Publication list

Preprints & submitted papers

Bardon G. & Barraquand F.  Effects of stage structure on coexistence: mixed benefits

Picoche C., Young W. & Barraquand F. Replication of  Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering of organisms - Young et al.  2001. Submitted to ReScience

Kleiven E.F., Barraquand F., Gimenez O., Henden J-A., Ims R.A., Soininen E. M., Yoccoz, N.G. A dynamic occupancy model for interacting species with two spatial scales.


Hartig F. & Barraquand F. (2022) The evidence contained in the P-value is context-dependent. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37(7), 569-570. 

Barraquand F., Picoche C.,  Aluome C., Carassou L. &  Feigné C. Looking for compensation at multiple scales in a wetland bird community.  Ecology and Evolution, accepted. 

Archambeau J., Benito-Garzón M., Barraquand F., De Miguel Vega M., Plomion C., & González-Martínez S. Combining climatic and genomic data improves range-wide tree height growth prediction in a forest tree. The American Naturalist, accepted. 

Picoche C. & Barraquand F. Seed banks can help to maintain the diversity of interacting phytoplankton species. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 538.


Barraquand F. & Nielsen Ó.K. (2021) Survival rates of adult and juvenile gyrfalcons in Iceland: estimates and drivers. PeerJ:e12404.

Quéroué, M., Barbraud, C., Barraquand, F., Turek, D., Delord, K., Pacoureau, N., & Gimenez, O. (2021). Multispecies integrated population model reveals bottom-up dynamics in a seabird predator-prey system. Ecological Monographs.

Barraquand F. (2021) Book review: Parameter Redundancy and Identifiability, by Diana Cole. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.

Barraquand F. & Gimenez O. (2021) Fitting stochastic predator-prey models using both population density and kill rate data. Theoretical Population Biology, 138, 1-27. doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2021.01.003


Barraquand F., Picoche C., Detto M. & Hartig F. Inferring species interactions using Granger causality and convergent cross mapping.  Theoretical Ecology, doi:10.1007/s12080-020-00482-7

Vortkamp I., Barraquand F. & Hilker F. Ecological Allee effects modulate optimal strategies for conservation in agricultural landscapes. Ecological Modelling, 435, 109208.

Sauve A.M & Barraquand F. From winter to summer and back: lessons from the parameterisation of a seasonal food web model for the Bialowieza forest. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(7), 1628-1644.

Picoche C. & Barraquand F. 2020 Strong self-regulation and widespread facilitative interactions in phytoplankton communities. Journal of Ecology, 108(6), 2232-2242. Postprint here

Sauve A. M., Taylor R. A., & Barraquand F. 2020. The effect of seasonal strength and abruptness on predator–prey dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 491, 110175.

Matthiopoulos J., Fieberg J., Aarts G., Barraquand F. & Kendall B.E. 2020. Within reach? Habitat availability as a function of individual mobility and spatial structuring. The American Naturalist,  195:6, 1009-1026.


Barraquand F. & Gimenez O. 2019. Integrating multiple data sources to fit matrix population models for interacting species. Ecological Modelling, 411, 108713.

Picoche C. & Barraquand F. 2019. How self-regulation, the storage effect and their interaction contribute to coexistence in stochastic and seasonal environments. Theoretical Ecology,12, 489-500. Preprint


Barraquand F. & Nielsen O. 2018 Predator-prey feedback in a gyrfalcon-ptarmigan system? Ecology & Evolution, 8:12425-12434. ! Corrigendum here.

Barraquand F.*, Picoche C.*, Maurer D., Carassou L. & Auby I. 2018 Coastal phytoplankton community dynamics and coexistence driven by intragroup density-dependence, light and hydrodynamics. Oikos, 127:1834-1852.  Appendices PDF. Code at GitHub.

Cognat M., Ganthy F., Auby I., Barraquand F., Rigouin L. & Sottolichio A. 2018 Environmental factors controlling growth of seagrass meadows of Zostera noltei in a context of drastic decline (Arcachon Bay, France). Journal of Sea Research, 140:87-104.

Knape J., Artl. D, Barraquand F., Berg Å., Chevalier M., Pärt. T, Ruete A. & Zmihorski, M. 2018 Sensitivity of binomial N-mixture models to overdispersion: the importance of assessing model fit. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:2102–2114.

Certain G., Barraquand F. & Gårdmark A. 2018. How do MAR(1) models cope with hidden nonlinearities in ecological dynamics? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:1975-1995.

Bouteiller X.P.,  Barraquand F., Garnier-Géré P., Harmand N., Laizet Y., Raimbault A. , Segura R., Lassois L., Monty A., Verdu C. , Mariette S. & Porté A.J. 2018. No evidence for genetic differentiation in juvenile traits between Belgian and French populations of the invasive tree Robinia pseudoacacia. Plant Ecology & Evolution, 151(1), 5-17.


Toigo M., Barraquand F., Barnagaud J.-Y, Piou D. & Jactel J. 2017. Geographical variation in climatic drivers of the pine processionary moth population dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management, 404, 141-155.

Barraquand F., Louca S., Abbott K.C., Cobbold C., Cordoleani F., DeAngelis D., Elderd B.D., Fox J.W., Greenwood P.,  Hilker F.M., Lutscher F., Murray D., Stieha C.R., Taylor R.A., Vitense K.,  Wolkowicz G. & Tyson R.C.  2017. Moving forward in circles: challenges and opportunities in modeling population cycles. Ecology Letters, 20(8), 1074–1092.


Pinot A., Barraquand F., Tedesco E., Lecoustre V. & Gauffre B. 2016. Density-dependent reproduction causes winter crashes in a common vole population. Population  Ecology, 58(3):395–405.

Jepsen J., Vindstad O.P., Barraquand F., Ims R.A. & Yoccoz, N.G. 2016. Continental scale travelling waves in forest geometrids in Europe: an evaluation of the evidence. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85: 385–390.


Barraquand F., New. L.F., Redpath S. & Matthiopoulos J. 2015. Indirect effects of primary prey population dynamics on alternative prey.  Theoretical Population Biology, 103:44-49. PDF, Preprint.

Ramasco V., Barraquand F., Biuw M., McConnell B., Nilssen K.T. 2015. The intensity of horizontal and vertical search in a diving forager: the harbour seal. Movement Ecology,  3:15


Barraquand F.∗ , Pinot A.∗ , Yoccoz N.G. & Bretagnolle V. 2014. Overcompensation and phase effects in a cyclic common vole population: between first and second order cycles. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 1367–1378. Data and computer files at Dryad.

Barraquand F. & Hušek. J. 2014. Covariation between mean vole density and variability drives the numerical response of storks to vole prey. Population Ecology, 56(3):551-553.

Barraquand F., Ezard T.H.G, Jørgensen P.S., Zimmerman N., Chamberlain S., Salguero-Gòmez R., Curran T.J. & Poisot T. Lack of quantitative training among early-career ecologists: a survey of the problem and potential solutions. PeerJ 2014.  Raw summary of the survey questionnaire.

Barraquand F., Høye T.T., Henden J.-A., Yoccoz N.G., Gilg O., Schmidt N.M., Sittler B. & Ims R.A. 2014. Demographic responses of a site-faithful and territorial predator to its fluctuating prey: Long-tailed skuas and arctic lemmings. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83: 375–387. Data and computer files at Dryad

Barraquand F. 2014.  Functional responses and predator-prey models: a critique of ratio-dependence. Theoretical Ecology. 7(1):3-20. PDF.

In reaction to the book How species interact by Arditi and Ginzburg (2012). Dwells on stochastic modelling more generally. Response here, and there is a review by P. Abrams too.


Barraquand F. & Yoccoz N.G. 2013. When can environmental variability benefit population growth? Counterintuitive effects of nonlinearities in vital rates. Theoretical Population Biology, 89:1-11. PDF.

Related post on mathoverflow about sums of log-concave functions. A review on the topic citing this work. 

Barraquand F. & Murrell D. 2013. Scaling up predator-prey dynamics with spatial moment equations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 276–289. Appendix here.


Barraquand F. & Murrell D. 2012. Intense or spatially heterogeneous predation can select against prey dispersal. PlosOne, 7(1): e28924.

Barraquand F. & Murrell D. 2012. Evolutionarily stable consumer home range size in relation to resource demography and consumer spatial organization. Theoretical Ecology, 5(4):567–589


Barraquand, F., & Martinet, V. 2011. Biological conservation in dynamic agricultural landscapes: Effectiveness of public policies and trade-offs with agricultural production. Ecological Economics, 70(5), 910-920

Barraquand, F., Inchausti, P. & Bretagnolle, V. 2009. Cognitive abilities of a central place forager interact with prey spatial aggregation in their effect on intake rate. Animal Behaviour, 78, 505-514

Barraquand, F. & Benhamou, S. 2008. Animal movements in heterogeneous landscapes: Identifying profitable places and homogeneous movement bouts Ecology, 89, 3336-3348

Conference papers

Martinet V. & Barraquand F. Trade-offs between food production and biodiversity conservation: some economic aspects.

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          Computer code

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Another kind of species-abundance distribution