The Drool Room

"Every now and then, I run into an unexpected gem of a book. The Drool Room is such a book. Ira Socol took me with him on a wild roller coaster ride through microfiction generated from his early life in school and into a career as an intense NYPD cop. His was a world of school failure powered by a combination of what he came to know as both dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. His voice rises and falls, dips and dizzies with the sights, sounds, and smells of a ride gone wild. Then, Socol brings the coaster to a breathless halt and I sit there in silence; thankful to have experienced his voice." - Pam Moran on Amazon.comPaperback Amazon (US)Paperback Amazon (UK)Kindle EditionPaperback Barnes&NobleAccessible PDF LuluThe Drool Roomby Ira David Socol978-0615165448