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Floxo's is a site devoted to perspectives on economics, philosophy, mathematics, computer software and more. In this site you will find pages on:


Find out how an economy should be run. In Politics.

Trade theory is a hotly debated issue. Is free trade always mutually beneficial or can there be winners and losers? Download a free computer model of trade that actually allows realistic assumptions and see for yourself. Visit Trade.


At the turn of the 19th century, the German philosopher Edmund Husserl wrote a theory of dependence. Although neglected for many years, there has been a resurgence of interest by Peter Simons, Kit Fine, Fabrice Correia among others. This narrow branch of metaphysics may have far reaching implications. It is discussed and extended in Ontology.

Since the golden age of the ancient Greeks, philosophy has not had the recognition it deserves. It is the backbone of all other academic disciplines and all would benefit by a thorough going philosophical examination of their foundations. Foundations.


Set theory is overrated. Floxo offers an alternative. Go to Alternatives.

Computer Software

Mortgage and interest rate calculator: Free calculator for term deposits and mortgage calculations. 

Flox Trade: A trade simulator for the economic analysis of international trade. 

Flox Calc: An advanced script driven calculator.

Flox Fractal: A program generating fractal images. The usual Mandelbrot and Julia sets are featured, along with a host of other fractal types based on various iterative mathematical schemes.

Interstellar Travel

 Flox Calc provides specialized functions allowing the most advanced modelling of interstellar travel scenarios available on the net. Plan a trip to your favourite exoplanet specifying acceleration and coast times against your estimation of available drive technology based on the exhaust velocity possible in your chosen time frame. Fuel usage is accurately modelled using a form of the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation modified for constant acceleration. So will we really get there? Probably yes, but it will require advances in current drive technology - visit the interstellar travel page for all the details.  

My software is provided free for your use. They are standalone applications, so installation is not required. All should run from any drive including usb keys. They contain NO scamware, advertising, unwanted programs, or other viral rubbish often associated with freeware. 

As a retired math geek with an economics degree, my one remaining goal in life is to leave this planet a little better for my having been here.