Discussion of “The term structure of inflation forecasts disagreement and monetary transmission,” by A. Barbera, F.D. Xia and X.S. Zhu, Workshop on Macroeconomics and Survey Data, National Bank of Belgium, December 2023.
Discussion of “The term structure of inflation forecasts disagreement and monetary transmission,” by A. Barbera, F.D. Xia and X.S. Zhu, Workshop on Macroeconomics and Survey Data, National Bank of Belgium, December 2023.
Discussion of "House Price Expectations and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Survey Data Inflation Expectations" by R. Tar, V. Dhamija and R. Nunes, Inflation Drivers and Dynamics Conference, ECB, September 2023. Video
Discussion of "House Price Expectations and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Survey Data Inflation Expectations" by R. Tar, V. Dhamija and R. Nunes, Inflation Drivers and Dynamics Conference, ECB, September 2023. Video
Discussion of "The Aggregate Consequences of Overreaction" by Silvia Miranda Agrippino and Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Franqui Chair Symposium, May 2023
Discussion of "The Aggregate Consequences of Overreaction" by Silvia Miranda Agrippino and Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Franqui Chair Symposium, May 2023
Discussion of "Macro times are a-changing: Stabilisation policies after Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine" by Giancarlo Corsetti, 5th Future of Banking Conference, Mar 2023
Discussion of "Macro times are a-changing: Stabilisation policies after Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine" by Giancarlo Corsetti, 5th Future of Banking Conference, Mar 2023
Discussion of "The Risks of Inflation Dispersion in the Euro Area" by Stephane Lhussier, Aymeric Ortmans and Fabien Tripier, Banque de France – Pierre Werner Chair (EUI) Conference "Headwinds: upcoming macroeconomic risks," Dec 2022
Discussion of "The Risks of Inflation Dispersion in the Euro Area" by Stephane Lhussier, Aymeric Ortmans and Fabien Tripier, Banque de France – Pierre Werner Chair (EUI) Conference "Headwinds: upcoming macroeconomic risks," Dec 2022
Discussion of "Zero Lower Bound on Inflation Expectations" by Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Dimitriy Sergeyev, First annual BEAR conference: the monetary toolkit, BoE, Feb 2022. Video
Discussion of "Zero Lower Bound on Inflation Expectations" by Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Dimitriy Sergeyev, First annual BEAR conference: the monetary toolkit, BoE, Feb 2022. Video
Remarks for "Macroeconomic models for monetary policy: State of play and way forward," SUERF online Workshop, Feb 2022. Video
Remarks for "Macroeconomic models for monetary policy: State of play and way forward," SUERF online Workshop, Feb 2022. Video
Discussion of “Macroeconomic nowcasting with big data through the lens of a sparse factor model” by Laurent Ferrara and Anna Simoni, 10th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, June 2018
Discussion of “Macroeconomic nowcasting with big data through the lens of a sparse factor model” by Laurent Ferrara and Anna Simoni, 10th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, June 2018
Discussion of “Real-time data, professional forecasters and the output gap in an estimated New Keynesian DSGE model” by Frank Smets, Anders Warne and Raf Wouters, 7th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, May 2012
Discussion of “Real-time data, professional forecasters and the output gap in an estimated New Keynesian DSGE model” by Frank Smets, Anders Warne and Raf Wouters, 7th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, May 2012
Discussion of “Expectation Shocks and Learning as Drivers of the Business Cycle” by Fabio Milani, 6th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, March 2009
Discussion of “Expectation Shocks and Learning as Drivers of the Business Cycle” by Fabio Milani, 6th ECB Workshop on Forecasting Techniques, March 2009