
Download the program in pdf here.

Below is the list of accepted talks:


- Nicholas Asher -- tba

- Arie Verhagen - tba

- Henk Zeevat - tba


- Carla Umbach - Generating ad-hoc kinds by similarity

- Bridget Copley and Heidi Harley - Telicity is launching and atelicity is entrainment: A formal semantic proposal

- Vasil Penchev - Metaphor and Representation in Two Frames: Both Formal and Frame Semantics

- Sammie Tarenskeen, Bart Geurts and Mirjam Broersma - Pragmatic and cognitive approaches to referential overspecification

- José Vicente Hernández Conde - Verbs and Antonyms in Conceptual Semantics

- Jefferson Barlew - Polysemy in the meaning of come: Two senses with a common conceptual core

- Louise McNally and Alexandra Spalek - The logical semantic underpinnings of cross-linguistic variation in `figurative' uses of verbs

- Tillmann Pross and Antje Roßdeutscher - Representing force dynamics at the syntax-semantics interface

- Jens Fleischhauer, Thomas Gamerschlag and Wiebke Petersen - A frame analysis of the interplay of grammar and cognition in emission verbs

- Staffan Larsson - Judgement-based Semantics and Conceptual Spaces

- Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper and Staffan Larsson - A formal semantic model for spatial descriptions

- Maxime Corbeil and E. Allyn Smith - Integrating Epistemic Vigilance into the Calculation of Rhetorical Relations -

- Bart Geurts - Pragmatics and processing

- Joost Zwarts - Explorations in the 're' domain

POSTERS + short presentation

- Stella Karamagkiola - The complexity of semantic loan: Reflections and aporias on a fieldwork. What about a cognitive scenario?

- Constantina Theofanopoulou - A cognitive approach to the light verb constructions

- Elena Paducheva and Anna Zalizniak - Non-specific indefinite and negative polarity pronouns in Russian

- Lu Lu - A Constructional Analysis of Argument Realisations of Chinese Light Verb Constructions: A Pilot Study of jinxing in Mandarin

- Natalia Philippova and Natalia Zevakhina - Classes of adjectives and modifiers: not just lexical sematics