PE Dance Project
Fraser Heights Library Learning Commons
PE Dept. Grade 8 Dance Project
THE TASK: Select one dance from a particular historical period, genre, or country/region.
Dance Form Examples:
Historical Period: The Disco Era, the Roaring Twenties, the Sixties,
Genre: Latin, Ballroom, Belly Dance, Flamenco, Musical Theatre Dance, Square Dance, Jazz, Modern, Tap, Ballet, Swing
Country or Region: Cape Breton, South Africa, Irish, Scottish, Cuban, Greek, Indian
Research and create a presentation on the dance under the following three headings: Historical Background, Stylistic and Physical Features, Cultural Importance.
Some Topics to include:
Historical Background:
The type of dance and its name
The geography and climate of the country of origin (include a map of the location)
Any historical factors that might have influenced the dance
Stylistic Features
Traditional cultural music used, instruments used, or any other items used in performing the dance
Quality of the movements (sharp, graceful, bouncy, energetic, abrupt, low, fast, etc.)
Frequent moves: pointed feet, raised arms, turns, floor work, lifts, partnering
Traditional cultural attire for dance (costume). A picture or video is helpful here.
Cultural Importance
The beliefs and customs of the culture/society in relation to the dance
The purpose of the dance (e.g.: social, ritual, ceremonial, celebratory, entertainment, competition, expressive, etc.)
The symbolism, if any, used in the dance
When is the dance done or performed?
What do the dancers and the audience experience during the performance?
Include your information on a Power Point, A Prezi, a Glog or a presentation tool of your choice.
Include lots of images.
Present your information in a clear and attractive manner.
Organize your information into THREE categories (Historical Background, Stylistic Features, Cultural Importance)
Remember to cite your sources and include a bibliography at the end of the visual presentation.
You can use the Internet, books, the databases, or magazines to help you research your dance. For example - you can type in “Dances from Australia” or “Ukrainian Folk Dance” into a search engine and go from there. Make sure you are using credible websites.
THIS PROJECT WILL BE YOUR MARK FOR THE DANCE UNIT AND A SUBSTANTIAL PERCENTAGE of your TERM GRADE. You will be marked not only on the content, but how effectively you have used the class time.
Research /20
Did the research cover all aspects of the assignment? (Historical, stylistic, cultural?) Was it quality research? Was there enough information?
Visual Presentation /20
Was the visual well organized and informative?
Is the final product is unique, powerful and effective?
Use of Class Time /10
Student has made effective use of class research time
2 Student has missed most classes.
4 Student has been mostly present, but does very little work.
6 Student has put in an average amount of work.
8 Student is usually on task and working hard.
10 Student is always on task.
Evaluation /50 points