Joan Baez

Parte 1:

"Give to me your tired and your poor                                              [Na primeira estrofe, uma citação:
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free                           Poema de Emma Lazarus colocado no pedestal da Estátua da Liberdade,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore                                 marco da Ellis Island, porta de ingresso dos  imigrantes que chegavam
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me."                   aos Estados Unidos no final do Século XIX e primeira metade do Século XX.]

Blessed are the persecuted
And blessed are the pure in heart
Blessed are the merciful
And blessed are the ones who mourn

The step is hard that tears away the roots
And says goodbye to friends and family
The fathers and the mothers weep
The children cannot comprehend

But when there is a promised land
The brave will go and others follow
The beauty of the human spirit
Is the will to try our dreams

And so the masses teemed across the ocean
To a land of peace and hope
But no one heard a voice or saw a light
As they were tumbled onto shore 
And none was welcomed by the echo of the phrase:
"I lift my lamp beside the golden door."                                     [Verso final do poema]

Blessed are the persecuted
And blessed are the pure in heart
Blessed are the merciful
And blessed are the ones who mourn

Parte 2:

Father, yes, I am a prisoner
Fear not to relay my crime
The crime is loving the forsaken
Only silence is shame

And now I'll tell you what's against us
An art that's lived for centuries
Go through the years and you will find
What's blackened all of history
Against us is the law
With its immensity of strength and power
Against us is the law!
Police know how to make a man
A guilty or an innocent
Against us is the power of police!
The shameless lies that men have told
Will ever more be paid in gold
Against us is the power of the gold!
Against us is racial hatred
And the simple fact that we are poor

My father dear, I am a prisoner
Don't be ashamed to tell my crime
The crime of love and brotherhood
And only silence is shame

With me I have my love, my innocence,
The workers, and the poor
For all of this I'm safe and strong
And hope is mine
Rebellion, revolution don't need dollars
They need this instead
Imagination, suffering, light and love
And care for every human being
You never steal, you never kill
You are a part of hope and life
The revolution goes from man to man
And heart to heart
And I sense when I look at the stars
That we are children of life
Death is small

Parte 2 com imagens documentais:

Composição: Ennio Morricone/Joan Baez