Call for Papers

The workshop on the Functionality of Hardware Performance Monitors (FHPM) is a forum to bring together a community consisting of the designers of HPMs, developers, researchers of software tools that use HPMs, and those who use these tools to evaluate systems and applications. Bringing designers and users together in this venue is intended to positively influence the hardware design cycle. In particular, there is a pressing need for future convergence between the needs and expectations of HPM users and the possibilities and constraints placed on hardware designs.

This one-day workshop invites participation from chip designers/architects, tool developers, experts in performance analysis, and model developers. The speakers will be asked to give presentations that present novel use cases or elicit ideas and reaction rather than simply provide current project information. Guided discussion sessions with broad participation by all participants will be a major part of the final agenda.

Previous workshops addressed the design and use of HPMs in the current generation of microprocessors. In addition to this core issue, we are especially interested in presentations that address the following issues:

    • HPM issues with Chip Multi-Processing (CMP) and Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT)

    • HPMs uses in performance modeling (memory system models, execution models, ...)

    • Off core/chip monitors (memory, bus, memory hub controller(MHC) ...)

    • Operating system interface to HPMs

    • Network HPMs

    • New HPM features

    • Current HPM deficiencies

    • HPM for Power management

    • Novel uses for HPM

    • Bridging the gap between features and usability.

The tangible result of the workshop will be a web site that will contain presentation materials, useful resources, and summaries of the discussions and recommendations of the participants. This site is intended to be used as a reference for designers of future chip sets and supporting software engineers.



Rob Fowler (Renci),

Mike Lang (Los Alamos National Labs),

Tipp Moseley (Google),

Phil Mucci (Samara Technology Group, University of Tennessee),

Neil Vachharajani (Google),

Submission Instructions

Please send a 2-page abstract to with the subject FHPM-2010 Abstract <Your Name>.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 2010-Oct-08.

Notification: 2010-Oct-29

Camera-ready: 2010-Nov-19. Slides and abstract will be made available via the FHPM-2010 website.

FHPM-2010: 4-Dec-2010