
“Credit, banking fragility and economic performance” (2023), with Jérôme Creel, and Paul Hubert, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 75(2), pp. 553–573.

 "Beyond the Interest Rate Pass-through: Monetary Policy and Banks Interest Rates during the Effective Lower Bound" (2022), with Christophe Blot, Applied Economics, 54(51), pp. 5976-5990.

“Capital ratios and banking crises in the European Union” (2022), with Raphaël Cardot-Martin, and Catherine Refait-Alexandre, International Economics, vol. 172(C), pp. 389-402.

"The Signaling Effects of Central Bank Tone" (2021), with Paul Hubert, European Economic Review, Vol. 133, april.

"Monetary policy and asset prices in the euro area since the global financial crisis" (2020), with Christophe Blot and Paul Hubert, Revue d'Economie Politique, 130(2), 257-281.

"The Intertwining of Credit and Banking Fragility" (2020), with Jérôme Creel and Paul Hubert, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(1), 459-475.

"The Role of ECB Monetary Policy and Financial Stress on Eurozone Sovereign Yields" (2020), with Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel and Paul Hubert, Empirical Economics.

"The Effect of ECB Forward Guidance on the Term Structure of Interest Rates" (2018), with Paul Hubert, International Journal of Central Banking, 14(5), 193-222.

“Les effets redistributifs des politiques monétaires de la BCE” (2017), with Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel and Paul Hubert, Revue d’économie financière, Vol. 4, pp. 165-180.

“Euro Area inflation and ECB Policy in a global environment“ (2016), with Blot, C., Creel, J., Hubert P. and Ragot X., Politica Economica/Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. XXXII(3), pp. 539-554.

“Financial stability and economic performance” (2015), with Jérôme Creel and Paul Hubert, Economic Modelling., Vol. 48 (C), pp. 25-40.

« Synchronisation des chocs d’offre et de demande en Europe. Un après euro ou un après crise des subprimes ?» (2013), with Natacha Gilson, l’Actualité Économique, Vol. 89 (3), pp. 155-190.

« Do Financial Markets Learn from ECB Monetary Policy? » (2013), with Jean-Yves Filbien, Economics Letters, Vol. 120 (2), pp. 271-275. [Link]

“Macroeconomic, financial and institutional determinants of Eurozone sovereign crisis - Evidence from daily data” (2013), with Yann Echinard and Jean-Yves Filbien, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 33 (2), pp.1170-1176. [Link]

« Politique monétaire unique, taux bancaires et prix immobiliers dans la zone euro » (2013), with Christophe Blot, Revue de l’OFCE (128), pp. 189-215. [PDF] [Link]

“Bank interest rate pass-through in the Eurozone: monetary policy transmission before and after the financial crash” (2013), with Christophe Blot, Economics Bulletin, Vol.33 (2), pp. 973-985. [Link]

« Synchronisation des cycles régionaux dans la zone euro » (2013), Revue d’économie Régionale et Urbaine, (2), pp. 269-296. [Link]

« Réactions des marchés d’actions de la zone euro aux annonces non anticipées de la BCE » (2012), with Jean-Yves Filbien, Brussels Economic Review, Vol.55 (2), pp. 179-204. [Link]

« Le rôle international de l’euro » (2010), Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, n°4, pp.35-46. [Link]