Published papers

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Research Gate


1. Bertacchini Enrico, Revelli Federico, Zotti Roberto (2024) The economic impact of UNESCO World Heritage: Evidence from Italy, Regional Science and Urban Economics. 

2. Revelli Federico, Tsai Tsung-Sheng, Wu Cheng-Tai (2024) Ties, Social Choice and Welfare.

3. Bertacchini Enrico, Revelli Federico (2021) Kalòs kai agathòs? Government quality and cultural heritage in the regions of Europe, Annals of Regional Science.

4. Lo Prete Anna, Revelli Federico (2021) Voter turnout and city performance: Evidence from Italian municipalities, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

5. Revelli Federico, Zotti Roberto (2019) The sacred and the profane of budget cycles: Evidence from Italian municipalities, International Tax and Public Finance.

6. Revelli Federico (2019) The electoral migration cycle, European Journal of Political Economy.

7. Oliveira Gomes Ferreira Lucas, Marques Serrano André Luiz, Revelli Federico (2019) Effects of federal constitutional grants in Brazilian municipalities, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies.

8. Bracco Emanuele, Revelli Federico (2018) Concurrent elections and political accountability: Evidence from Italian local elections, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

9. Lo Prete Anna, Revelli Federico (2017) Costly voting, turnout, and candidate valence, Economics Letters

10. Revelli Federico (2017) Voter turnout in Italian municipal elections, 2002-2013, Italian Economic Journal.

11. Revelli Federico (2016) Tax limits and local elections, Public Choice.

12. Revelli Federico (2015) Tax mandates and factor input use: Theory and evidence from Italy, FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis.

13. Revelli Federico (2013) Tax mix corners and other kinks, Journal of Law & Economics.

14. Di Porto Edoardo, Revelli Federico (2013) Tax-limited reaction functions, Journal of Applied Econometrics.

15. Bianchini Laura, Revelli Federico (2013) Green polities: Urban environmental performance and government popularity, Economics and Politics.

16. Geys Benny, Revelli Federico (2011) Economic and political foundations of local tax structures: An empirical investigation of the tax mix of Flemish municipalities, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy.

17. Revelli Federico (2010) Spend more, get more? An inquiry into English local government performance, Oxford Economic Papers.

18. Ghinamo Mauro, Panteghini Paolo, Revelli Federico (2010) FDI determination and corporate tax competition in a volatile world, International Tax and Public Finance.

19. Revelli Federico (2008) Performance competition in local media markets, Journal of Public Economics.

20. Revelli Federico (2007) Local media networks and social spending: Evidence from the UK, Economics Letters.

21. Revelli Federico, Tovmo Per (2007) Revealed yardstick competition: Local government efficiency patterns in Norway, Journal of Urban Economics.

22. Revelli Federico (2006) Performance rating and yardstick competition in social service provision, Journal of Public Economics.

23. Revelli Federico (2005) On spatial public finance empirics, International Tax and Public Finance.

24. Bordignon Massimo, Cerniglia Floriana, Revelli Federico (2004) Yardstick competition in intergovernmental relationships: theory and empirical predictions, Economics Letters.

25. Bordignon Massimo, Cerniglia Floriana, Revelli Federico (2003) In search of yardstick competition: a spatial analysis of Italian municipality property tax setting, Journal of Urban Economics.

26. Brosio Giorgio, Revelli Federico (2003) The political economy of regional opting out: distributive implications of a prospective Europe of Regions, Economics of Governance.

27. Revelli Federico (2003) Reaction or interaction? Spatial process identification in multi-tiered government structures, Journal of Urban Economics.

28. Revelli Federico (2002) Testing the tax mimicking versus expenditure spillover hypotheses using English data, Applied Economics.

29. Revelli Federico (2002) Local taxes, national politics and spatial interactions in English district election results, European Journal of Political Economy.

30. Revelli Federico (2001) Spatial patterns in local taxation: tax mimicking or error mimicking? Applied Economics.

31. Revelli Federico (1999) Local government expenditure with piecewise-linear non-convex budget constraints, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy.


Handbook chapters


1. Revelli Federico (2016) A comparative view of local tax and expenditure limitations and their consequences in: Handbook on Comparative Law and Economics (T. Eisenberg, G. Ramello Eds.), Edward Elgar, pp. 161-181.

2. Revelli Federico (2015) Geografiscal federalism in: Handbook of Multilevel Finance (G. Brosio, E. Ahmad Eds.), Edward Elgar, pp. 107-123.

3. Revelli Federico (2013) Tax incentives for cultural heritage conservation in: Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage (I. Rizzo, A. Mignosa Eds.), Edward Elgar, pp. 129-148.

4. Revelli Federico (2006) Spatial interactions among governments in: Handbook of Fiscal Federalism (G. Brosio, E. Ahmad Eds.), Edward Elgar, pp. 106-130.