Teaching material

Teaching experience and interests

My teaching interests are in the broad field of Statistical Physics and Statistical biophysics. You can download my teaching statement here.

    • During the academic year 2007/2008 I have run the exercise sessions for the course of Phase transitions of Prof. De Los Rios at the department of Physics, EPFL.

    • During the academic year 2003/2004 I have run the exercise sessions for the course of Advanced Statistical Physics of Prof. De Los Rios at the department of Physics, EPFL.

    • During the academic year 2002/2003 I have run the course of General Physics I at the University of Florence, Engineering Faculty, as contracted Professor.

    • During my Ph.D., I have tutored a number of undergraduate students from the courses of General Physics I and II.

    • In 2002, I have been invited at the IP-Socrates summer school 2002 in Florence to deliver a review lecture on statistical analysis of DNA sequences.

At EPFL, I regularly supervise students doing their master thesis, or their fourth-year practical works (pre-master research work). Additionally, I also supervise students doing projects on numerical anaylsis.

Teaching material

Statistical analysis of DNA sequences

Lecture delivered in July 2002 at: International IP-SOCRATES summer school on nonlinear time series analysis

Powerpoint presentation

Corso di Fisica generale I

Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'ambiente e delle risorse - PIN Prato (a.a. 2002/2003)

Programma del corso

Elementi di calcolo vettoriale

Elementi di cinematica del punto materiale

Esercizi di ricapitolazione di cinematica del punto materiale

Dinamica del punto materiale - Macchine di Atwood e di Fletcher - Esercizi di ricapitolazione

Alcuni esercizi sulla conservazione dell'energia meccanica.

Testi dei compiti parziali proposti agli studenti nell'a.a. 2002/2003

(29/11/2002) (28/01/2003) (20/02/2003)