Associate Professor, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Physics Institute, Department of Applied Physics
Phone: +55 11 3091 70 66
Research interests
X-ray spectroscopy of quantum materials
(unconventional supercondutors, charge and spin density waves, itinerant and frustrated magnetic materials, thermoelectric materials)
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We are open to new undergrad and master students. In particular, click here for IC and Master FAPESP fellowship opportunities. Motivated PhD students will also be considered.
Last update: 03/12/2024
CNPq reasearch grant (international collaboration) approved! With Prof. Raquel Ribeiro, from Iowa State University/Ames National Laboratory, Prof. Eric Andrande from IFUSP and Dr. Marli Cantarino from the ESRF, our group will investigate the magnetic anisotropy in mixed valence rare-earth based materials. We will focus on anisotropic Kondo lattices and on ferromagnetic Kondo lattices.
FAPESP research grant approved! With colleagues Abner de Siervo (UNICAMP), Eduardo Bittar (CBPF) and Walber Brito (UFMG), our group will investigate high temperature superconductivity and other electronic orders on Hund's metals. Please see related IC and Master fellowship opportunities.
Our new paper on the electronic structure of Cr-substituted BaFe2As2 is now published on Sci Post Physics! Read some comments about this paper.
Congratulations to (now) Dr. Rodrigo Calle, who defended his doctor thesis. Good job Rodrigo!!!
A new collaboration paper, led by colleagues from the Iowa State University/Ames National Laboratory, is now out at the Arxivs.
Congratulations to Dr. Marli Cantarino, former student in our group, who received a prize for "best graduate student paper" and a honorable mention for "best PhD thesis" from our graduate school. Dr. Marli is now a postdoctoral researcher at the ESRF.