Dawn to Dusk Tennis Challenge (August 2018)

In 2017 I re-started tennis, after a very prolonged break. This year I played tennis from Dawn to Dusk, playing with/against many partners/opponents. The challenge was held in Brighton (at Dyke Park Tennis Club) on the 11th of August. I put together a schedule so that you can play with or against me. I started playing tennis at around 6.00am and will finish around 9pm (15 hours). I only had half an hour break for lunch and afternoon tea.

This challenge was a success from many different perspectives, not only because many people took part but also because we raised an amazingly large sum of money through Justgiving (nearly £4000, excluding the matching scheme from my employer) for the Rohingyas who have fled violence from Myanmar and have now settled in Bangladesh. This settlement is one of the largest in the world and the Rohingyas are in need of water, food, shelter and medical care.

In order to be fit for the challenge, I started training in November 2017 to improve my endurance, the technique and, of course, to take care of my joints (by shedding some weight).

Here is a picture of my son and I during training (prior to the event):

This is the letter I received from DEC after completing the event:

Hi Federico,

Firstly, let me say a huge congratulations on successfully completing your Dawn to Dusk Tennis Challenge and for raising such a huge amount of our Emergency Appeal for People Fleeing Myanmar. I'm so glad that the day was such an enjoyable success for all involved, its clear you put a lot of hard work into the event. The videos really illustrate how great the event was!

I have attached a link to a copy of our Emergency Appeal for People Fleeing Myanmar 6 month report which details how funding raised so far has been used to help those affected. I hope you will find this useful to share with your friends and those who supported you so they can see how their money will be used.


Once again, many thanks for your concern and compassion for the thousands of people affected by the horrific situation. If I can help with anything else, please let me know.

Best wishes,

DEC Supporter Care Team