Population and community dynamics of wetland birds

I'm in general interested in bird population dynamics and wetlands are key areas for nature conservation and maintaining ecosystem functions.

-- Here's a short description of my postdoc in 2015 at SLU with Tomas Pärt & Jonas Knape --

There is great interest to assess, using wildlife data, the effectiveness of costly ecosystem restoration measures that should benefit biodiversity. However, there is often little dedicated data collection to that aim. Meanwhile, citizen science data accumulates at a high pace in massive online databases such as eBird, or the case of this study, the Swedish Species Gateway (http://www.slu.se/artdatabanken/). This crowd-sourcing could potentially be very beneficial to ecology, yet methods to harness sampling/detection bias for such opportunistic data are in their infancy. I used opportunistic citizen science data with hierarchical models to infer trends in bird population / community dynamics in wetlands.