Data and Programs

BEA Local Area Data (Table CA35)

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This dataset was provided by the BEA Local Area program. It contained detailed annual transfer data at the sub-state level (e.g. county, metro etc). As a result of the sequester, the program was discontinued and the dataset removed from the BEA website. I provide this set as a courtesy to interested researchers. This dataset was used for "Crime and Unemployment Insurance in the Great Recession".

SCF Stata Code


This is a translation to Stata of the SAS code used by the authors of the Survey of Consumer Finances to create wealth variables to be used in their bulletin (e.g. see here). This is provided as a courtesy to whoever wants to use these datasets in the Stata, and the author bears no responsibility for any typos, errors, and omissions. For more information see here. Comments and suggestions welcome. This code was used for "Labor Supply and Bequest Taxation: Behavioral Responses of Future Inheritance Givers".