Jon's Story

I was raised in a Christian family in a little town called Elysburg Pa., home of Knoebels Grove amusement park. I went to church with my family my whole childhood. It mattered little if I wanted to go or not. I look back on that situation positively. My parents believed they knew what was best for me and they led by example.

I believed what I was being taught at church, mostly because those I trusted believed it. I believed that Jesus Christ was the only way to heaven. I believed that a person must receive a relationship with Him by faith. They must "get saved". And either a person had done so or they hadn't. I would frequently ask my parents about people's spiritual status. I knew it was the most important thing about a person.

When I was about 12, I began realizing that I must make this step for myself. So I began praying "the sinner's prayer". I would ask Christ into my life. I had heard often that everything changes when a person is saved, so I expected some kind of emotional fireworks. But no matter how many times I prayed, those dynamics never happened.

One Sunday morning I felt very compelled to get right with God. I was crying during a Communion service, of all things. My mother knew I was under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, so she told me to "go forward". That is what you did in our church. Serious business was done at what was called "the alter". So I crashed the Communion service to get saved. The thing is, even though the Pastor was very good and advised me properly and questioned me thoroughly, I left church that morning still believing that nothing was any different. I felt the same as I always had. No fireworks.

Well I was miserable. I was 12 years old and couldn't eat or sleep. I was distraught. I was convinced that God did not want me. Eventually my mom questioned me about my somber mood. I told her about my conclusion that God did not want me. She asked me to read John 3:16. I could have quoted that verse backwards and upside down. I couldn't see how that could possibly help. But I did it none-the-less.

John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Then she asked me a very simple question. It was, in fact, the perfect question. She asked this. "Does God lie". She had struck on the heart of the issue. I had to believe what God had said because He said it. I had to believe His word, not my experience. And that day I began to understand what faith in God really is.

Now I would be lying if I were to say that things went smoothly for me after that. I guess that because I had no experience that granted me some kind of assurance, I had to find it through reason. For the next three years I went through a great deal of doubt. And that doubt drove me to look for answers.

I had to answer questions like, how do I know this is true? How do I know that other religions are not the way to God? How can I be sure that I am right with God?

So I began to read everything I could get my hands on having to do with apologetics- the verification of truth. I am not a deep thinker. But I worked hard at it.

Eventually I began coming to some conclusions. And they became more solid each day. Over time I understood that the two points that all my beliefs hinge upon are the creation of the world, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As I read the evidence of these two events, I became convinced they were true.

As I studied other religions I began to see that Christianity has elements that no other religions have.

First, Christianity is not about man reaching out to God. It is about God reaching out to man. There is nothing, no ceremony, no inner oneness to reach, no external works to perform that can get us into communion with God. No, the answer is in God sending Christ into our world. We bring to God only our falleness and receive from Him relationship that is provided by Him.

Second, Christianity has the concept of Grace. Again, there is nothing to earn or attain. God withholds the punishment we deserve. And then on top of that He grants us eternal life with Him which we could never deserve. And we can do nothing to earn it. The religion is not given to drive us into acts of service. We are given the "A" for the course before we pick up the pencil. That is only a trait of Christianity.

And third, it's primary spiritual leader is alive and there is historical evidence for it. That is also not true of any other religion.

So, having come to terms with reason for my beliefs, I clung to them through High School and into college. At College I volunteered for a high school ministry- Young Life. And then accepted a job in Youth For Christ in Garrett County Maryland when I graduated from college.

Since then, after a long mentor-ship with Mike Friend, our local pastor, I took his preaching responsibilities after his sudden death.

I also work full time at an insurance agency, Associated Insurance Centers with 15 locations. I am responsible, primarily, for the Information Technology at all locations.