Curriculum vitae

Frederic Vermeulen

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Date of birth: April 16, 1974 (Kortrijk, Belgium).

Nationality: Belgian.

Contact details

Department of Economics

University of Leuven

Naamsestraat 69

B-3000 Leuven



Tel.: +32 (0)16 326816

Fax: +32 (0)16 326796




-          1997-2002: PhD Economics, University of Leuven.

-          1996-1997: Master of Science in Economics, University of Leuven.

-          1994-1996: Licentiaat in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, University of Antwerp.

-          1992-1994: Kandidaat in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen, University of Leuven Campus Kortrijk.

Professional experience

-          01/10/2012 – present: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Leuven.

-          09/04/2018 – 13/04/2018: Guest Professor, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima.

-          01/01/2010 – 30/09/2012: Professor of Microeconomics, Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Tilburg University.

-          01/01/2008 – 31/12/2009: Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Tilburg University.

-          01/09/2005 – 31/12/2007: Assistant Professor, Netspar and Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, Tilburg University.

-          01/10/2003 - 31/08/2005: post-doctoral researcher, RTN Fellow Economics of Ageing, CentER, Tilburg University.

-          01/01/2003 - 30/09/2003: post-doctoral researcher, Policy Research Centre (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of  Leuven) and Center for Economic Studies (Faculty of  Economic and Applied Economic Sciences, University of  Leuven).

-          01/10/1996 - 31/12/2002: Research assistant, Center for Economic Studies (University of Leuven).

Research interests

Household economics, labor economics, and applied microeconometrics.

Editorial work

-          Joint Managing Editor, Economic Journal, 01/07/2012 – 30/09/2019 and 23/11/2020 – 30/06/2021.

-          Member of the Editorial Board, Review of Economic Studies, 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2017.

-          Associate editor, Review of Economics of the Household, 08/01/2009 -

-          Associate editor, De Economist, 20/06/2011 –


-          CEPR research fellow, 12/2019 -

-          International fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, 09/2015 –

-          CentER extra-mural fellow, Tilburg University, 10/2012 –

-          IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor), Bonn, 05/2005 –




-          Capéau, B., L. Cherchye, K. Decancq, A. Decoster, B. De Rock, F. Maniquet, A. Nys, G. Périlleux, E. Ramaekers, Z. Rongé, E. Schokkaert and F. Vermeulen (2020), Well-being in Belgium. Beyond happiness and income, Springer.

-          Capéau, B., L. Cherchye, K. Decancq, A. Decoster, B. De Rock, F. Maniquet, A. Nys, G. Périlleux, E. Ramaekers, Z. Rongé, E. Schokkaert and F. Vermeulen (2019), En faut-il peu pour être heureux? Conditions de vie, bonheur et bien-être en Belgique, Anthemis, Limal, Belgium.

-          Capéau, B., L. Cherchye, K. Decancq, A. Decoster, B. De Rock, F. Maniquet, A. Nys, G. Périlleux, E. Ramaekers, Z. Rongé, E. Schokkaert and F. Vermeulen (2018), Wat heet dan gelukkig zijn? Geluk, welvaart en welzijn van de Belgen, Garant, Antwerp, Belgium.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2011), Over kinderen en collectieve keuzes, Tilburg University, inaugural address.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2002), Essays on the collective approach to household labour supply, University of Leuven, Faculty of Economic and Applied Economic Sciences, doctoral dissertation.

Papers in edited volumes

-          Vermeulen, F. (2019), “Over tijd, geld en de huwelijksmarkt” in B. Pattyn and P. D’hoine (editors), Identiteit in perspectief. Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw, Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, F. Vermeulen and E. Verriest (2011), ‘’Revealed preference tests for collective behavior’’ in J.A. Molina (editor), Household Economic Behaviors, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

-          Cherchye, L., I. Crawford, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2009), “The revealed preference approach to demand” in D. Slottje (editor), Quantifying consumer preferences, Contributions to Economic Analysis, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK.

Journal articles

-          Bostyn, R., L. Cherchye, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (forthcoming), "Time use, intrahousehold inequality and individual welfare: revealed preference analysis", Research in Labor Economics - Special Volume on Time Use (edited by D. Hamermesh, S. Polachek and K. Tatsiramos).

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, S. Walther and F. Vermeulen (2021), "Where did it go wrong? Marriage and divorce in Malawi", Quantitative Economics, 12, 505-545.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, R. Griffith, M. O'Connell, K. Smith and F. Vermeulen (2020), "A new year, a new you? Within-individual variation in food purchases", European Economic Review, 127.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, K. Surana and F. Vermeulen (2020), "Marital matching, economies of scale and intrahousehold allocations", Review of Economics and Statistics, 102, 823-837.

-          Cherchye, L., S. Cosaert, B. De Rock, P.-J. Kerstens, and F. Vermeulen (2018), "Individual welfare analysis for collective households", Journal of Public Economics, 166, 98-114.

-          Cherchye, L., T. Demuynck, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2017), “Household consumption when the marriage is stable”, American Economic Review, 107, 1507-1534.

-          Cherchye, L., I. Crawford, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2016), “Revealed preference and aggregation“, SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 7, 203-220.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2015), “A simple identification strategy for Gary Becker’s time allocation model“, Economics Letters, 137, 187-190.

-         Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, A. Lewbel and F. Vermeulen (2015), “Sharing rule identification for general collective consumption models“, Econometrica, 83, 2001-2041.

-         Blundell, R., M. Browning, L. Cherchye, I. Crawford, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2015), “Sharp for SARP: Nonparametric bounds on counterfactual demands”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7, 43-60.

-         Boone, J., K. van der Wiel, A. van Soest and F. Vermeulen (2014), “Kinky choices, dictators and split might”. IZA Journal of Labor Economics (Special issue in honor of Gary Becker), 3-11.

-          Bernal, N. and F. Vermeulen (2014), “The impact of an increase in the legal retirement age on the effective retirement age”, de Economist, 162, 115–145.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2012), “Married with children: A collective labor supply model with detailed time use and intrahousehold expenditure information”, American Economic Review, 102, 3377-3405.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2012), “Economic well-being and poverty among the elderly: an analysis based on a collective consumption model’’, European Economic Review, 56, 985-1000.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2012), “Foundations of Revealed Preference: Introduction”, Economic Journal, 122, 287-294.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2012), “Collective household consumption behavior: Revealed preference analysis”, Foundations and Trends in Econometrics, 4, 225-312.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2011), “The revealed preference approach to collective consumption behavior: testing and sharing rule recovery”, Review of Economic Studies, 78, 176-198.

-          Michaud, P.-C. and F. Vermeulen (2011), “A collective labor supply model with complementarities in leisure: identification and estimation by means of panel data”, Labour Economics, 18, 159-167.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2010), “An Afriat Theorem for the collective model of household consumption’’, Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 1142-1163.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2009), “Opening the black box of intra-household decision-making: Theory and non-parametric empirical tests of general collective consumption models”, Journal of Political Economy, 117, 1074-1104.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock, J. Sabbe and F. Vermeulen (2008), “Nonparametric tests of collectively rational consumption behavior: an integer programming procedure”, Journal of Econometrics, 147, 258-267.

-          Cherchye, L. and F. Vermeulen (2008), “Nonparametric analysis of household labor supply: goodness-of-fit and power of the unitary and the collective model”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 90, 267-274.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2008), “Analyzing cost efficient production behaviour under economies of scope: a nonparametric methodology”, Operations Research, 56, 204-221.

-          Kalwij, A. and F. Vermeulen (2008), “Health and labour force participation of older people in Europe: what do objective health indicators add to the analysis?”, Health Economics, 17, 619-638.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2007), “The collective model of household consumption: a nonparametric characterization”, Econometrica, 75, 553-574.

-          Van Ours, J. and F. Vermeulen (2007), “Ranking Dutch economists”, De Economist, 155, 469-487.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2006), “A collective model for female labour supply with nonparticipation and taxation”, Journal of Population Economics, 19, 99-118.

-          Bargain, O., M. Beblo, D. Beninger, R. Blundell, R. Carrasco, M.-C. Chiuri, F. Laisney, V. Lechene, N. Moreau, M. Myck, J. Ruiz-Castillo and F. Vermeulen (2006), “Does the representation of household behavior matter for welfare analysis of tax-benefit policies? An introduction”, Review of Economics of the Household, 4, 99-111.

-          Vermeulen, F., O. Bargain, M. Beblo, D. Beninger, R. Blundell, R. Carrasco, M.-C. Chiuri, F. Laisney, V. Lechene, N. Moreau, M. Myck and J. Ruiz-Castillo (2006), “Collective models of labor supply with nonconvex budget sets and nonparticipation: a calibration approach”, Review of Economics of the Household, 4, 113-127.

-          Myck, M., O. Bargain, M. Beblo, D. Beninger, R. Blundell, R. Carrasco, M.-C. Chiuri, F. Laisney, V. Lechene, E. Longobardi, N. Moreau, J. Ruiz-Castillo and F. Vermeulen (2006), “The Working Families’ Tax Credit and some European tax reforms in a collective setting”, Review of Economics of the Household, 4, 129-158.

-          Beninger, D., O. Bargain, M. Beblo, R. Blundell, R. Carrasco, M.-C. Chiuri, F. Laisney, V. Lechene, E. Longobardi, N. Moreau, M. Myck, J. Ruiz-Castillo and F. Vermeulen (2006), “Evaluating the move to a linear tax system in Germany and other European countries”, Review of Economics of the Household, 4, 159-180.

-          Cherchye, L. and F. Vermeulen (2006), “Robust rankings of multi-dimensional performances. An application to Tour de France racing cyclists”, Journal of Sports Economics, 7, 359-373.

-          Vermeulen, F. and A. Watteyne (2006), “Quand un et un ne font plus deux: calcul d’échelles d’équivalence intra-familiales au moyen d’un modèle collectif”, Actualité Economique, 82, 155-180.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2005), “And the winner is... An empirical evaluation of unitary and collective labour supply models”, Empirical Economics, 30, 711-734.

-          Capéau, B., A. Decoster and F. Vermeulen (2005), “Homeownership and the life cycle: an ordered logit approach”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 51, 345-357.

-          Vermeulen, F. and A. Watteyne (2005), “Welvaartseconomische aspecten van de collectieve benadering van het gedrag van gezinnen”, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 50, 261-286.

-          Capéau, B., A. Decoster and F. Vermeulen (2004), “Het effect van de verlaging van de Vlaamse registratierechten: simulaties met een geordend logitmodel”, Kwartaalschrift Economie, 1, 63-82.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2003), “Do smokers behave differently? A tale of zero expenditures and separability concepts”, Economics Bulletin, 4, 1-7.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2002), “Collective household models: principles and main results”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 16, 533-564.

-          Vermeulen, F. (2001), “A note on Heckman-type corrections in models for zero expenditures”, Applied Economics, 33, 1089-1092.

Unpublished and not yet accepted manuscripts

-          Browning, M., L. Cherchye, T. Demuynck, B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2023), "Stable marriage, household consumption and unobserved match quality", Department of Economics discussion paper, DPS21.10, University of Leuven.

-          Cherchye, L., P.-A. Chiappori, B. De Rock, C. Ringdal and F. Vermeulen (2021), "Feed the children", Department of Economics discussion paper, DPS21.09, University of Leuven.

-          Cherchye, L., B. De Rock and F. Vermeulen (2023), “Nonparametric models in consumer behaviour”, DPS23.04, University of Leuven.

-          Cherchye L., T. Demuynck T., B. De Rock, M. Kovaleva, G. Minne, M. De Sola Perea, and F. Vermeulen (2023), “Poor and wealthy hand-to-mouth households in Belgium”, Working paper 432, National Bank of Belgium.

Other contributions and popular press

-          “Homogamie en ongelijkheid”, Karakter. Tijdschrift van wetenschap, 83, Academische Stichting Leuven, 2023.

-          Interview “Ambitie kan uw geluk aantasten”, De Standaard, 01/12/2018.

-          “De vakbondsleiders moeten dringend naar Londen”, De Morgen, 13/09/2013.

-          “Waarom een leerplicht vanaf 3 jaar een goed idee is”, De Morgen, 03/09/2008.

-          “Dopinggebruik steunt op wiskundige logica”, De Tijd, 08/02/2005.

Other academic contributions

Ad-hoc reviewer for

American Economic Review, Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Economic Journal, Journal of the European Economic Association, International Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Economic Theory, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Theory and Decision, Economica, Empirical Economics, International Journal of Manpower, Review of Economics of the Household, Canadian Journal of Economics, de Economist, Economics Letters, Labour, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Research in Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Review of Business and Economics.

External referee for

European Research Council, National Science Foundation (United States of America), Economic & Social Research Council (United Kingdom), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canada Council for the Arts, Israel Science Foundation, Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, Leverhulme Trust, French National Research Agency (ANR).

Programme committee

-          Society of Economics of the Household, Singapore, 28-29/05/2024.

-          Society of Economics of the Household, Boston (virtual meeting), 24-25/05/2021.

-          Society of Economics of the Household, Venice (cancelled due to covid19), 24-25/05/2020.

-          Econometric Society European Meeting, Toulouse, 25-29/08/2014.

-          Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Toulouse, 25-29/08/2014.

-          Econometric Society European Meeting, Gothenburg, 26-30/08/2013.

-          Econometric Society European Meeting, Malaga, 27-31/08/2012.

-          European Society for Population Economics, University College London, 19-21/06/2008.

Advisory committee

Member of advisory committee of the NWO-Mozaïek competition.

Scientific advice

-          Development of the tool KindKompas in collaboration with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and the child benefit fund MyFamily. The tool allows Flemish families to compute the cost of their children. See

-          Advice to City of Antwerp education network on the matching of students to secondary schools.


-          2019: Winner of the Francqui Prize of the Francqui Foundation (together with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock).


-          2015: Pioneer Award, Humanities and Social Sciences Group, University of Leuven (together with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock).

-          Winner (together with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock) of the 2008 prize of the Association of Economics (Vereniging voor Economie) for the paper “The revealed preference approach to collective consumption behavior: testing, recovery and welfare analysis” (awarded to authors under the age of 35).

-          Runner-up for the 2007 Pierson Medal of the Dutch Royal Economic Association (awarded to a young and promising researcher).


Research grants

-          01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023: Research project from BELSPO: “The paradox of Belgian inequality studies: Belgium less unequal than others?” (research consortium of scholars from the University of Leuven, the University of Antwerp and the ULB).

-          01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023: Research project grant from the Flemish science foundation (FWO): “Labour market choices and well-being of individuals inside households: preferences, opportunities or traditional role patterns” (€ 412,497; together with André Decoster and Erwin Ooghe).

-          01/01/2018 – 31/12/2021: EOS research grant from the FWO and FRS-FNRS: “Individual welfare analysis based on behavioural economics” (€ 2,759,013; principal investigators: Bram De Rock, Koen Decancq, François Maniquet and Frederic Vermeulen).

-           01/01/2017 – 31/12/2021: Research project grant from the Flemish science foundation (FWO): “On marriage markets and household decision behavior” (€ 215,000; together with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock).

-          26/05/2015: Pioneer Award, Humanities and Social Sciences Group, University of Leuven (together with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock, € 10,000).

-          01/01/2014 – 31/12/2017: Research project grant from the Flemish science foundation (FWO): “Modeling labor supply and fertility decisions” (€ 256,000).

-          01/10/2012 – 30/09/2016: Research project grant from the Special Research Fund KU Leuven: “Collective choice and children” (€ 250,000).

-          01/09/2012-31/08/2017: Top Grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) (together with Arthur van Soest, Marcel Das and Laurens Cherchye). Title: Modeling preferences and decisions of individuals and households (€ 747,000).

-          01/01/2008-31/12/2012: VIDI grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). Title: Methodological advances in the collective approach to household behaviour (ca. € 600,000).


PhD Thesis supervision

-          Zhijie Wang (University of Leuven): ongoing.

-          Alexander Wintzéus (University of Leuven): ongoing.

-          Wietse Leleu (University of Leuven): ongoing.

-          Gaston Fernandez (University of Leuven): ongoing.

-          Duygu Güner (University of Leuven): ongoing.

-          02/03/2018: Laure Weckx (University of Leuven). First placement: VRT (Flemish Broadcast Corporation).

-          03/11/2014: Noelia Bernal (Tilburg University). First placement: University of Piura.

-          19/12/2013: Jochem de Bresser (Tilburg University). First placement: University of Groningen.

-          04/12/2009: Karen van der Wiel (Tilburg University and Netspar). First placement: CPB Netherlands.

-          03/12/2007: Bram De Rock (University of Leuven), “Collective choice behavior: a revealed preference approach”, joint supervision with Laurens Cherchye. First placement: ECARES-Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Member of PhD thesis committee/ External examiner

-          15/06/2022: Vincent Delabastita (University of Leuven).

-          16/02/2021: Alex Vickery (Royal Holloway).

-          13/03/2020: Sahawal Alidou (University of Antwerp and University of Leuven).

-          02/12/2019: Bart van Leeuwen (University of Groningen).

-          20/06/2019: Edoardo Ciscato (Sciences Po).

-          23/08/2018: Mery Ferrando (Université catholique de Louvain).

-          14/09/2017: Simon Weber (Sciences Po).

-          18/11/2016: Stefan Hubner (Tilburg University).

-          26/09/2016: Laura Blow (University College London).

-          09/06/2015: Sam Cosaert (University of Leuven).

-          02/07/2014: Maria Gustafsson (European University Institute, Florence).

-          14/10/2013: Abi Adams (University of Oxford).

-          24/09/2012: Tunga Kantarci (Tilburg University).

-          10/02/2012: Unnati Rani Saha (Tilburg University).

-          14/12/2010: Jeroen Sabbe (University of Leuven).

-          13/12/2010: Eleonora Matteazzi (University of Cergy-Pontoise).

-          16/03/2010: Holger Stichnoth (Paris School of Economics).

-          11/01/2008: Anne Gielen (Tilburg University).


-          2023-’24, 1st semester, lectures “Advanced Microeconomics 1”, Master of Advanced Studies in Economics, University of Leuven.

-          2023-’24, 2nd semester, lectures “Economie”, Bachelor in the political sciences and sociology, University of Leuven.

-          2023-’24, 2nd semester, “Advanced topics in labor and public economics”, Master of Advanced Studies in Economics, University of Leuven.

-          2023-’24, 2nd semester, lectures “Empirical Evaluation of Public Policy”, Master in Beleidseconomie, University of Leuven.


In the past, I taught various econometrics and microeconomics courses at Tilburg University.

Managerial duties

-          Faculty Assessment Committee (01/10/2022 – 30/09/2023).

-          Director Graduate Studies, Department of Economics (01/08/2019 - ).

-          Member Department Management Team (01/08/2013 – 31/07/2017 as Vice-Coordinator Research and 01/08/2019 – as DGS). 

-          Board member of ECORES (15/10/2013 - ).

-          Seminar organizer of the Center for Economic Studies seminar series (01/09/2013 – 30/06/2018).

-          Education coordinator econometrics track Graduate Program in Economics (01/09/2010 – 30/05/2012).

-          Member of the committee reforming the Graduate Program in Economics (01/09/2010 – 30/05/2012).

-          Seminar organizer of Economics and Statistics seminar series (together with R. Laeven) (20/06/2006 – 30/06/2010).

-          Member of the job market committees 2008 and 2009 for the Department of Econometrics and OR.

-          Member of the committee establishing an MSc in Quantitative Marketing, 2008.

-          Member of the committee reforming the econometrics courses in the BSc Econometrics and Operations Research, 2009.

Invited seminars and Keynote addresses

-          May 2, 2024, University of Oslo, Norway.

-          November 29, 2023, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

-          June 6, 2023: Keynote address at the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO), Copenhagen, Denmark.

-          February 22, 2022, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, US (online).

-          November 17, 2021, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

-          February 28, 2020, Washington University at St.-Louis, Saint-Louis, US.

-          February 25, 2020, Microeconomic colloquium, Columbia University, New York, US.

-          December 3, 2019, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

-          November 19, 2019, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

-          November 6, 2019, Bank of Spain, Spain.

-          November 19, 2018, CER-ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

-          November 7, 2018, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

-          September 12, 2018, Master class at WOLFE, University of York, UK.

-          September 10-11, 2018, Keynote address at WOLFE, University of York, UK.

-          June 7, 2018, Seminar, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

-          May 9, 2018, Seminar, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg.

-          December 5, 2017, Seminar, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

-          September 12, 2017, Seminar, CPB, The Hague, the Netherlands.

-          June 20, 2017, Seminar, University of Bonn, Germany.

-          May 12, 2017, Seminar, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru.

-          November 15, 2016, Seminar, Royal Holloway, London, UK.

-          November 8, 2016, Seminar, Texas A&M, College Park, US.

-          November 7, 2016, Seminar, Rice University, Houston, US.

-          October 26, 2016, Seminar, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

-          December 14-15, 2015: Keynote address at Doctoriales, Université de Cergy-Pontoise.

-          December 1, 2015, Seminar, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany.

-          November 2, 2015, Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

-          May 12, 2015, Seminar, Bristol University, UK.

-          April 21, 2015, Seminar, IRES, UC Louvain, Belgium.

-          February 17, 2015, Seminar, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.

-          December 1, 2014, Seminar, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy.

-          October 16, 2014, Seminar, University College London, UK.

-          June 11, 2014, Seminar, University of Leicester, UK.

-          April 25, 2014, Seminar, Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles, Belgium.

-          March 3, 2014, Seminar, University of Bologna, Italy.

-          January 23, 2014, Malinvaud Econometrics Seminar, CREST, France.

-          October 29, 2013, Seminar, Sveriges Riksbank, Sweden.

-          May 2, 2013, Seminar, University of East Anglia, UK.

-          November 15, 2012, Labour and Microeconometrics seminar, Oxford, UK.

-          May 11, 2012, Seminar, DIW-Berlin, Germany.

-          February 15, 2012, Seminar, University of Bergen, Norway.

-          February 2, 2011, Seminar, University of Groningen, Groningen.

-          January 13, 2011, Winter school on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, University of Verona, Alba di Canazei.

-          October 11, 2010, Seminar, CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve.

-          October 20, 2009, Seminar, University of Essex.

-          March 9, 2009: Research on Monday seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

-          March 3, 2009: Economics seminar, University of Maastricht, Maastricht.

-          October 14, 2008: Economics seminar, ECARES-ULB, Brussels.

-          May 30, 2008: Seminar, University of Alicante, Alicante.

-          March 25, 2008: Seminar, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam.

-          March 3, 2008: Seminar, University College Dublin, Dublin.

-          February 7, 2008: Seminar, University of Leuven, Leuven.

-          June 11, 2007: IFS-seminar, University College London, London.

-          May 22, 2007: Econometrics seminar, University of Toulouse, Toulouse.

-          March 22, 2007: Econometrics and Applied Economics workshop, University of Manchester, Manchester.

-          December 15, 2006: Econometrics and Applied Economics seminar Universidad Carlos III, Madrid.

-          October 19, 2006: Seminar University of Cergy-Pontoise, Cercy-Pontoise.

-          July 5, 2006: Applied Economics and Econometrics Workshop, University of Mannheim, Mannheim.

-          December 7, 2005: CES Seminar, University of Leuven, Leuven.

-          December 1, 2005: Louvain Economic Seminar, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve.

-          March 1, 2005: IZA Research seminar, IZA, Bonn.

-          February 9, 2005: Econometrics seminar, CentER, Tilburg University.

-          November 3, 2004: Seminar series Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute, University of Utrecht.

-          October 22, 2003: Economics workshop, Department of Economics, Ghent University, Ghent.

-          February 26, 2003: Research seminar, Faculty of Applied Economics, UFSIA-RUCA, Antwerp.

-          December 19, 2002: Thursday seminar, Centre for Applied Microeconometrics, Copenhagen.

Date when CV was written

September 27, 2023.