Shop from Home


Unable to shop yourself? 

 Shopping for groceries can be a huge hassle. That's why we took the next step into providing home delivery to those who need assistance shopping for groceries. Your items will be brought right to your home by two of our friendly route sales representatives.


How to order

 All orders must be received on Tuesday's between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Orders will be shopped and delivered on Wednesday's.  We can take orders by phone, email or you can drop off your list. If you are in need of this service please call the store to find out if you are within our delivery perimeter. 


What to include in the list

 First and Last name

Phone number


Form of payment


  Route Sales Representatives: 4

  Delivery Day: Wednesday's 

  Delivery Charge: $20.00

  Shop only Charge: $15.00


Phone: (609) - 581 - 0650 
