
Finding communities in large networks

MAM: comments by users

A C++ and a matlab version of the program are freely available for download. More information can be found in the readme file included in both distributions.

Details about our method can be found in this article:Fast unfolding of communities in large networks

This project has been developed by Vincent Blondel, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Renaud Lambiotte, and Etienne Lefebvre

I just read your new paper on the archive about your algorithm for

detecting communities. It is a very nice piece of work with very

impressive results! I shall definitely cite it.

M. N.

Your code is giving the best possible results ! Indeed, your code is working great ! I can only thank you and praise you for the great work, required to produce an excellente code. I have been analyzing and testing the communities found by your code in our mobile phone network, and so far the results are being impressive.

E. P.

I would like to congratulate your recent success in dealing with truly large-scale complex networks.

K. W.

For more information, or comments, please send an email to Jean-Loup Guillaume, Vincent Blondel or Renaud Lambiotte. For specific comments concerning the code or if you find any bug, contact Jean-Loup Guillaume.