Biography & Interests

Besides riding the bycicle and swimming, I love going out with my friends to chat on a café or a bar: the beach is also one of my favourite places and when time is not a restriction I love to travel. Contemporary music and 17th-20th century literature are my main hobbies, with special interest in authors such as: Siouxsie Sioux, Morrisey, Suede, Annie Lennox, David Fonseca, Marc Almond, Almeida Garrett, Florbela Espanca, Charles Dickens, Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe, Edgar Allan Poe and Aldous Huxley.

At the present I'm interested by the History of Ideas in Science and particularly by the (in)direct relationship between Man and the advance of knowledge, as described by Gothic and Romantic Literature authors’. Starting by Walpole's seminal work, The Castle of Otranto, moving along the subliminal novels The Italian and The Romance of the Forest, two of Mrs. Radcliffe's masterpieces, and ending (?) in the radical individual freedom of Lord Byron's Manfred, much has (still) to be assimilated by Science.