2010 Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (French academic diploma permitting to lead PhDs)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

2000 PhD in Sciences (2 prizes see below)

Faculty of sciences/ Department of General Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

1996 Master in Chemistry

Faculty of sciences/ Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  • POSITION(S) as from 01/09/2017

2017 - Hoofddocent, Algemene Chemie (ALGC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VUB (100%)

2017 - Maître de Conférences - hors classe, Lab. de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, Sorbonne Uni. (detached)


01/01/2013 – 31/08/2017 Maître de Conférences, Lab. de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

01/09/2007 – 31/12/2012, Maîtres de Conférences, Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

01/09/2006 – 31/08/2007, Contractual assistant professor, Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris6, Paris, France

01/01/2006 – 31/08/2006, Invited Researcher, Dept, Ciències Experimentals, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain

02/11/2004 - 01/11/2005, Postdoctoral Fellow (YARA), Laboratoire de Chemistry Théorique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris6, Paris, France

04/11/2003 - 01/11/2004, Marie Curie Host Development Fellow, Dept. Ciències Experimentals, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, Spain

01/11/2002 - 31/10/2003, Client Director & Partner at ABSS Europe, Business consulting & Web application developments. Steenokkerzeel, Belgium

01/03/2002 - 15/07/2002, R&D Manager at Altachem N.V., Poly-urethane foam research & development and customer support. Deinze, Belgium

01/11/2000 - 01/03/2002, Postdoctoral Fellow (ExxonMobil Chemical) financed by I.W.T (Flemish inst. for the support and developement of research and technology in Industry), Algemene Chemie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium


2020 Universite de Lorraine (France) invited professorship for 1 month

2019 Marie Curie Project - Maciej Gierada - Seal of Excellence H2020

2019 VUB, financed by Intern. Relations Dept. (IRMO), China visit 1 week

2019 Universite de Lorraine (France) invited professorship for 1 month

2016 Universidad del Litoral, Santa Fe (Argentina), invited professor for 2 weeks.

2013 & 2015 Universidad de Andres Bello (Chile) invited professorship for 2 weeks

2013 Amadeus Award for the best Hubert Curien project, France – Austria

2010 Universidad de Concepcion (Chile) invited professorship for 2 weeks

2004 Best poster award at the 3rd School on Catalysis, Poland

2001 Selected for the «ISHANGO 2001» award of the Brussels capital region, Belgium

2001 Best poster award at « Fundamentals of Adsorption » FOA7 Nagasaki, Japan

2001 Solvay Award 2000 « best PhD thesis » Belgium. 2500 Eur

2001 2nd at the « DSM Prijs voor Chemie en Technologie 2001 ». The Netherlands. 1250 Eur

2000 – 2002 Postdoctoral fellow (ExxonMobil Chemical) financed by I.W.T (Flemish inst. for the support

and development of research and technology in Industry), Belgium

2000 Selected for the best post Award at 5e VJC (Young Flemish Chemists), Belgium

1996 – 2000 PhD financed by I.W.T (Flemish inst. for the support and developement of research

and technology in Industry), Belgium

PUBLICATIONS: +150: 37 as first author, 58 as corr. author; 14 with PhD supervisor (0 since 2007) 2 Rev.

papers, 113 regular papers in peer-reviewed journ., 2 book chapters, 8 non peer rev. publ.

CITATIONS: WoS Author “Tielens, F” citations: +3500 h-index: 36 (google scholar)


8 PhD students as supervisor: A. Tougerti (2010, 20% UPMC, public French funding), G. Deroy (2010, 33% UPMC, public French funding), N. Folliet (2011, 50% UPMC, public French funding), K. El Adraa (2014, 50% UPMC, public Libanese fund.). I. Petit (2014, 100% UPMC, public French fund. + Labex Matisse fund.), T. Debroise (2016, UPMC, public French funding), X. Deraet (2017), C. Siakati (2017), Yangyang Su (2018), Mireille (2020) Host of 11 PhD short stays (> 6 months) since 2000. Present situation of the students: Assistant prof. in France: 1, in industry: 2, Assistant prof. abroad: 1 -- 9 postdocs: N. Luque (3 months in 2009, funding by COST and HPC-Europa programs), I. Tranca (3 months in 2011, funding HPC-Europa programs), D. Tranca (3 months in 2012, funding HPC-Europa programs), P. Gonzalez Navarrete (3 months in 2012, funding HPC-Europa programs), M.F. Juarez (2012, funding HPC-Europa programs), M. Rodriguez Castillo, (2 months in 2013, funding French National Funding ANR), D. Nassoko (1 year in 2014, funded by the Islamic Bank of Investment), T. Siodla, 3 months in 2015, 2018, Polish funding), L.F. Peiretti, 2016 - 2017, CONECYT funding) -- 9 Master (8 M2 and 1 M1 level, 5 of them co-supervised). 6 Bachelors


Responsibilities since 1996: group coordination in L1 (first year chemistry) since 2008, and coordinator of a M2 teaching unit since 2009, Jury member of the M2 dissertations: specialty “Chemistry and physical chemistry of materials”, since 2010, .Training projects for L2 and L3 students. 1996 - 2000, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. 2006 – today: UPMC +200 h/year since 2007 (level L1 to M2). 2016: Universidad de Concepcion, Chile, 2016 - : ENSCP, Paris, France, 2016: Uni. Del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina.


1996 – 1998 Member of the organization committee (section youth) of the Royal Flemish Society of Chemistry of Belgium, 1998 Member of the organization committee of the 4e VJC (Congres of the young Flemish chemists), 2008 Member of the organization committee of FEZA, 2009 Organization of a one-day workshop on modeling at the Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, 2009 Co-responsible for the organization of a “working group meeting” COST, 2009 Organization of a one-day workshop on modeling at the “institut des matériaux de Paris Centre”, Paris, 2010 Co-organization, Eulanest ERA-Net FP7 kickoff meeting Paris , 2013 Co-organization of a workshop on the modeling of oxides, CECAM, Paris. Member of the local organization committee of NANOSMAT 2017. Symposium in honor of R. Hoffmann (May 2018, Brussels).


2009 - Elected member of the users board of the French national computer center IDRIS (Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique), 2009 – 2017 Elected member of the laboratory board of the laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface, UPMC, 2010-2013 Member of the panel of the former students of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) for the evaluation by the ministry of higher education and research (Flanders, Belgium, 2016 Candidate at the elections of the Comité National Universitaire CNU (section 32), list UNSA-Sup’Recherche. (2015), 2016 - 2017 Elected membre of the Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique section 14.


Member of the jury for the “ISHANGO” award organized by Brussels Capital Region (2002), Member of the paper selection committee of FEZA 2008, Europacat 2009 – 2013, Referee of research projects: FONCYT (Argentina) 1 per year, ANR (France) 1 per year, FWO (Belgium) 1 per year, DFG (Germany) 1 per year, NSF and ACS (USA). Guest editor of a special issue of “Catalysis Today”: The synergistic power of theory and experiment in the investigation of catalytic processes; from characterization to reaction mechanism. 2011, 2001 – today, Reviewer for: Science, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Physics Letters, Surface Science, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Materials Sciences, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Catalysis Today, Theochem, Micro-Meso Porous Materials, Topics in Catalysis, Physics Letters A, Catal. Comm., Environ. Sci. Tech., Appl. Catal. A, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Molecular Modeling, ACS Nano, Applied Materials & Interfaces, Catalysis Science & Technology etc…


1996 – 2001: Member of the Flemish Chemical Society (section youth), 2006 – 2009: Member of COST D36 Structure-performance relationships at the surface of functional materials WG6, international, 2015 – today: Member of the American Chemical Society, 2015 - .


Trans. metals/silica: M. Ziolek, A. Mickiewicz uni. Poznan (PL), J. Baltrusaitis, Lehigh Uni. (USA), J. Handzlik, Cracow Uni. (PL), Self-Assemb. on metals: W. Schmickler, Ulm Uni. (D), P. Quaino, UNL (Arg), C. Sanchez, UPMC (F), Biological Materials: C. Bonhomme, UPMC (F), Reactivity: P. Geerlings, F. De Proft, VUB (B)