FGWALK4 Specification and Update

16 July 2020

#Run os command cat fgfs --list-aircraft > fgaircraftlist.txt - DONE

#Open file - DONE

#Read contents of file to a list - DONE

#Display List in a drop down - DONE

#When button pressed, create string using the selected aircraft as text - PENDING : Selection of aircraft from drop down

#Construct command string - Pending above

#Run OS command - WORKING

22 October 2015

Notes: V4 will be written using procedures to simplify coding and maintenance. Also, auto-generation of list of aircraft installed will be impplented


#Run os command cat fgfs --list-aircraft > fgaircraftlist.txt

#Open file

#Read contents of file to a list

#Display List in a drop down

#When button pressed, create string using the selected aircraft as text

#Construct command string

#Run OS command