About Us

The Flower City Garden Network is an all-volunteer organization made up of gardening educators and enthusiasts. We offer get-togethers in special gardens, nature walks, garden-related events, and talks.

Join our email list for updates for our upcoming programs by emailing flowercitygardennetwork@gmail.com xxx

Most events require membership, which allows you free entry for members (and a guest, except where attendance is limited). Our casual get-togethers, offered about once per month in garden season, are generally in private local gardens. Members may wander around the garden at their own pace, chat with the owner and other FCGN members and enjoy refreshments. We occasionally offer wildflower and tree walks in local parks and arboretums. When pandemic conditions have allowed, we have had a winter seed swap with lectures, which was open to the public.

Membership is $20, which you may pay by sending a check for $20 made payable to FCGN and mailed to FCGN, 11 Inverness Circle, Fairport NY 14450, including a note with all of your contact information. Be sure to include your mailing address, email address, and phone number.

If you are not yet a member and would like to attend an event, respond to our email (if you are on our email list) or email flowercitygardennetwork@gmail.com to register. You may then bring your membership payment and contact information to the event. Registration for most events is required.