PE Dance Project

Fraser Heights Library Learning Commons

 PE Dept. Grade 8 Dance Project


THE TASK: Select one dance from a particular historical period, genre, or country/region.

 Dance Form Examples:

Historical Period: The Disco Era, the Roaring Twenties, the Sixties,

 Genre: Latin, Ballroom, Belly Dance, Flamenco, Musical Theatre Dance, Square Dance, Jazz, Modern, Tap, Ballet, Swing

 Country or Region: Cape Breton, South Africa, Irish, Scottish, Cuban, Greek, Indian


Some Topics to include:

Historical Background:

Stylistic Features

Cultural Importance


 You can use the Internet, books, the databases, or magazines to help you research your dance. For example - you can type in “Dances from Australia” or “Ukrainian Folk Dance” into a search engine and go from there. Make sure you are using credible websites.


 THIS PROJECT WILL BE YOUR MARK FOR THE DANCE UNIT AND A SUBSTANTIAL PERCENTAGE of your TERM GRADE. You will be marked not only on the content, but how effectively you have used the class time.



Research                           /20    

Did the research cover all aspects of the assignment? (Historical, stylistic, cultural?)  Was it quality research?  Was there enough information?

Visual Presentation           /20

Was the visual well organized and informative?

Is the final product is unique, powerful and effective?

 Use of Class Time        /10           

Student has made effective use of class research time

2    Student has missed most classes.

4    Student has been mostly present, but does very little work.

6    Student has put in an average amount of work.

8    Student is usually on task and working hard.

10    Student is always on task.


Evaluation                                                                         /50 points