Floer Homology and Homotopy Theory
Summer school July 10 - 14, 2017
Conference July 17 - 21, 2017
University of California at Los Angeles
Overview: The two events will bring together symplectic geometers, low dimensional topologists, and algebraic topologists. The main goal will be to explore the use of homotopy theoretic methods in Floer theory. The summer school will cover background material, aimed at familiarizing students and researchers with the material in each of the three fields. It will be followed by a research conference.
Summer school speakers and topics
Anna Marie Bohmann (Vanderbilt) and Carolyn Yarnall (Kentucky): From classical to modern spectra, and equivariant stable homotopy theory.
Kristen Hendricks (Michigan State): Lagrangian Floer theory, and equivariant Floer homology.
Alexander Kupers (Copenhagen): Topological manifolds.
Jianfeng Lin (MIT): Seiberg-Witten Floer spectra.
John Pardon (Princeton): Orbifolds, and virtual classes in Floer theory.
Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins): Homotopy coherent structures.
Sucharit Sarkar (UCLA): From flow categories to spectra, and a Khovanov stable homotopy type.
Conference speakers
Organizers: Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia), Andrew Blumberg (UT Austin), Mike Hill (UCLA), Tyler Lawson (Minnesota), Robert Lipshitz (Oregon), Ciprian Manolescu (UCLA), and Sucharit Sarkar (UCLA).