
Published Papers 

Credit Ratings and the Hold-Up Problem in the Loan Market (with C. Cahn and M. Girotti), Management Science, Volume 70, March 2024, p. 1810-1831. 

Bank CEO Careers after Bailouts: The Effects of Management Turnover on Bank Risk (with P. Bunkanwanicha and A. Di Giuli), Journal of Financial Intermediation, Volume 52, October 2022, 100995. 

Credit rating agencies, information asymmetry and US bond liquidity (with S. Lovo and P. Raimbourg), Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Volume 49, October 2022,  p. 1863-1896. 

Competition and Agency Problems Within Banks: Evidence from Insider Lending (with M. Girotti), Management Science, Volume 68, May 2022, p. 3791-3812.

Rating Announcements, CDS Spread and Volatility During the European Sovereign Crisis (with P. Raimbourg), Finance Research Letters, Volume 40, May 2021, 101663.

Is less information better information? Evidence from the credit rating withdrawal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 51, July 2018, p. 139-157. 

Working papers 

Passing the Parcel? Relationship Banking at the Onset of Financial Distress (with N. Taillet and M. Troege) (2022) [Winner of the Best Paper Award FEBS 2021]

Information Salience and Credit Supply: Evidence from Payment Defaults on Trade Bills  (with A. Baros, E. Croci and M. Girotti) (2022) [Winner of the Best Paper Award EFiC 2022]

Chapters in books

Reforming Rating Agencies (with P. Raimbourg), in "Financial Regulation in the EU: From Resilience to Growth", edited by Raphaël Douady, Clément Goulet, Pierre-Charles Pradier, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.