About Sam Fried

About Sam Fried....

Sam has published over 1000 photographs and 54 feature articles in field guides, books, newspapers and magazines worldwide, including National Audubon, Birder's World, Bird Watcher's Digest, Birding and Living Bird Quarterly magazines. He also wrote several chapters of the Insight Guides book on Birding in North America, published by The Discovery Channel.

Sam has presented over 500 slide shows, all illustrated with his photos, to a wide variety of organizations and birding festivals.

As the founder of Flights of Fancy Adventures, LLC, a birding, photography and natural history company, Sam offers small group, low cost, high quality trips to North, Central and South American destinations. He is a past President of Hartford Audubon Society.

Sam's North American life lists include 749 bird species seen, and the number photographed is currently 730 and rising.

Please open the attached PDF file for a list of published articles.

photo by Barbara Steele