
Publications in peer-reviewed journals

"Stability periods between financial crises: The role of macroeconomic fundamentals and crises management policies" with Bicaba Z. and Kapp D., Economic Modelling, Volume 43, December 2014, Pages 346–360

Chapters in Books

"Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Recessions", 2017,  with Coricelli F. and Fiorito R., in Rethinking Fiscal Policy after the Crisis, Cambridge University Press

"The Composition Effect of New Fiscal Rules in the Euro Area", 2017, with Creel J., in Financial Regulation in the EU: From Resilience to Growth, Springer Nature (Palgrave)

Working Papers

"Propagation and contagion of liquidity shocks in the Euro area", 2019 (upon request)

"Liquidity, Government Bonds and Sovereign Debt Crises", 2019 

"The Combination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Shocks: A TVP-FAVAR Approach", 2018, with Pappa P., CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12541    

"Repurchase agreements and systemic risk in the European sovereign debt crises: the role of European clearing houses", 2017, with Armakolla A., Laurent J.P. and Douady R., available at SSRN 

"Financial Crises, Political Constraints, and Policy Responses", 2014, with Bicaba Z. and Kapp D., in Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET)