Research students (UG)

Tor-Arne at EHBEA conference 2014, Bristol
Tor-Arne Haugland attending EHBEA 2014 conference, Bristol, UK.
Hafsah A Rahman attending the UG Kingston Psychology Conference 2016, London, UK

Undergraduate Research Students

  • Kim Y Kraemer: Investigating the Role of the Ventro-medial Prefrontal Cortex in Music-induced Emotional Responses using tDCS and possible Links with Empathy
  • Olivia Cunningham: The role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in the modulation of music-induced emotions
  • Diamond Camaj: The effect of tDCS over the vmPFC on music appreciation at emotional levels
  • Baljeet Kaur: Emapthy: Examining the relationship between music and empathy
  • Dean Holliday: Does facial recognition ability affect aesthetic preferences for painting and photographs?
  • Isa Mara Paiva: Do facial recognition abilities affect our aesthetic preferences for paintings and photographs?
  • Ade Salaudeen: Do face recognition abilities affect our aesthetic preference for artistic photographs and paintings?
  • Iselin Krogstad: Does language affect eye movement during face recognition tasks?
  • Lidia S Tyjewska: Script scanning patterns influence the preference for special location of the encoded faces: an eye tracking study.
  • Tolupe Senok: The relationship between mindreading and emotion attribution
  • Omer Awan: The Eyes, Face, and Body: How psychopathic traits relate to rRecognizing expressions of emotion
  • Harjoat Bhamra: Examining the relationship between emotion recognition and psychopathic traits
  • Ella Butterfield: Recognition of Emotion in Adults with Psychopathic Traits
  • Natalia Hadjimiltiadou: Do people with high psychopathic traits have deficits on recognising emotions?
  • Patryk Wojkowski: The impact of psychopathy on emotion recognition of bodily, facial and eye region expressions.
  • Hafsah Rahman Abdur: How can conscious eating have an effect on one's mood?
  • Sherene Anderson: The effect of cognitive load prior to driving.
  • Faria Spaul: The effect of high cognitive load prior to driving.
  • Jane Morrison:The effect of high cognitive load prior to driving.
  • Xeniya Otkidych: The mere exposure effect of colour and music in elderly patients with dementia.
  • Keilah Ashbourne: Does ‘informed’ eating modulate one’s mood and sense of wellbeing?
  • JJ Humphries: The mere exposure effect of colour and music in young adults.
  • Ruma Ali: Art appreciation in Dementia patients.
  • Chris Ballard: Eye-movements during face encoding.
  • Thomas Ghiesing: Eye-movements during face encoding.
  • Daniel Puddicombe: Art appreciation in Dementia patients.
  • Elisha Warren: Eye-movements during face encoding.
  • Kinga Zyto: Art appreciation in Dementia patients.
  • Vivien Cottey: Altruistic memory bias for face recognition in social contexts.
  • Louise Moyle: Memory biases in face recognition in social contexts.
  • Shakita Niles: Recognizing micro-expressions of emotions.
  • Vanisha B. Patel: The recognition of expressions of emotion in the face and body.
  • Razaw Perdawd: Low reaction time for faces of cheaters.
  • Rai Sangnuma: The effects of behavioural tags and duration of encoding in face recognition.
  • Sabrina Sinniah: The level of accuracy and rapidness on an emotion recognition task.
  • Chloe Turner: Investigating emotion recognition in static bodily eExpressions and facial expressions.
  • Jordan Allingham: The effect of rebelliousness in the identification of emotions.
  • Laura E. Cobley: Effect of family factors in the identification of emotion.
  • Elysia V. Dixon: The effects of race on the ability to recognize faces.
  • Emily C. Hall: The effect of family factors on the ability to correctly identify facial expressions of emotion.
  • Wenting Jin (Phoebe): The effect of rebelliousness on the recognition of emotional facial expressions in crowds.
  • James John: An investigation on memory for own and other-race face recognition in relation to face orientation and social relations.
  • Mickey Provis: The effect of rebelliousness on the identification of emotions.
  • Josh Smith: Memory for faces in relation to anti-social behaviour.
  • Arpana Rajlawat: Face resemblance increases the chances of facial recognition: an investigation into the effects of facial resemblance and attractiveness.
  • Irini Thalasselis: The effect of rebelliousness in the identification of emotions.
  • Alexandra Williams: The effects of family factors and socioeconomic status on the identification of micro-expressions of emotions.
  • Suet Man Chan (Bay): An investigation into the effects of own race and own gender upon the accurate gender recognition of own and other race faces.
  • Rebecca A. Cox: A person’s occupation affect’s memory for faces of characters.
  • Cassandra Dover: Does age affect facial recognition in response to social context?
  • Elisha Dixon: The role of race in face recognition.
  • Polly Dunn: The effects of the Big Five personality traits on self-face recognition.
  • Simon Paul Kisitu: Mood congruency memory: facial expressions effect on recall of positive, negative and neutral words.
  • Imren Pinarbasi: Do females and males have a different recalling mechanism for faces?
  • Elaine Quartey-Papafio: The role of trait anxiety in the detection of emotional facial expressions.
  • Jana Wanli: Cerebral asymmetry for perception of emotions: valence-effect in lateralization, response and reaction time bias.
  • Liam Bates: Self-face recognition with dynamic stimuli.
  • Sam Evans: Emotion recognition and social anxiety.
  • Aaron Fernandes: The effect of personality traits on face recognition.
  • Anthony Graves: Investigating the effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive performance.
  • Jenna Rabadia: The effects of self-esteem on self-face perception.
  • Keran Saggi: Personality traits and the recognition of emotions in crowds.
  • Cecil Addy: How accurate are human lie detectors?
  • Laura Bleackly: Recognizing microexpressions of emotion. (tbc)
  • Jemma Brewster: Gender differences in the content of daydream fantasies.
  • Mayuri Dokhia: Cheaters vs. co-operators, An investigation into face recognition.
  • Renate Jaunzeme: Eyewitness identification.
  • Yuki Kato: Self-face recognition. (tbc)
  • Gurnita Leihal: The effect a pre-conditioned mood has on the accuracy of facial recognition.
  • Lynette Okolo: Do we have an enhanced memory for rule violators than for rule co-operators in social contract situations?
  • Marilena Schembri: Self-face recognition. (tbc)
  • Bernard Aidoo: Recognising the friends over the foes: Examining face recognition in social exchange situations.
  • Eliza Avgoula: The existence of brain asymmetry in facial recognition among college students.
  • Sukhvir Bhandal: Do we recognize emotional facial expressions more accurately in a stranger, an acquaintance, or our partners?
  • Nicola Chandler: How fast and accurate are people on decisions of identity when the facial expression and size perception varies?
  • Harpreet Chohan: The effect of emotion on facial recognition: accuracy and reaction time.
  • Hazel de Guia: Manual training of mental rotation: Does it have any long-term effects on children’s mental rotation abilities?
  • Natasha Heaselgrave: Is cheating’ a result of a lack of or too much planning? An investigation looking at the link between future planning and infidelity.
  • Sonia Maqsood: An investigation to see whether personality traits are related to recognition of facially expressed emotions.
  • Ruchi Patel: Public understanding of science.
  • Emma Smith: Facial recognition accuracy: Measuring the influences of background and time-delay.
  • Sarah Stainthorpe: Discovering the attention bias in individuals with trait social anxiety.
  • Shalina Akhtar: Gender differences in short-term memory and the effect of elaboration on the recognition of concrete and abstract words.
  • Satwinder Singh Brar: Gender differences in holistic processing in front view and ¾ view faces using the “composite face paradigm.
  • Gabriella Militello: The effects of simultaneous visual and auditory word frequency tasks on selective attention.
  • Stacie Palatianos: Does practice affect male accuracy and response time on a mental rotation task?
  • Alison Saban: Testing object location influenced by gender and distraction task. Does gender influence the object location scores of participants?
  • Cheryl Jayne Villa: The effects of practice in mental rotation tasks.