
Research Interests

Econometric Theory, Spatial Econometrics, Applied Econometrics


Improved Lagrange Multiplier Tests in Spatial Autoregressions, with P.M. Robinson, The Econometrics Journal (2014) 17, 139-64.

Refined Tests for Spatial Correlation, with P.M. Robinson, Econometric Theory (2015) 31, 1-32 .

Refinements in Maximum Likelihood Inference on Spatial Autocorrelation in Panel Data, Journal of Econometrics (2015) 189, 446-456

Voters’ preferences and electoral systems: the EuroVotePlus experiment in Italy.

with L. Bettarelli, G. Iannantuoni and E. Manzoni, Economia Politica (2017) 34, 159-177.


Indirect Inference in Spatial Autoregressions, with M. Kyriacou and P.C.B. Phillips, The Econometrics Journal (2017) 20, 168-189. 


Continuously Updated Indirect Inference in Heteroskedastic Spatial Models, with M. Kyriacou and, P.C.B. Phillips, Econometric Theory (2023) 39, 107-145.  Supplementary material.


Higher-Order Least Squares Inference for Spatial Autoregressions, with P.M. Robinson, Journal of Econometrics (2023) 232, 244-269.  Supplementary material.


Spatial autoregressions with an extended parameter space and similarity-based weights, with O. Lieberman, Journal of Econometrics (2023) 235, 1770-1798.  Supplementary material.


Board diversity and outward FDI: evidence from Europe, with V. Gattai and P. Natale, Economic Modelling (2023)  120, 106156.


Inference in a similarity-based spatial autoregressive model, with O. Lieberman, Econometric Reviews (2023), 42:5, 471-486 . Supplementary material.

Heteroskedasticity-robust specification testing in spatial autoregressions, with J. Lee and P.C.B, Econometric Theory (2024), accepted. NEW VERSION COMING SOON



Working papers

Hidden networks within the European Parliament, a Spatial Econometrics Approach, with G. Iannantuoni and E. Manzoni. University of Verona, Department of Economics, Working Paper Series (2019).

Municipal waste policies and spillover effects, with A. Bucciol and R. Muri. University of Verona, Department of Economics, Working Paper Series (2023).


Work in progress

Testing for Linearity of Social Interaction Models and Network Interaction Functions, with A. Gupta and J. Lee.


Policy evaluation in housing market using spatial autoregression, with J. Lee, E. Manzoni, R. Ren.


Spatial autoregressions with endogenous weights, with O. Lieberman.


Consistent misspecification testing in spatial Durbin models, with J. Lee.

Other publications

Review of An Information Theoretic Approach to Econometrics, by G. G. Judge and R.C. Mittelhammer, Cambridge University Press, Economica (2014) 81, 596-597.


Internazionalizzazione delle imprese: quanto conta la presenza delle donne in CDA,  La Voce (2023), with V. Gattai and P. Natale.