Diversity Mission

I am committed to UCR's mission is to provide educational success for underrepresented and first-generation college students.

To achieve this goal

I am a Math Alliance mentor.

The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences is an NSF funded community of math sciences faculty and students with the following goals:

  1. To increase the number of doctoral degrees in the mathematical sciences among groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in those fields.

  2. To improve placement of students from these groups in doctoral programs in disciplines that recruit undergraduate mathematics majors.

  3. To increase the number of Ph.D.s from these groups who enter the professoriate in the mathematical sciences as well as other appropriate professions.

  4. To increase funded research collaborations among faculty members at universities with mathematical sciences doctoral programs and faculty members at colleges and universities focused on undergraduate students.

  5. To foster the growth of a community of mathematical scientists that promotes a diverse workforce.