Make a Donation

Click the "Donate" button below for credit card donations.

If you already have a PayPal account you can maximize your donation. Login to your PayPal account. Go to "Pay or Send Money" then click "Send Money to Friends and Family." By entering the Foundation's email address "" you can donate fee free as long as you have a PayPal balance or your PayPal account is linked to a bank account.

Email the foundation at directly for information on how to donate; or use the donation form attached below. We appreciate any all donations.

If you would like to direct your donation to a particular program at Manchester Community Schools such as Athletics, Drama, English, Math, Science, etc. please indicate this on the form and the funds will be directed to the program.

Click the link below to make a payment or donation to the Foundation. Please include your name and the purpose of the payment/donation in the comment section.