By-Laws for Northwest District ,  Federal Garden Club of Missouri Inc.

By-Laws for Northwest District, Federal Garden Clubs of Missouri Inc.

(Revised 2014)

ARTICLE I - Identification.

This organization is a division of the Federated Garden Club of Missouri Inc. and the National Council of State Garden Clubs Inc. and titled the Northwest District. 

The District shall abide by the objectives, bylaws and standing rules of the larger organization.

ARTICLE II  -  Officers.

Section 1. Officers will be elected by majority vote and installed at the annual meeting in the odd numbered years. The effective Officers shall be Director, Assistant Director, Secretary and Treasurer to serve one (1) term (2 years) with the exception Secretary and Treasurer who can serve three (3) consecutive terms (Adopted September 8, 2007).

Section 2.   The Director may appoint a Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian.

Section 3.   The above Officers form the Executive Commitee.

Section 4.   All elected or appointed officers must be members of a Garden Club within the District.

Section 5. To be eligible for election as Director or Assistant Director the person must have been on the Board and attended an Annual Meeting within the past four (4) years.

Section 6.   The duties of Director, Assistant Director and Treasurer are listed in the Garden Club Manual (2016 Revised Edition) in Chapter IV.

A.   The District Director shall in addition disseminate information from the Club President's Reports to the District Chairmen for use in making their reports.

B.   The Assistant Director shall in addition act as the District Awards Chairman.

C.   The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Meetings. Withing two (2) weeks of the Meeting she shall forward a copy of the minutes to the District Director. The Secretary shall also hold in custody the written records of all Meetings and shall pass them to the next Secretary.

ARTICLE III- The Board of Directors.

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Presidents of Member Clubs, the Chairmen of Standing Committees and the Advisory Council.

Section 2. The Executive Committees shall render decisions on matters demanding immediate attention between Meetings of the Board of Directors. A quorum of three (3) is required to conduct business.

Section 3. Chairmen of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the District Director to serve during her term of office. The Standing Committees will be based on the State Standing Committees and any other Committees deemed necessary to perform the business of the District.

Section 4. The Advisor Council shall consist of all Past State Boards Members from the District who are interested in serving and shall be chaired by the retired Director.

ARTICLE IV- Membership and dues.

Section 1. The members of all Federated Club in the District comprise the Membership of the District.

Section 2.   Dues are to be paid by each Member Club to the District Treasurer by November 1 of each year.

ARTICLE V- Meetings.

Section 1. There shall be a Spring Meeting called by the District Director as to the time and place.

Section 2.   A Special Meeting may be called by the District Director at any time to promote the interests of the District.

Section 3.     Should occasion arise a Special Meeting may be called by the Chairman of the Advisory Council and two (2) Officers and three (3) Chairmen. 

Section 4.     There will be a Meeting annually of all the members as scheduled by the State Board. These Meetings will be hosted by the Member Clubs on a rotating basis. the State Executive Board shall be invited to these Meetings.

ARTICLE VI- State Nominating Committee.

Section 1. A    Member from the District shall be elected at the District Annual Metting in the odd numbered year to serve a two (2) year term as a Member of the Nominating Committee on the State Board of Directors.

B.   To be eligible for election the Member must have served at least one full term as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Federation and have attended one State Convention within the previous two (2) years.

C.    If a Member of the Nominating Committee is unable to attend a Committee meeting, the District Director shall appoint a replacement from withing the District who shall serve until the work of the Committee is completed.

ARTICLE VII- District Nominating Committee.

Section 1.    The District Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Past District Director as a Chairman and two (2) Members from the Membership to serve for a term of two (2) years. They will be selected at the Annual Meeting in the odd numbered years.

Section 2.     Two names will be selected from a list of names (one name per club) as submitted by the club presidents to the current Nominating Committee. The Committee will select then two (2) names from the list to be elected by a majority vote of the Members present and installed at the Annual Meeting.

Section 3.   The duties of the Nominating Committee will be to canvas each club for suggestions and to present a State of Nominees for the four elective offices and the State Nominating Committee at the Spring Board Meeting in the odd numbered years.

Section 4.   If any Member of the District Nominating Committee for any reason may not compete her term, the District Director will assign a person to complete that term.

ARTICLE VIII- Amendments

Section 1.     The Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the Members present, provided the proposal amendment was presented in writing at the previous Meeting. Without such notice the Bylaws may be amended by a unanimous vote of the Members attended the Annual Meeting.

Standing Rules of the Northwest District of Fe3derated Garden Club of Missouri, Inc.

Revised 2014

1. These Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting or Board Meeting if notice of the proposed amendment was given at a previous Meeting. They may be amended without notice by two- thirds vote at the Annual Meeting or Board Meeting.

2. The District Director shall be allowed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) allowance each year to help defray expenses. (Adopted April 5, 2014).

3. The District Director shall mail a list of Officers, Club Presidents and Committee Chairmen at the beginning of her administration to all her concerned. The Club Presidents will notify the District Director of any changes. The call letter will be mailed at least six (6) weeks before the event.

4. The District Director and/ or Assistant Director shall be invited by each Club to one of their Meetings during their terms in office. Mileage will be paid by the inviting Club fifty cents ($0.50) a mile is customary. (Adopted April5, 2014).

5. The Spring Board Meeting will normally be held the first Saturday in April unless it falls during Easter weekend, then the Meeting will be held the last Saturday in March.

6. The State Executive Board shall be invited to the District Annual Meeting. The Northwest District shall pay for their meals.

7. The Northwest District shall present the current edition of the Flower Show Handbook to the Host Club at the Annual Meeting.

8. Club Presidents will take a report of the current year at the Annual Meeting and the Committee Chairmen will report at the Spring Board Meeting for the past year. Two (2) copies of these Reports will be given to the District Director at the time of reporting. If the reporting person is to be absent, Report should be sent to the District Director prior to the Meeting.

9. The District Director shall appoint the Committee for her two (2) year term to audit the Treasurer`s records annually and report at each Spring Board Meeting. This Commitee will serve a term of two (2) years. (Adopted April5, 2014).

10. Annual District dues shall be in the amount of one ($1.00) dollar per Member. (revised April 4, 2009).

11. The Retired District Director shall be given a State Life Membership and pin, or a gift in the amount of the cost of a State Life Membership and pin. It shall be presented at the Annual Meeting at the close of the Director`s term of office. (Adopted August2, 2003).

12. Ten dollars ($10.00) memorial shall be given to the Honor Memorial Book at death of past or present Norhtwest District Director. (Adopted September 9, 2006).

13. The Club hosting the Annual District Meeting shall be allowed expenses from the District treasury in the amount of sixty ($60.00) dollars. (Adopted April 4, 2009).

14. The Club hosting the Spring Board Meeting shall be allowed expenses from the District treasury in the amount of sixty ($60.00) dollars. (Adopted April 5, 2014).