
Work in Progress

Gender Differences in Prioritizing Rewarding Tasks (with Bruna Borges and Louis-Philippe Morin). R&R at Journal of Labor Economics.

Intergeneration Human Capital Transmission and Poverty Traps (with Carmen Camacho). Revised and resubmitted at Journal of Population Economics.

Does It Matter Which Top Institution You Choose? A Case Study of Brazilian Graduate Admissions (with Kelly Santos). Revised and resubmitted at Journal of Human Capital.

School closures and educational path: how the Covid-19 pandemic affected transitions to college  (with Lucas Finamor).

On the Road to Social Mobility? Affirmative Action and Major Choice (with Thomas Gall and Louis-Philippe Morin). 

The Top-Ten Way to Integrate High Schools (with Thomas Gall, Patrick Legros, and Andrew F. Newman), previously circulated as "College admission and high school integration".

Affirmative Action Outcomes: Evidence from a Law School in Brazil (with Ana Trindade Ribeiro).


Does exposure to more women in male-dominated fields render female students more career-oriented? (with Bruna Borges). Accepted at Management Science.

Do Ability Peer Effects Matter for Academic and Labor Market Outcomes? (with Andrea Lépine), Labour Economics, 71, August 2021, 102022. Accepted manuscript.

Assessing higher education policy in Brazil: a mixed oligopoly approach (with Elena del Rey), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 20(1), January 2020. Accepted manuscript

Redistribution without distortion: evidence from a Brazilian university's affirmative action program (with Thomas Gall and Louis-Philippe Morin),The Economic Journal, 129(619), April 2019, 1182-1220. Accepted manuscript. Media coverage: Folha de São Paulo, Revista FAPESP, VoxBR.

Public Education Expenditures and Private School Enrollment, Canadian Journal of Economics, 48(2), May 2015, 561-584. Accepted manuscript

The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Public Education Expenditures: A Political Economy Approach, European Journal of Political Economy, 32, December 2013, 268-284. Accepted manuscript.

Reshaping the Schooling System: The Role of Immigration (with Davide Dottori and I-Ling Shen), Journal of Economic Theory, 148(5), September 2013, 2124-2149. Accepted manuscript.

Conditional Cash Transfers and Education Quality in the Presence of Credit Constraints (with Elena Del Rey), Economics of Education Review, 34, June 2013, 76-84. Accepted manuscript.

Mortality risks, education and child labor (with Jean-Marie Baland), Journal of Development Economics, 84(1), September 2007, 118-137. Accepted manuscript.

Roundtable on Research and Higher Education in Economics Research and Higher Education in Economics: Can we Deliver the Lisbon Objectives? (with Jacques H. Drèze), Journal of the European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 5(2-3), April-May 2007, 271-304. Accepted manuscript.

Publications in Brazilian Journals

Do voters reward politicians for education expenditures? (with Matheus Assunção), Revista Brasileira de Economia, 76(1), Jan-Mar 2022, 10-29.