
Banks in WAEMU 


The database compiles financial information (extracted from in balance sheets and income statements) of all banks operating in the West African Economic and Monetary Union from 2000 to 2019. I also compiled non-financial information from other sources such as the number of employees, of ATMs or the capital structure. First-level data are extracted from several documents published online by the Banking Commission and the Central Bank (BCEAO) including : 

All initial sources are available in the zip file (sources). I merged information unique the unique identifier provided by the Central Bank at each institution. 


Database is available HERE

The file include the database (in Stata format), sources (pdf) and an Excel file decribing variables and explaining how items were harmonized across the two versions of balance sheets and income statements (see below). 



Data are freely available in the different documents provided by the Banking Commission and Central Bank. My only task was to compile and harmonize them to produce an usable database for everyone (many different researchers employ similar data but they do not share their final database). I made the choice to diffuse the database to favor empirical works on banks in WAEMU. It was a long and very time-consuming task to produce a harmonized dataset. I therefore invite users to cite the following paper when they will employ this version of the database: 


I thank different institutions hosting me when I collected data, namely Cerdi-Université d'Auvergne (first work on these data was done during my PhD), University of Luxembourg and Ferdi. I am also indebtful to Alou Alesse Adama for helping me to collect data. 


Any researcher willing to contact me regarding the database can send me an email at:

Credit Structure Database 


The Credit Structure Database contains data on credit structure over the period 1995-2014 for 143 countries. Data were hand-collected from Central Banks' publications including annual reports, annual bulletin and statistical digests. I considered all countries for which I was able to identify a consistent data source. The database contains two modules. 


Data are available HERE in two formats: Excel (.xlsx) and Stata (.dta). 

To facilitate comparisons and replications exercises, I also add total credit to the private sector reported in the Global Financial Development Database (Link) as well as data on credit to the non-financial sector provided by the Bank for International Settlements (Link).


The database was hand-collected and compiled by myself (Florian Léon). Data are provided free of charge but when using the database please cite: 

For detailed description of how the database was constructed, the list of variables and the list of countries, see the related paper. I would also be grateful if you could send an electronic copy of any work featuring data from the Credit Structure Database at


I did my ultimate best to provide accurate information in this database. However, I or the institutions to which I am and has been affiliated do not take responsibility for any remaining errors. By downloading data from CSD, you assume full responsibility for their use. If you are fully convinced that you have discovered an error, please contact me at