2014 Publications and News Reports


Refereed Journal Articles:

  1. Pitts, B. I., Chapman, P., Safer, M. A., Figley, C. R. & Russell, D. W. (in press, 2014). Combat experiences differentially predict post-deploymet syptoms in US Ary Combat Medics. Journal of military Psychology

  2. Russell, M. C. & Figley, C. R. (2014). Overview of the Affordable Care Act's Impact on Military and Veteran Mental Health Services: Nine Implications for Significant Improvements in Care. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation. 13: 1-2, 162-196.

  3. Boscarino, J. A., Hoffman, S. N., Kirchner, J. L., Erlich, P. M., Adams, R. E., Figley, C.R., Solhkhah, R. (2014). Mental Health outcomes among vulnerable residents after Hurricane Sandy: Implications for disaster research and planning. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 9:2, 107-120.

  4. Chapman, P. L., Elnitsky, C., Thurman, R. M., Pitts, B. L, Figley, C. R., & Unwin, B. (2014). Posttraumatic stress, depression, stigma, and barriers to care among US Army healthcare providers. Traumatology, 20, 19-23.

News Reports:

WGNO Darlan Trotter:

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) - For the second time in less than a week, a New Orleans police officer has been charged with a felony stemming from alleged domestic battery.

“I’m surprised actually that we haven’t heard of more of these instances,” Tulane University Sociologist Charles R. Figley said.

He’s talking about New Orleans police officers accused of domestic abuse.

Read more: http://wgno.com/2014/07/14/second-nopd-officer-faces-felony-domestic-abuse-charges/#ixzz37gP8NpmV

Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:


k C. Russell

a & Charles R. Figley b


Institute of War Stress Injury, Recovery, & Social Justice , Antioch University Seattle , Seattle , Washington , USA


Tulane Traumatology Institute , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana , USA

Accepted author version posted online: 26 Mar 2014.Published online: 02 May 2014.

Accepted author version posted online: 26 Mar 2014.Published online: 02 May 2014.