Call for Papers

The 46th Annual FWSS Conference and Meeting will be held at the Florida FFA Leadership Training and Event Center in Haines City, FL. The program details will be announced soon.

Please email a Word document with your presentation title and abstract (250 words maximum) to the Program Chair, Dr. Calvin Odero (
by March 15, 2024. Include your complete presentation title and all authors. Use bold, underlined type to identify the presenter and * to denote participation in the Graduate Student contest. Please include the email address and academic rank of the presenter, along with the affiliations of all authors.

Formatting example: 

Efficacy of aquatic herbicides on rotala (Rotala rotundifolia).

Carl J Della Torre III*, Lyn A Gettys and William T Haller 


Presenting author contact information


Academic rank (graduate student, associate professor, etc.):  





Note: all presenters are expected to register for and attend the entire conference. If you are unable to present  on a specific date or at a specific time, you MUST convey this information to the Program Chair when you submit your abstract.

In addition, should you know of a speaker you feel would contribute to the program, or have a  topic that needs to be addressed during the annual meeting, please email this information to  Dr. Odero.