi, J.M. Friedrich, R. Macke, S. Wiggins, D. Britt, S. Cadogan, M.M.M. Meier, C. Maden, H. Busemann, K.C.Welten, M.W. Caffee, F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, T. Kennedy, B. Godel, L. Esteban, K. Merigot, A.W.R. Bevan, P.A. Bland, J. Paxman, M. C. Towner, M. Cupak, E.K. Sansom, R. Howie, H.Devillepoix, T. Jansen-Sturgeon, D. Stuart, and D. Strangway. Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and chronology of the Murrili (H5) meteorite fall: The third recovered fall from the Desert Fireball Network. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 56, 241-259. 2021 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

2020 (18)

188. Q. Jiang, R.E. Merle, F. Jourdan, H.K.H. Olierook, M.J. Whitehouse, K.A. Evans, X.-C. Wang, C.E. Conway, H.C. Bostock, R.J. Wysoczanski. Timing of seafloor spreading cessation at the Macquarie Ridge Complex (SW Pacific) and implications for upper mantle heterogeneity. G-cubed, e2020GC009485. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

187. J. Li, A. Pourteau, Z.-X. Li, F. Jourdan, A.R. Nordsvan, W.J. Collins, S. Volante. Heterogeneous exhumation of the Mount Isa orogen in NE Australia after 1.6 Ga Nuna assembly: new high-precision 40Ar/39Ar thermochronological constraints. Tectonics 39, e2020TC006129. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

186. N.D. Greber, J.H.F.L. Davies, G. Sean, F. Jourdan, H. Bertrand, U. Schaltegger. New high precision U-Pb ages and Hf isotope data from the Karoo large igneous province; implications for pulsed magmatism and early Toarcian environmental perturbations. Results in Geochemistry 1, 100005. 2020 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

185.  F. Kohanpour, S. Occhipinti, M. Lindsay, W. Gorczyk, F. Jourdan, M. Poujol. Mineral systems prospectivity modelling for gold and nickel in the Halls Creek Orogen, Western Australia. Ore Geology Review, 103809. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

184.  R. Casillas Ruiz, J. de la Nuez Pestana, C. Fernández Rodríguez, J. R. Colmenero Navarro, F. Jourdan, S. Harangi, R. Lukács. Age of the submarine volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Basal Complex of La Palma: implications in the early geological evolution of the island. Geogaceta 67, 47-50. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

183. A. Boscaini, A. Marzoli, J. Davies, M. Chiaradia, H. Bertrand, A. Zanetti, D. Visonà, A. De Min, F. Jourdan. Permian post-collisional basic magmatism from Corsica to the Southeastern Alps. Lithos 376, 105733. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

182.  A.A. Nemchin, T. Long, B.L. Jolliff, Y. Wan, J.F. Snape, R. Zeigler, M.L. Grange, D. Liu, M.J. Whitehouse, N.E. Timms, F. Jourdan. Ages of lunar impact breccias: limits for timing of the Imbrium impact. Geochemistry [Chemie der Erde] - Invited Review paper, 125683. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M: [1 paper in 1 minute]

181. W. Hu, G., P. Li, Rosenbaum, J. Liu, F. Jourdan, Y. Jiang, D. Wu, J. Zhang, C. Yuan, M. Sun. Structural evolution of the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone: Implications for the collision between the East Junggar Terrane and the Chinese Altai Orogen, Central Asia. Journal of Structural Geology 139, 104126. 2020.

180. L. Zhao, H. Jinsheng, W. Lu, P. Liang, F. Jourdan. The Middle Permian Hongshanliang Manto-type copper deposit in the Eastern Tianshan: Constraints from geology, geochronology, fluid inclusions and H–O–S isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews 124, #103601. 2020

179. J. Han, P. Hollings, F. Jourdan, Y. Zeng, and H. Chen. Inherited Eocene magmatic tourmaline captured by the Miocene Himalayan leucogranites. American Mineralogist 105, 1436-1440. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

178. P. Li, M. Sun, G. Rosenbaum, K. Cai, C. Yuan, F. Jourdan, X. Xia, Y. Jiang, Y. Zhang. Tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Orogen: insight from polyphase deformation along the Gangou section, Central Asia. GSA Bulletin 132, 2529-2552. 2020

177.  C.J. Tiddy, P.G. Betts, M.R. Neumann, B. Murphy, J. Stewart, D. Giles, M. Sawyer, H. Freeman, F. Jourdan. Interpretation of a ca. 1600-1580 Ma metamorphic core complex in the northern Gawler Craton, Australia. Gondwana Research 85, 263-290. 2020

176. E.R. Thern, E. Blereau, F. Jourdan, D.R. Nelson. Tourmaline 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the youngest Hadean-zircon-bearing siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks from the Yilgarn Craton. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 277, 285-299. 2020 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

175. W.D.A. Rickard, S.M. Reddy, D.W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse, L. Daly, E. Peterman, N. Timms, A.J. Cavosie, F. Jourdan. Novel Applications of FIB-based Techniques in Atom Probe Tomography Workflows. Microscopy and Microanalysis 26, 750-757. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

174. F. Jourdan, T. Kennedy, G.K. Benedix, E. Eroglu, C. Mayer. Timing of the magmatic activity and upper crustal cooling of differentiated asteroid 4 Vesta. Geochimica Cosmochemica Acta 273, 205-225. 2020. Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

173. H. Olierook, F. Jourdan, J.M. Whittaker, R.E. Merle, Q. Jiang, A. Pourteau, L.S. Doucet. Timing and causes of the mid-Cretaceous global plate reorganization event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 534, 116071. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute]

172.  E.L. Matchan, D. Phillips,  F. Jourdan, K. Oostingh. Early human occupation of south-eastern Australia; new insights from 40Ar/39Ar dating of young volcanoes. Geology 48, 390-394. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute]

171.  V Barrote, S Tessalina, N McNaughton, F Jourdan, SP Hollis, B Ware, J.-W. Zi. 4D history of the Nimbus VHMS ore deposit in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 337, 105536. 2020. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1paper in ~1 minute]

2019 (21)

170.Y Wang, H Chen, MJ Baker, J Han, B Xiao, J Yang, F Jourdan. Multiple mineralization events of the Paleozoic Tuwu porphyry copper deposit, Eastern Tianshan: evidence from geology, fluid inclusions, sulfur isotopes, and geochronology. Mineralum Deposita 54, 1053-1076. 2019

169. I. Semenov, R. Weinberg, R.J.M. Taylor, F. Jourdan. Prolonged movement on a >10km-wide thrust active during three paleozoic orogens in the Gondwana margin of NW Argentina. Tectonics 38, 3210-3236. 2019

168. T. Iizuka, F. Jourdan, A.Yamaguchi, P. Koefoed, Y. Hibiya, K. Ito, & Y. Amelin. The geologic history of basaltic eucrites as constrained by combined 207Pb/206Pb and 40Ar/39Ar chronology. Geochimica Cosmochemica Acta 267, 275-299. 2019 // Summary Video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

167. M. Norman, F. Jourdan, S. Hui. Impact History and Regolith Evolution on the Moon: Geochemistry and Ages of Glasses from the Apollo 16 Site. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets. 2019 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

166. J. Zi, , P. W. Haines, X.-C. Wang, F. Jourdan, B. Rasmussen, G.P. Halverson, S. Sheppard. Pyroxene 40Ar/39Ar dating of basalt and applications to large igneous provinces and Precambrian stratigraphic correlations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 124.8, 8313-8330. 2019 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

165. H. Olierook, F. Jourdan, R. Merle. Age of the Barremian-Aptian boundary and onset of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Earth Science Reviews 197, 102906. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

164. E. Valente, J.T. Buscher, F. Jourdan, P. Petrosino, S.M. Reddy, S. Tavani, A. Corradetti, A.Ascione. Constraining the activity of a mountain front by geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphy: A case study from the Matese ridge (southern Apennines).  Quaternary Science Reviews 219, 47-67. 2019

163. T. Kennedy, F. Jourdan, E. Eroglu, C. Mayers. Bombardment history of Asteroid 4 Vesta recorded by brecciated eucrites: Large impact event clusters at 4.50 Ga and discreet bombardment until 3.47 Ga. Geochimica Cosmochemica Acta 260, 99-123. 2019. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

162.  N. Tao, Z.-X. Li, M. Danišík, N.J. Evans, R.-X Li, C.-J. Pang, W.-X. Li, F. Jourdan, Q. Yu, L.-P. Liu, G.E. Batt, Y.-G. Xu. Post-250 Ma thermal evolution of the central Cathaysia Block (SE China) in response to flat-slab subduction at the proto-Western Pacific margin. Gondwana Research 75, 1-15. 2019

161.  B. Alessio, S. Glorie, A.S. Collins, F. Jourdan, G. Jepson, A. Nixon, P. Siegfried, C. Clark. The thermo-tectonic evolution of the southern Congo Craton margin as determined from apatite and muscovite thermochronology. Tectonophysics 766, 398-415. 2019

160. R.E. Merle, H.K.H. Olierook, F. Jourdan, G. Manatschal, M. Chiaradia. Origin of Cretaceous intraplate magmatism in the Central Atlantic: a single melting anomaly? Lithos 342-343, 480-498. 2019 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

159. S. Holm-Alwmark, C. Alwmark; L. Ferrière; S. Lindström; M.M. Meier; A. Scherstén; M. Herrmann; V. L. Masaitis; M.S. Mashchak; M.V Naumov; F. Jourdan. An Early Jurassic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Puchezh-Katunki impact structure (Russia) - No causal link to an extinction event. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 54, 1764-1780. 2019

158.  F. Jourdan, S. Nomade, M.T.D. Wingate, E. Eroglu, A. Deino. Ultra-precise age and formation temperature of the Australasian tektites constrained by 40Ar/39Ar analyses. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54, 2573-2591. 2019 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in ~ 1 minute].

157. H. Olierook, C. Clark, S. Reddy, R. Mazumder, F. Jourdan, N. Evans. Evolution of the Singhbhum Craton and supracrustal province from age, isotopic and chemical constraints. Earth Science Reviews 193, 237-259. 2019

156. A. Marzoli, H. Bertrand, N. Youbi, S. Callegaro, R. Merle, L. Reisberg, M. Chiaradia, S. Brownlee, F. Jourdan, A. Zanetti, J. Davies, T. Cuppone, A. Mahmoudi, F. Medina, P.R. Renne, G. Bellieni, S. Crivellari, H.E. Hachimi, M. K. Bensalah, C.M. Meyzen, C. Tegner. The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) in Morocco. Journal of Petrology 60, 945-996. 2019 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

155.  V. Brombin, C. Bonadiman, F. Jourdan, G. Roghi, M. Coltorti, L. E. Webb, S. Callegaro, G. Bellieni, G. De Vecchi, R. Sede, A. Marzoli. Intraplate magmatism at a convergent plate boundary, the case of the Cenozoic northern Adria magmatism. Earth Science Reviews 192, 355-378. 2019. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

154. E. Blereau, C. Clark, F. Jourdan, T.E. Johnson, R.J.M. Taylor, P.D. Kinny, M. Hand and E. Eroglu. Closed system behaviour of argon in osumilite records protracted high‐T metamorphism within the Rogaland–Vest Agder Sector, Norway. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 37, 667-680. 2019

153. H. Olierook, Q. Jiang, F. Jourdan, Massimo Chiaradia. Greater Kerguelen large igneous province reveals no role for mantle plume in the continental breakup of eastern Gondwana. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 511, 244-255. 2019

152. R. Quentin de Gromard, CL Kirkland, HM Howard, MTD Wingate, F. Jourdan, BIA McInnes, M Danišík, NJ Evans, BJ McDonald, RH Smithies. When will it end? Long-lived intracontinental reactivation in central . Geosciences Frontiers  10, 149-154. 2019. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

151. Y. Lu, W. Zhu, F. Jourdan, R. Ge, X. Cui, B. Wen. 40Ar/39Ar ages and geological significance of Neoproterozoic–Cambrian mafic rocks in the Aksu–Wushi area, NW Tarim Craton. Geological Journal 54, 3803-3820.2019

150. P. Rochette , R. Alaç, P. Beck, G. Brocard , A. J. Cavosie, V. Debaille, B. Devouard, F. Jourdan, B. Mougel, F. Moustard, F. Moynier, S. Nomade, G. R. Osinski, J. Cornec. Pantasma : a Pleistocene circa 14 km diameter impact crater in Nicaragua. Meteoritics and Planetary Science letters 54, 880-901. 2019

2018 (18)

149. B. Le Gall, Leleu S, Pik R., F. Jourdan, Chazot G., Ayale D., Gezahegn Y., Cloquet C. The Red Beds series in the Erta Ale segment, North Afar. Evidence for a 6 Ma-old post-rift basin prior to continental rupturing. Tectonophysics 747, 373-389. 2018 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

148. D. Archibald ,B. Murphy; S.M. Reddy; F. Jourdan; J. Gillispie; S. Glorie. Post-accretionary uplift of the Meguma Terrane relative to the Avalon Terrane in the Canadian Appalachians. Tectonophysics 747, 343-356. 2018.

147. B. Ware,  F. Jourdan, E. Tohver; K.G. Fernandes, M. Chiaradia. Primary Hydrous Minerals from the Karoo LIP Magmas: Evidence for a Hydrated Source Component. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 503, 181-193. 2018 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

146. M. Sun, H. Chen, L.A. Milan, S.A. Wilde, F. Jourdan, Y. Xu. Continental arc and back-arc migration in eastern NE China: New constraints on Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific subduction and roll-back. Tectonics 37, 3293-3915. 2018.

145. X. Wei, H. Zheng, P. Wang, R. Tada, P.D. Clift, F. Jourdan, C. Luo. Miocene Volcaniclastic Sequence within Xiyu Formation from Source to Sink: Implications for Northward Indention of Pamir in Northern Tibet. Tectonics 37, 3261-3284. 2018

144.  M. Schmieder, T. Kennedy , F. Jourdan, E. Buchner, W.U. Reimold. "Response to Comment on "A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Nördlinger Ries impact crater, Germany, and implications for the accurate dating of terrestrial impact events" by Schmieder et al. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 220 (2018) 146-157.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 238, 602-605.

143. R. Merle, F. Jourdan, J. Girardeau. Geochronology of the Tore-Madeira Rise seamounts and surrounding areas: a review Journal of Australian Earth Sciences 65, 591-605. 2018 // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

142. A.M. Piechocka, S. Sheppard, S.P. Johnson, B. Rasmussen, F. Jourdan, I. Fitzsimmons. Neoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar mica ages mark the termination of a billion years of intraplate reworking in the Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 310, 391-406. 2018. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

141.   J. Yao, H. Chen, X. Xiang, W. Sun, F. Jourdan, C.-K. Lai, W. Song, X. Luo. A 20 m.y. long-lived successive mineralization in the giant Dahutang W–Cu–Mo deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 401-407. 2018.

140. B.D. Ware, F. Jourdan, R. Merle, M. Chiaradia, K. Hodges.Major, Trace, and Isotope Geochemistry of the Kalkarindji Large Igneous Province, Australia: Petrogenesis of the oldest and most compositionally homogenous province of the Phanerozoic.  Journal of Petrology 59, 635-666. 2018. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

139. B. Ware, F. Jourdan. 40Ar/39Ar dating of terrestrial pyroxene. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta 230, 112-136. 2018. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute]

138. C. Cucciniello, A. le Roex, F. Jourdan, V. Morra, C. Grifa, L. Franciosi, L. Melluso. Late Cenozoic non-plume volcanism in SW Madagascar (Ankililoaka district, Tulear): 40Ar/39Ar ages, geochemistry, tectonic setting and comparisons with the Cretaceous volcanic rocks. Journal of the Geological Society 175, 627-641. 2018.

137. J.W. Hall, S. Glorie, A. Reid, A.S. Collins, F. Jourdan, M. Danišík, N. Evans. Regional thermal history of the northern Olympic Domain, Gawler Craton; correlations between thermochronometric data and mineralising systems. Gondwana Research 56, 90-104. 2018

136.  E. Tohver, M Schmieder, C Lana, F Jourdan, P.S.T. Mendes, L. Warren, C. Riccomini. End-Permian impactogenic earthquake and tsunami deposits in the intracratonic Paraná Basin of Brazil. GSA bulletin 130, 1099-1120. 2018. // Summary vidoe: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

135. M.S. Proborukmi, B. Urban, S. Mischke, H.K. Mienis, Y. Melamed, G. Dupont-Nivet, F. Jourdan, N. Goren-Inbar. Evidence for climatic changes around the Matuyama-Brunhes Boundary (MBB) inferred from a multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental study of the GBY#2 core, Jordan River Valley, Israel. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 489, 166-185. 2018. // Summary video: 1P~1M [1 paper in 1 minute].

134. A. Marzoli , S. Callegaro , J. Dal Corso, J. Davies, N. Youbi N., H. Bertrand, L. Reisberg, M. Chiaradia, R. Merle, F. Jourdan. The Central Atlantic magmatic province: a review. Secial publication: The Late Triassic world, special publication, 91-125. 2018

133.  Y. Wang, H. Chen, B. Xiao, J. Han, J. Fang, J. Yang, F. Jourdan. Overprinting mineralization in the Paleozoic Yandong porphyry copper deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China–Evidence from geology, fluid inclusions and geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews 100, 148-167. 2018.

132. B. Alessio, M. blades, G. Murray, B. Thorpe, A.S. Collins, D. Keley, J. Foden, J. payne, S.Al-Khibash, F. Jourdan. Origin and tectonic evolution of the north-east basement of Oman – a window into the Neoproterozoic accretionary growth of India? Geological Magazine 155, 1150-1174. 2018.

2017 (19)

131.  S. Callegaro, A. Marzoli, H. Bertrand, J. Blichert-Toft, L. Reisberg, G. Cavazzini, F. Jourdan, J. Davies, L. Parisio, R. Bouchet, A. Paul, U. Schaltegger, M. Chiaradia. Origin of high-Ti tholeiitic magmas from the CAMP: geochemical constraints from the Freetown Layered Complex, Sierra Leone. Journal of Petrology 58, 1811-1840. 2017

130. M. Schmieder, T. Kennedy , F. Jourdan, E. Buchner, W.U. Reimold. A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Nördlinger Ries impact crater, Germany, and implications for the accurate dating of terrestrial impact events. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta 220, 146-157. 2017

129.  S.-C. Chang, K.-Q. Gao, C.-F. Zhou, F. Jourdan. New chronostratigraphic constraints on the Yixian Formation with implications for the Jehol Biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 487, 399-406. 2017.

128. A. Reid, E. Jagodzinski, C. Wade, J. Payne, F. Jourdan. Recognition of c. 1780 Ma magmatism and metamorphism in the buried northeastern Gawler Craton: correlations with events of the Arunta Region. Precambrian Research 302, 198-220. 2017

127. K. Oostingh, F. Jourdan, M. Danisik, N. Evans. Advancements in cosmogenic 38Ar exposure dating of terrestrial rocks. Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta 217, 193-218. 2017.

126. P. Li, M. Sun, G. Rosenbaum, F Jourdan, S. Li, K. Cai. Late Paleozoic closure of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean along the Irtysh shear zone (NW China): Implications for arc amalgamation and oroclinal bending in the Central Asian orogenic belt. Geological Society of America Bulletin 129 (5-6), 547-569. 2017.

125. N.H. Jansen, J.B. Gemmell, Z. Chang, D. Cooke, F. Jourdan, R.A. Creaser. Geology and Genesis of the Cerro la Mina Porphyry-High Sulfidation Au (Cu-Mo) Prospect, Mexico. Economic Geology 112. 799-827. 2017.

124. M. Munteanu, A.H. Wilson, G. Costin, Y. Yao, J. Lum, S.-Y. Jiang, F. Jourdan, M.-E. Cioacă. The olivine-rich dikes in the Yanbian terrane (Sichuan, SW China): record of the primary magma differentiation in the Emeishan large igneous province. Journal of Petrology 58, 513-538. 2017

123.  R. Merle, A. Marzoli, F.T. Aka, J, M. Chiaradia, L. Reisberg, F.Castorina, F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, J. N’ni, J.B. Nyobe. Mt. Bambouto volcano, Cameroon Line: mantle source and differentiation of within-plate alkaline rocks. Journal of Petrology 58, 933-962. 2017

122.   F. Jourdan, N. E. Timms, E. Eroglu, C. Mayers, A. Frew, P. A. Bland, G. S. Collins, T. M. Davison, M. Abe, T. Yada. Collisional history of asteroid Itokawa. Geology 45, 819-822, 2017.

121. L.-P. Liu, Z.-X. Li , M. Danisik , S. Li , N. Evans, F. Jourdan, N. Tao. Thermochronology of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane: implications for continental collision and lithospheric thinning.  Tectonophysics 712, 10-29. 2017.

120.  N. Tao, Z.-X. Li, M. Danišík, G.E. Batt, N.J. Evans, W.-X. Li, C.-J. Pang, F. Jourdan, Y.-G. Xu, L.-P. Liu. Thermochronological record of Middle–Late Jurassic magmatic reheating to Eocene rift-related rapid cooling in the SE South China Block. Gondwana Research 46, 191-203. 2017

119. H. Olierook, R. Merle, F. Jourdan. Toward a Greater Kerguelen Large Igneous Province: Evolving mantle source contributions in and around the Indian Ocean. Lithos 282-283, 163-172. 2017.

118.  KF. Oostingh, F. Jourdan, E.L. Matchan, D. Phillips. Ultra – precise 40Ar/39Ar geochronology reveals rapid change from plume-assisted to stress-dependent volcanism in the Newer Volcanic Province, SE Australia. Gcubed 18,  doi:10.1002/2016GC006601, 1-25. 2017.

117. A. J. Reid, F. Jourdan & E. A. Jagodzinsk. Mesoproterozoic fluid events affecting Archean crust in the northern Olympic Cu–Au Province, Gawler Craton: insights from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology. Australian Journal of Earth Science 64, 103-119. 2017

116. Belica, M.E.,  Tohver, E., Pisarevsky, Jourdan, F., S.A., Denyszyn, S., George, A.D. Middle Permian paleomagnetism of the Sydney Basin, Eastern Gondwana, and the end of the Kiaman Reverse Superchron. Tectonophysics 699, 178-198. 2017.

115.C. Cucciniello, L. Melluso, A.P. le Roex, F. Jourdan, V. Morra, R. de Gennaro, C. Grifa. From Nephelinite, basanite and basalt to peralkaline trachyphonolite and comendite in the Ankaratra volcanic complex, Madagascar: 40Ar/39Ar ages, phase compositions, and bulk rock geochemical and isotopic evolution. Lithos 274-275, 363-382. 2017.

114. F. Jourdan, E. Eroglu. 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He model age signatures of elusive mercurian and venusian meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 884-905. 2017.

113.M. Hagos, C. Koeberl, and F. Jourdan. Geochemistry and Geochronology of Phonolitic and Trachytic Source Rocks of the Axum Obelisks and Other Stone Artifacts. Geoheritage 9, 479-494. 2017. 

2016 (16)

112. K.J. Aswad, S.A. Ali, R.A. Sheraefy, A. Nutman, S. Buckman, B.G. Jones, F. Jourdan. 40Ar/39Ar hornblende and biotite geochronology of the Bulfat Igneous Complex, Zagros Suture Zone, NE Iraq: New insights on complexities of Paleogene arc magmatism during closure of the Neotethys Ocean. Lithos 266-267, 406-413. 2016

111. G. Pires, E. Bongiolo, M. Geraldes, C. Renac, A. Santos, F. Jourdan, R. Neumann. Mantle plume geodynamics recorded on the Trindade Island (South Atlantic Ocean): evidence from new Ar/Ar and revised K/Ar geochronology Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 327, 531-538. 2016

110.  J.M. Whittaker, S.E. Williams, J.A. Halpin, T. Wild, J.D. Stilwell, F. Jourdan, N.R. Daczko. Easter Indian Ocean microcontinent formation driven by plate motion changes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 454, 203-212. 2016.

109.  S.G. Tessalina, F.  Jourdan, E.V. Belogub, M.X. Pritchin. Significance of Late Devonian – Middle Carboniferous ages of hydrothermal sulphides and sericites from the Urals Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide deposits. Ore Geology Reviews 85. 131-139. 2017.

108. K. Oostingh, F. Jourdan,, R. Merle, M. Chiaradia, Spatio-temporal geochemical evolution of the SE Australian upper mantle deciphered from Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes of Cainozoic intraplate volcanics. Journal of Petrology 57, 1509-1530. 2016.

107.  E. Scibiorski, E. Tohver, F. Jourdan, C.L. Kirkland, C. Spaggiari. Cooling and exhumation along the curved Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia. Lithosphere, L561.1. 2016

106. F. Arboit,  A. Collins; C.  Morley; R. King; F. Jourdan; J.  Foden. Geochronological and geochemical study of mafic and intermediate dykes from the Khao Khwang Fold-Thrust Belt: Implications for petrogenesis and tectonic evolution. Gondwana Research 36, 124-141. 2016.

105. D. Cluzel, M. Ulrich, F. Jourdan, S. Meffre, J.-L. Paquette, M.-A. Audet, A. Secchiari, P. Maurizot. Early Eocene clinoenstatite boninite and boninite-like dikes of the ophiolite of New Caledonia; a witness of slab-derived enrichment of the mantle wedge in a nascent volcanic arc. Lithos 260, 429-442. 2016.

104. A.I. Despaigne-Diaz, A. Garcia-Casco, D.C . Govea, F. Jourdan, S. Wilde, G.M. Trujillo. Twenty-fie million years of subduction-accretion-exhumation history during the late cretaceous-tertiary in the nortwestern Caribbean: the Trinidad dome, scambray complex, central Cuba. American Journal of Science 316, 203-240. 2016

103. L. Parisio, F. Jourdan, A. Marzoli, L. Melluso, S.F. Sethna, G. Bellieni. 40Ar/39Ar ages of alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the northern Deccan Traps: implications for  magmatic processes and the K-Pg boundary. Journal of the Geological Society 173, 679-688. 2016.

102. H.K.H. Olierook, F. Jourdan, R.E. Merle, N. Timms, N. Kusznir, J. Muhling. Bunbury Basalt: Gondwana breakup products or earliest vestiges of the Kerguelen mantle plume?  Earth and Planetary Science Letters 440, 20-32. 2016 

101. D. Schultze, F. Jourdan, L. Hetch, W.U. Reimold, R.T. Schmitt. Tenoumer impact crater, Mauretania: Impact melt genesis from a lithologically diverse target. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51, 323-350. 2016

100. M. Schmieder, F. Jourdan, J. Moilanen, S. Hietala, T. Öhman and E. Buchner. A Mesoproterozoic age for the Keurusselka impact structure: evidence from 40Ar/39Ar dating of melt lithologies. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51, 303-322. 2016

99. J. Hansma, E. Tohver; C. Schrank; F. Jourdan; D. Adams. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Cape Fold Belt, and the timing of Gondwanide orogeny in South Africa. Gondwana Research 32, 122.137. 2016 

 98. C. Cucciniello, R.D. Tucker, F. Jourdan, L. Melluso, V. Morra. A review of age and petrogenesis of the Cenozoic alkaline districts of Ampasindava and Nosy Be, northern Madagascar. Mineralogy & Petrology 110,309-331. 2016.

97. D. Mege, P. Purcel, A. Bezos, F. Jourdan, C. La. A major dyke swarm in the Ogaden region south of Afar and the early evolution of the Afar Triple Junction. (Geological Society, London, Special Publication 420, 221-248). 2016 

2015 (19)

96.  H. Zheng, X. Wei, R. Tada, P. Clift, F. Jourdan, P. Wang, M. He. "Reply to Sun et al.: [Confirming the Evidence for late Oligocene-early Miocene Birth of theTaklimakan Desert]"  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, E5558-E5559. 2015.

95. F. Wang, H. Chen, G.E. Batt, X. Lin, J. Gong, G. Gong, L. Meng, S. Yang, F. Jourdan. Tectonothermal history of the NE Jiangshan–Shaoxing suture zone: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar and fission-track thermochronology in the Chencai region. Precambrian Research 264, 192-203. 2015

94. H. Zheng, X. Wei, R. Tada, P. Clift, F. Jourdan, P. Wang, M. He. Late Oligocene-early Miocene birth of the Taklimakan Desert. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 7662-7667. 2015.

93. M. Schmieder, E. Tohver, F. Jourdan, S.W. Denyszyn, P.W. Haines. Zircons from the Acraman impact melt rock (South Australia): Shock metamorphism, U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar systematics, and implications for the isotopic dating of impact events. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 161, 71-100.

92.  N. Van Roosbroek, V. Debaille, L. Pittarello, S. Goderis, M. Humayun, L. Hecht, F. Jourdan, M.J. Spicuzza, Ph. Clayes. A new Primitive IIE member: the chondrule-bearing Mont Dieu II meteorite.    Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50, 1173–1196, 2015.

91.  H. Olierook, N.E Timms, R.E Merle, F. Jourdan. 3D Geometry of the Bunbury Basalt, Western Australia: Implications for paleo-drainage and fault development during- and after the breakup of eastern Gondwana. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 289-305. 2015.

90. A. Luttinen, J. Heinonen, M. Kurhila, F. Jourdan, J.I. Mänttäri, S. Vuori, H. Huhma. Depleted mantle-sourced CFB magmatism in the Jurassic Africa-Antarctica rift: U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar chronology and petrology of the Vestfjella dyke swarm, Dronning Maud Land. Journal of Petrology 56, 919-952. 2015.

89.  T.J. Ivanic, O. Nebel, F. Jourdan, K. Faure, C.L. Kirkland, E.A. Belousova. A heterogeneously hydrated mantle underneath the late Archean Yilgarn Craton. Lithos 238, 76-85. 2015.

88. H.K.H. Olierook, R.E. Merle, F. Jourdan, K. Sircombe, G. Fraser, N.E. Timms, G. Nelson, K.A. Dadd, L. Kellerson, and I. Borissova. Age and geochemistry of magmatism on the oceanic Wallaby Plateau and implications for the opening of the Indian Ocean. Geology 43, 971-974. 2015.

87. Y.-J. Lu, T. C. McCuaig, Z.-X. Li, F. Jourdan, C.J.R. Hart, Z.-Q. Hou, S.-H. Tang. Paleogene post-collisional lamprophyres in western Yunnan, western Yangtze Craton: Mantle source and tectonic implications. Lithos, 233, 139-161, 2015. 

86. E. Scibiorski, E. Tohver, F. Jourdan. Rapid Mesoproterozoic cooling and exhumation in the western Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia. Precambrian Research 265, 232-248, 2015.

 85. W. Fan, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Tong, Y. Cai, F.  Jourdan, Jianwei  Zi. Fingerprints of the Paleotethyan subduction revealed from Early Triassic blueschists in the Lancang metamorphic zone of Southwest China. Tectonophysics 662, 95-108. 2015

84.  P.A. Cawood, R.A. Strachan, R.E. Merle, I.L. Millar, S.L. Loewy, I.W.D. Dalziel, P.D. Kinny, F. Jourdan, A.A. Nemchin and J.N. Connelly. Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic extension and contraction history of East Laurentian margin sequences: the Moine Supergroup, Scottish Caledonides. GSA bulletin 127, 349-371. 2015.

83. X. Li, J. Li, X. Yu, C. Wang, F. Jourdan. 40Ar/39Ar ages of seamount trachytes from the South China Sea and implications for the evolution of the northwestern sub-basin. Geoscience Frontiers 6, 571-577, 2015

82. A.S. Collins, S. Patranabis-Deb, E. Alexander, C.N. Bertram, G.M. Falster, R.J. Gore, J. Mackintosh, P.C. Dhang, Dilip Sahab J. L. Payne, F. Jourdan, G. Backé, G.P. Halverson, B.P. Wade. Detrital Mineral Age, Radiogenic Isotopic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Significance of the Cuddapah Basin, India. Gondwana Research 28, 1294-1309.

81. E.L. Klein, F.R.A. Lucas, J.D.S. Queiroz, Saney, C.F. Freitas, C. Renac, M.A. Galarza, F. Jourdan, R. Armstrong. Metallogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic Piaba orogenic gold deposit, Sao Luis cratonic fragment, Brazil. Ore Geology Reviews 65, 1-25. 2015.

80. G. Gutierrez-Alonso, A.S. Collins, E. Gonzalez-Clavijo, J. Fernandez-Suarez, D. Pastor-Galan, F. Jourdan, A.B., Weil, S.T. Johnston.  Kinematic constraints on lithospheric bending. 40Ar/39Ar ages of syn-orocline strike-slip shear-zones in northwestern Iberia. Tectonophysics 643, 44-54. 2015

79. McGee, A.S. Collins, R.I.F. Trindade, F. Jourdan. Investigating mid‐Ediacaran glaciation and final Gondwana amalgamation using coupled sedimentology and 40Ar/39Ar detrital muscovite provenance from the Paraguay Belt, Brazil . Sedimentology 62, 130-154. 2015

78. R. Taneja, C. O‟Neill, M. Lackie, T. Rushmer, P. Schmidt, F. Jourdan. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and the paleoposition of Christmas Island (Australia), Northeast Indian Ocean. Gondwana Research 28, 391-406, 2015.

2014 (17)

77. F. Wang,  F. Jourdan; C.-H. Lo; S. Nomade; H. Guillou; R. Zhu; L. Yang; W. Shi; H. Feng; L. Wu; H. Sang. YBCs sanidine: A new standard for 40Ar/39Ar dating. Chemical Geology 388, 87-97. 2014.

 76. M. Schmieder, F. Jourdan, E. Tohver, E.A. Cloutis. A refined 40Ar/39Ar age for the Saint Martin impact structure, Manitoba, Canada – Unchaining the Late Triassic terrestrial impact craters. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 406, 37-48. 2014.

75. B. Li, L. Bagas, F. Jourdan. Tectono-thermal evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic Granites-Tanami Orogen, North Australian Craton: Implications from hornblende and biotite 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Lithos 206-207, 262-276. 2014. 

74. S. Tessalina, F. Jourdan, L. Nunes, A. Kennedy, S. Denyszyn, I. Puchtel, M. Touboul, R. Creaser, M. Boyet, E. Belousova, A. Trinquier. Application of Radiogenic Isotopes in Geosciences: Overview and Perspectives, in K. Grice (ed.) Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences. Royal Society of Chemistry Detection Science Series 4, p. 49-93. 2014.

73. F. Jourdan, A. Frew, A. Joly, C. Mayers, N. Evans. WA1ms: a ~2.61 Ga muscovite standard for 40Ar/39Ar dating. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 141, 113-126. 2014.

72. M. de Kock, R. Ernst, U. Söderlund , F. Jourdan, A. Hofmann, B. Le Gall, H. Bertrand, B.C. Chisonga, N.J. Beukes, H..M. Rajesh, L.M. Moseki, R. Fuchs. Dykes of the 1.11 Ga Umkondo LIP, Southern Africa: Clues to a complex plumbing system. Precambrian Research 249, 129-143. 2014. 

71. F. Jourdan, G. Benedix, E. Eroglu, P. Bland, A. Bouvier. 40Ar/39Ar impact ages and time-temperature argon diffusion history of the Bunburra Rockhole anomalous basaltic achondrite. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 140, 391-409. 2014.

70.  A. Motoki, A.L. Araujo, S.E. Sichel, M.C. Geraldes, F. Jourdan, K.F. Motoki, S. Da Silva. Nepheline syenite magma differentiation, with continental crustal assimilation for the Cabo Frio Island intrusive complex, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Geosciencias 32, 195-218, 2014.

69. B. Sell, M. Ovtcharova, J. Guex, A. Bartolini, F. Jourdan, S.E. Jorge, J.-C. Vincente, U. Schaltegger. Evaluating the link between the Karoo LIP and climatic-biologic events of the Toarcian Stage with high-precision U-Pb geochronology. Earth and Planetary Science letters 408, 46-56.

68. F. Jourdan, K. Hodges, B. Sell, U. Schaltegger, M.T.D. Wingate, L.Z. Evins, U. Söderlund, P.W. Haines, D. Philips, T. Blenkinsop. High-precision dating of the Kalkarindji large igneous province, Australia, and synchrony with the Early–Middle Cambrian (Stage 4–5) extinction. Geology 42, 543-546. 2014. 

67. F. Jourdan, D.F. Mark, C. Verati. Advances in 40Ar/39Ar dating: from archaeology to planetary sciences – introduction. in Jourdan, F., Mark, D., Verati, C. Eds., Advances in  40Ar/39Ar Dating: from Archaeology to Planetary Sciences; Geological Society, London, Special Publication 378, 1-8. 2014.

66. F.L. Sutherland, I.T. Graham, J.D. Hollis, S.Meffre, H. Zwingmann, F. Jourdan, R.E. Pogson. Ages of multiple felsic events recorded within post-10 Ma basaltic volcanism, South-East Australia: Additional inputs in appraising proposed tectonic and magmatic models. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 61, 241-267. 2014.

65.  S. Mulcahy, S. Roeske , B. McClelland , J. Ellis , F. Jourdan , P. Renne , J. Vervoort , G. Vujovich.  Multiple migmatite events and cooling from granulite facies metamorphism within the Famatina arc margin of northwest Argentina. Tectonics 33, 1-21. 2014.

64. P. Munch, J.-J. Cornée, J.-F. Lebrun, F. Quillévéré, C. verati, M. Melinte-Dobrinescu, F. Demory, B. Smith, F. Jourdan, J.-M. Lardeaux, L. De Min, J.-L. Léticée, and A. Randrianasolo. Integrated chronostratigraphy and tectono-stratigraphy of Pliocene-Pleistocene shallow-water carbonate platforms in forearc setting within the Lesser Antilles subduction, Guadeloupe archipelago (FWI). Journal of Geological Society 171, 329-341

63.  A. Marzoli, F. Jourdan, F. Bussy, M. Chiarada, F. Costa. Petrogenesis of continental tholeiitic basalts from the Central Atlantic magmatic province as revealed by mineral major and trace elements and Sr isotopes. Lithos 188, 54-69. 2014 

62.  R. Merle, A. Marzoli, L. Reisberg, H. Bertrand, A. Nemchin, M. Chiaradia, S. Callegaro, F. Jourdan, G. Bellieni, D. Kontak, J. Puffer, J.G. McHone. Geochemical stratigraphy related to mantle source variations of CAMP tholeiites from Eastern North America (ENA) basins: Sr, Nd, Pb and Os isotope systematics. Journal of Petrology 135, 163-180. 2014

61. M. Schmieder, M. Trieloff, W.H. Schwarz, E. Buchner, and F. Jourdan. Supportive comment on "Morphology and population of binary asteroid ―Morphology and population of binary asteroid impact craters", by K. Miljković, G. S. Collins, S. Mannick and P. A., Bland [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 363 (2013) 121–132] – An updated assessment. Earth and Planetary Science letters 405, 281-284. 2014.

2013 (11)

60. Y.J. Lu, R. Kerrich, A.I.S. Kemp, T.C. McCuaig, Z.-Q. Hou, C.J.R. Hart, L. Bagas, Z.-M. Yang, J. Cliff, E.A. Belousova, F. Jourdan, N. Evans. Intracontinental Eocene-Oligocene Porphyry Cu Mineral Systems of Yunnan, Western Yangtze Craton, China: Compositional Characteristics, Sources, and Implications for Continental Collision Metallogeny. Journal of Economic Geology 108, 1541-1576. 2013.  

59. J. Richard, F. Jourdan, R.A. Creaser, G. Maldonado, A. DuFrane. Geology, geochemistry, geochronology and economic potential of Neogene volcanic rocks in the Laguna Pedernal and Salar de Aguas Calientes segments of the Archibarca lineament, northwest Argentina. Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research 258, 47-73. 2013. 

58. E.L. Klein, R.S. Angélica, C. Harris, F. Jourdan, M. Babinski. Mafic dykes intrusive into Pre-Cambrian rocks of the São Luís cratonic fragment and Gurupi Belt (Parnaíba Province), north-northeastern Brazil: Geochemistry, Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopes, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and relationships to CAMP magmatism. Lithos 172-173, 222-242. 2013. 

57. T. Kennedy, F. Jourdan, A.W.R. Bevan, M.A.M. Gee, A. Frew. Impact history of the HED parent body revealed by new 40Ar/39Ar analyses of five HED meteorites. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 115, 162-182. 2013. 

56. H. Zheng, P.D. Clift, R. Tada, J. Jia, M. He, P. Wang, L. Li, F. Jourdan. A Pre-Miocene birth to the Yangtze River. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 7556-7561 . 2013 

55. M. Schmieder & F. Jourdan. The Lappajärvi impact structure (Finland): Age, duration of hydrothermal crater cooling, and implication for early life. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 112, 321-339. 2013 

54. F. Jourdan, P. Renne. Neutron-induced 37Ar recoil ejection in Ca-rich minerals and implications for 40Ar/39Ar dating. 2013. in Jourdan, F., Mark, D., Verati, C. Eds., Advances in  40Ar/39Ar Dating: from Archaeology to Planetary Sciences; Geological Society, London, Special Publication 378, 1-8. 2014. 

53. C. Verati & F. Jourdan. Effect of sericitization of plagioclase on the 40K/40Ar and 40Ar/39Ar chronometers: implication for dating basaltic rocks and mineral deposits. 2013. in Jourdan, F., Mark, D., Verati, C. Eds., Advances in  40Ar/39Ar Dating: from Archaeology to Planetary Sciences; Geological Society, London, Special Publication 378, 1-8. 2014. 

52. N.J. Evans, B.IA. McInnes, B. McDonald, M. Danišík, F. Jourdan, C. Mayers, E. Thern, D. Corbett. U-Th-Pb-He double-dating of zircon from the diamondiferous Ellendale lamproite pipe, Western Australia. Mineralum Deposita 48, 413-421. 2013. 

51. F. Ayati, F. Yavuz, H. A. Haroni, J.P. Richards, F. Jourdan. Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic and Subvolcanic Rocks at the Dalli Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Markazi Province, Iran. International Geology Review 55, 158-184. 2013.  

50. C. Cucciniello, L. Melluso, F. Jourdan, J.J. Mahoney, T. Meisel, V. Morra. 40Ar-39Ar ages and isotope geochemistry of Cretaceous basalts in northern Madagascar: refining eruption ages, extent of crustal contamination and parental magmas in a flood basalt province. Geological Magazine 150, 1-17. 2013


2012 (12)

49. D. Cluzel, F. Jourdan, S. Meffre, P. Maurizot, S. Lesimple. Earliest Eocene MORB-like amphibolites from the sole of the ultramafic allochthon of New Caledonia; 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb, and geochemical evidence for subduction inception at a spreading ridge. Tectonics 31, TC3016. 2012.

48. K. Ueda, J. Jacobs, R.J. Thomas, J. Kosler, M.S.A Horstwood, J.-A. Wartho, F. Jourdan, B.Emmel, R. Matola. Post-collisional high-grade metamorphism, orogeniccollapse, and differential cooling of the East African Orogen of NE Mozambique. Journal of Geology 120, 507-530. 2012.

47. F. Jourdan, W. Sharp, P.R. Renne. 40Ar/39Ar ages for deep (~3.3 km) samples from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii Gcubed 13 (5) , art. no. Q05004. 2012.

46. E. Tohver, C. Lana, P.A. Cawood, I. Fletcher, F. Jourdan, S. Sherlock, B. Rasmussen, R.I.F. Trindade, E. Yokoyama, C.R. Souza Filho, Y. Marangoni. Geochronological constraints on a Permo-Triassic impact crater: U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar results from the 40 km Araguainha crater of central Brazil. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 86, 214-227.  2012.

45. Q. Zeng, T.C. McCuaig, C.J.R. Hart, F. Jourdan, J. Muhling. Structural and geochronological studies on the Liba goldfield of the West Qinling Orogen, Central China. Mineralum Deposita 47, 799-819. 2012.

44. F. Jourdan. The 40Ar/39Ar dating technique applied to planetary Sciences and impact craters. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 59, 199-224. 2012.

43. C.J. Forbes, D. Giles, F. Jourdan, K. Sato, S. Omori, M. Bunch. Cooling and exhumation history of the northeastern Gawler Craton. Precambrian Research 200-203, 209-238. 2012.

42. U. Reimold & F. Jourdan. Impact: craters, bolides and catastrophes In Jourdan, F., and Reimold, W.U., eds, Impact!: Elements 8, p.20-24. 2012

41. F. Jourdan, U. Reimold, A. Deutsch. Dating terrestrial impact structures. In Jourdan, F., and Reimold, W.U., eds, Impact!: Elements 8, p.46-50. 2012 

40. E. Tohver, P.A. Cawood, E.A. Rosselo, F. Jourdan. Closure of the Clymene Ocean and formation of West Gondwana in the Cambrian: evidence from the Sierras Australes of the southernmost Rio de Plata craton, Argentina. Gondwana Research 21, p.394-405, 2012.

39. K. Ueda, J. Jacobs, R.J. Thomas, J. Kosler, F. Jourdan, R. Matola. Delamination-induced late tectonic deformation and high-grade metamorphism of the Proterozoic Nampula Complex, northern Mozambique. Precambrian Research 196-197, p275-294, 2012.

38. G.M. Cox, C.J. Lewis, A.S. Collins, G.P. Halverson, F. Jourdan, D. Nettle, J. Foden, F. Kattan. Ediacaran Terrane Accretion in the Arabian Nubian Shield. Gondwana Research 21, p.341-352, 2012.


2011 (6)

37. I. Watkinson, C. Elders, G. Batt, F. Jourdan, R. Hall and N. McNaughton. The timing of strike-slip shear along the Ranong and Khlong Marui faults, Thailand. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, B09403.

36. F. Jourdan, F. Moynier, C. Koeberl, S. Eroglu. 40Ar/39Ar age of the Lonar Crater and consequence for the geochronology of planetary impacts. Geology 39, p.671-674, 2011.

35. A. Marzoli, F. Jourdan, J.H. Puffer, R.E. Weems, T. Cuppone, G. Bellieni, L.H. Tanner, H. Bertrand, S. Cirilli, A. De Min. Timing and duration of the Central Atlantic magmatic province in the Newark and Culpeper basins, eastern U.S.A. Lithos 122, p.175-188, 2011.

34. N. Clauer, F. Jourdan, H. Zwinmann. Dating petroleum emplacement by illite 40Ar/39Ar laser stepwise heating: a comment. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 95, p. 2107–2111 (2011).

33. S.R. Mulcahy, S.M. Roeske, W.C. McClelland, F. Jourdan, A. Iriondo, P.R. Renne, J.D. Vervoort, G.I. Vujovich. Structural evolution of a composite middle- to lower-crustal section: the Sierra de Pie de Palo, northwest Argentina. Tectonics 30, TC1005. 2011.

32. J. Just, B. Schulz, H. de Wall, F. Jourdan and M. K. Pandit. Monazite EMP age constraints on deformation along ductile shear zones in the Delhi Fold Belt: implications on Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of NW India. Gondwana Research 19, p.402-412, 2011.


 2010 (5) 

31. S. Hui., M. Norman, and F. Jourdan. Tracking Formation and Transport of Apollo 16 Lunar Impact Glasses through Chemistry and Dating, in Australian Space Science Conference Series: 9th Conference Proceedings NSSA Full Refereed Proceedings CD, (ed) W. Short and I. Cairns , National Space Society of Australia Ltd, conference held in Sydney, Australia September 28-30, 2009.  

30. F. Jourdan, M.A.G. Andreoli, I. McDonald, W. Maier. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the fossil LL6- chondrite from Morokweng Crater, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, p. 1734-1747, 2010.

29. S.M. Aciego, F. Jourdan, D.J. DePaolo, B.M. Kennedy, and P.R. Renne. Combined U-Th/He and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Post-shield Lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes, Hawaii. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 74, p. 1620-1635, 2010

28. F. Moynier, C. Koeberl, P. Beck, F. Jourdan, P. Telouk. Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, p. 799-807, 2010.

27. J.K. Pati, F. Jourdan, R.A. Armstrong, W.U. Reimold, K. Prakash, P.R. Renne. First SHRIMP U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar chronological results for the impact melt breccia from the Paleoproterozoic Dhala impact structure, India. in Gibson, R.L., and Reimold, W.U., eds., Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV: Geological Society of America Special Paper 465, p. 1–22, 2010.


2009 (9)

26. S. Cirilli, A. Marzoli, L. Tanner, H. Bertrand, N. Buratti, F. Jourdan, G. Bellieni, D. Kontak, P. Renne. Latest Triassic onset of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) volcanism in the Fundy Basin (Nova Scotia): new stratigraphic constraints. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286, p. 514-525, 2009.

25. F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, U.W. Reimold. An appraisal of the ages of terrestrial impact structures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Frontiers 286, P.1-13, 2009. [Citation in Science, Editor’s choice; vol. 325, 28 August 2009].

24. Öhman, T., Schmieder, M., F. Jourdan, Buchner, E., Raiskila, S., 2009. Summary: Shatter cones in Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland. Geologi 61, 195-197.

23. R. Merle, F. Jourdan, A. Marzoli, P. Renne, M. Grange, J. Girardeau. Evidence of multi-phase Cretaceous to Quaternary alkaline magmatism on Tore-Madeira Rise and neighbouring seamounts from 40Ar/39Ar ages. Journal of the Geological Society 166, p. 879-894, 2009.

22. L. Evins, F. Jourdan, D. Philips. The Cambrian Kalkarindji Large igneous province: extent and characteristics based on new 40Ar/39Ar and geochemical data. Lithos 110, p. 294-304, 2009.

21. F. Jourdan, A. Marzoli, H. Bertrand, S. Cirilli, L. Tanner, D. Kontak, G. McHone, P.R. Renne, G. Bellieni. 40Ar/39Ar ages of CAMP in North America: implications for the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the 40K decay constant bias. Lithos 110, p. 167-180, 2009.

20. F. Jourdan, H. Bertrand, G. Féraud, B. Le Gall, Lithospheric mantle evolution monitored by overlapping large igneous provinces: Case study in southern Africa Lithos 107,  p. 257-269, 2009.

19. N. Coltice, H. Bertrand, P. Rey, F. Jourdan, B.R. Philipps, Y. Ricard. Global warming of the mantle beneath continents back to the Archean. Gondwana Research 15, p. 254-266, 2009.

18. F. Moynier, P. Beck, F. Jourdan, Q.-Z. Yin, C. Koeberl, Isotopic fractionation of Zn in tektites. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 277, p.482-489. 2009.

 2008 (2)

17. F. Jourdan, G. Féraud, H. Bertrand, M.K Watkeys, P.R. Renne. 40Ar/39Ar ages of the sill complex of the Karoo large igneous province: implications for the Pliensbachian-Toarcian climate change. G-cubed  9, Q06009, 2008

16. F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, U.W. Reimold, High-precision 40Ar/39Ar age of the Jänisjärvi impact structure (Russia). Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 265, p.438-449. 2008.

 2007 (8)

 15.  F. Jourdan, G. Féraud, H. Bertrand, M.K Watkeys, P.R. Renne. Distinct brief major events in the Karoo large igneous province clarified by new 40Ar/39Ar ages on the Lesotho basalts. Lithos 98, p.195-209, 2007.

 14. W.U. Reimold, A. Wittek and F. Jourdan. Comment on “40Ar/39Ar age constraints on low-grade metamorphism and cleavage development in the Transvaal Supergroup (central Kaapvaal craton, South Africa): implications for the tectonic setting of the Bushveld Igneous Complex by Alexandre et al. (2006). South African Journal of Geology 110, p.157-159. 2007.

13. F. Jourdan, J.P. Matzel, P.R. Renne, Direct measurement of 39Ar (and 37Ar) recoil ejection during neutron irradiation of sanidine and plagioclase crystals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, p.2791-2808, 2007.

12. F. Jourdan, Bertrand, H., Sharer, U., Blichert-Toft, Féraud, G., Kampunzu, A.B., Le Gall, B., Watkeys, M.K., Major-trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope compositions of the Karoo large igneous province in Botswana-Zimbabwe. Journal of Petrology 48, p.1043-1077, 2007.

11. F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, U.W. Reimold, The problem of inherited 40Ar* in dating impact glass by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology: Evidence from the Tswaing crater, South Africa). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, p.1214-1231, 2007.

10. F. Jourdan, G. Féraud, H. Bertrand, M.K Watkeys. From flood basalts to the onset of oceanisation: example from the 40Ar/39Ar high-resolution picture of the Karoo large igneous province. G-cubed  8, Q02002, 2007

9. F. Jourdan & P.R. Renne, , Age calibration of the Fish Canyon sanidine 40Ar/39Ar dating standard using primary K-Ar standards. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, p. 387-402, 2007.

 8. F. Jourdan, Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Kampunzu, A.B., Tshoso, G. Watkeys, M.K. & Le Gall, B. Reply to Comment on “The Karoo large igneous province: Brevity, origin, and relation with mass extinction questioned by new 40Ar/39Ar age data” by Teal R. Riley, Philip T. Leat, Michael L. Curtis. Geology (online forum 2007).

 2006 (2)

 7. F. Jourdan, C. Verati, G. Feraud, Intercalibration of the Hb3gr 40Ar/39Ar dating standard. Chemical Geology 231, p.177-189, 2006.

 6. F. Jourdan, Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Watkeys, M.K., Kampunzu, A.B., Le Gall, B. Basement control on dyke distribution in Large Igneous Provinces: Case study of the Karoo triple junction. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 241, p. 307-322, 2006.

 2005 (2)

 5. F. Jourdan, Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Kampunzu, A.B., Tshoso, G. Watkeys, M.K. & Le Gall, B. The Karoo Large Igneous Province: brevity, origin and relation with mass extinction in question from new 40Ar/39Ar age data, Geology 33, p. 745-748, 2005. [Citation in Nature, Research highlight; vol. 437, sept2005].

 4. Le Gall B., Tshoso, G., Dyment, J. Kampunzu, A. B., Jourdan, F., Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Aubourg, C, Structure of the Okavango giant mafic dyke swarm (NE Botswana) and its significance within the Karoo large igneous province of southern Africa, Journal of structural geology 27, p. 2234-2255, 2005.

 2004-2002 (3)

 3. F. Jourdan, G. Féraud, H. Bertrand, A.B. Kampunzu, G. Tshoso,  B. Le Gall, J.J. Tiercelin, P. Capiez, The Karoo triple junction questioned : evidence from 40Ar/39Ar Jurassic and Proterozoïc ages and geochemistry of the Okavango dyke swarm (Botswana)., Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters  222, p. 989-1006, 2004.

 2. F. Jourdan, A. Marzoli, H.  Bertrand, M. Cosca, D. Fontignie., The northernmost CAMP: Ar/Ar age, petrology and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the Kerforne dyke, Brittany, France., in: The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, W. Hames, J.G. McHone, C. Rupel, P.R. Renne, ed. 136, pp. 209-226, AGU Monograph, 2003.

 1. B. Le Gall, G. Tshoso, F. Jourdan, G. Féraud, H. Bertrand, J.J. Tiercelin, A.B. Kampunzu, M.P. Modisi, J. Dyment, M. Maia., 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and structural data from the giant Okavango and related mafic dyke swarms, Karoo igneous province, Botswana, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 202, p. 595-606, 2002

Stand-by paper (no news / stale!)

E. Tohver., M. Schmieder, R. Arosio, K. Ratcliffe, F. Jourdan, A. Wilson, L. Lanci, T. Payenberg, S. Flint.  High and dry in southern Pangaea: tracking uplift of the Gondwanide mountains through detrital thermochronology of Karoo Basin sediments (in revision).

K.F. Oostingh, M. Danisík, N.J. Evans, F. Jourdan, B.J. McDonald, B.I.A. McInnes. (U-Th)/He dating of olivine phenocrysts in K-rich lamproites. (in revision). 

A. Walsh, D. Kelsey , M. Hand , F. Jourdan, R. Smithies. Crustal thickening in the Petermann Orogeny prior to 600 Ma; evidence from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and implications for spatial patterns of reworking in intraplate orogens. (Journal of the Geological Society, moderate revisions).