Professor – Paris School of Economics

University Paris Panthéon - Sorbonne

Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2014-2019)


Past Positions

2010 - 2014 Professor – University of Lorraine

Sept. 2008 - March 2009 Invited researcher, Aarhus University (Denmark)

2006 – 2010 Maître de conférences, University of Strasbourg


Primary affiliation PjSE

Research fellow IZA (Bonn)

Administrative responsabilities

2019 - . : Elected Member of the department council of PSE (CLEOR)

2018 - . : President of CSS 05 (Univ Paris 1)

2012 – 2014, Director, ADRES (GIS CNRS)

2011– 2013, Head of the Master « Enseignement et Formation en SES » (Nancy)

2009 – 2014, Member of the scientific council, BETA UMR CNRS

2008– 2010, Member of the Board, Institut du Travail (Strasbourg)

Prize and Distinction

2014-2019 Institut Universitaire de France (junior member)

2009 Prime d’excellence scientifique

2005 Accessit of the French Economic Association Phd prize