Welcome to Francesco Devicienti's home page

Introducing myself:

I am a professor of economics and the director of the Department of Economics, Social Studies and Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS department) of the University of Torino, recognised as a "Department of Excellence" by the Ministry of University and Research. Currently, I am also the director of the Master in Welfare: Theory and Data Analysis (in agreement with INPS and Collegio Carlo Alberto) and of the Master in Active Labor market Policies (in agreement with Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro and SAA - School of Management). I am a research fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto, the IZA Institute for Labor Economics, the Research Institute for Sustainable Growth - IRCrES-CNR and CIRET - Centro Studi Interuniversitario "Ezio Tarantelli". I have previously served as a senior researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, the LABORatorio Revelli, as an internal consultant at the World Bank and external consultant for the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Italian Commission on Poverty and Social Exclusion, INAPP (ex-ISFOL) and NERA (London). I received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Essex. My main areas of research are in labor economics, income distribution and poverty and applied microeconometrics. My research works have appeared in leading economics journals, including the Economic Journal, the Review of Economic Studies and the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. I teach labor economics, empirical methods for economics and social sciences, and policy evaluation at both the PhD / graduate and undergraduate level. 



14 ottobre 2022 - Inaugurazione del Master. Interventi di:

Elsa Fornero: “Per un Welfare State equo ed equilibrato nel ciclo di vita e tra generazioni”; e Pasquale Tridico (Presidente INPS): “Mercato del lavoro e sistema previdenziale: sostenibilità, aspetti critici e possibili evoluzioni”.

18 Novembre 2022 - 15.30-18.30
Gianfranco Santoro e Vito La Monica (INPS)
Sistema pensionistico a ripartizione e sua sostenibilità. Quali sfide per la flessibilità?”

4 marzo 2023 - 17.00-18.30
Paolo Barbieri, (Università di Trento)
"Welfare e Lavoro. Una lettura sociologica"

14 aprile 2023 - 17.00-18-30
Mario Calderini (Politecnico di Milano e membro del Comitato Guida del Welfare Index PMI) e Claudio Graziano (Intesa Sanpaolo)
Welfare aziendale: piccole-medie e grandi imprese tra sfide e opportunità

12 maggio 2023 - 17.00-18.30
Chiara Saraceno (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Perchè il Reddito di Cittadinanza andrebbe riformato, non cancellato

"Crescita economica e meritrocrazia: l'Italia spreca i suoi talenti?" Interventi di Lorenzo Cognodo e Gianpaolo Galli, Festival Internazionale dell'Economia, Torino, 02.06.2023 (introduce e coordina: F. Devicienti).

"Leadership femminile, quote "rosa" ed effetti su imprese e lavoratori", Festival Internazionale dell'Economia, Torino, 02.06.2022 (intorduce e coordina: F. Devicienti).

"La disuguaglianza ai tempi del Covid", prof. Sir Richard Blundell (introduce e coordina: F Devicienti), Festival Internazionale dell'Economia, Torino, 03.06.2022

"Next Generation EU: Il Ruolo della Formazione per gli Esperti di Politiche Attive del Lavoro", tavola rotonda, Torino, 17.05.2022. 

"Come si sostiene chi perde il lavoro", V Edizione dell'Accademia di Alta Formazione Polis Policy, 26 Marzo 2022 

Workshop on labor market Policies and Dynamics, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino, 13-14 Feb 2020 

"Fondimpresa: Buone Pratiche per la Formazione di Domani. Il monitoraggio valutativo in Piemonte", 17 March, Fondazione Agnelli, Torino.

XVIII Rapporto Annuale INPS 2019, contribution to the third part of the report on "Functional and Personal Distribution of Income" (in Italian)

Roma, June 28, 2019: "Le riforme sul mercato del lavoro. Quali effetti? Quali prospettive?", Centro Studi Universitario "Ezio Tarantelli"

Festival del Lavoro, June 21, 2019: "Imprese, competenze e nuove tecnologie. Idee e scenari per il futuro", Milano Convention Centre

Biella, December 3, 2018: "L'evoluzione delle disuguaglianze salariali in Italia: lavoratori, imprese e istituzioni", Dialoghi con la modernità 2018

Latest working papers

"The Effect of EPL on the internationalization of small firms", by T. Barbieri, F Devicienti, A Manello, D Vannoni, 2022.

"Employment Protection legislation and Mismatch: Evidence from a Reform", by F Berton, F Devicienti, S Grubanov-Boskovic. 

Selected publications:

"Employer Cooperation, Productivity and Wages: New Evidence from Inter-firm Formal Network Areements", by F Devicienti, E. Grinza, A Manello, D Vannoni, forthcoming at Economica.

"Firm's margins of adjustment to wage growth. The case of Italian collective bargaining", by F Devicienti and B Fanfani, forthcoming at Economica

"The Collective Voice of Unions and Workplace Training in Italy: New Insights from Mixed Methods", by F Berton, A Carreri, F Devicienti, A Ricci, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2023

"You can’t be what you can’t see: The role of gender in the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurship", by Noemi Oggero, F Devicienti, MC Rossi, and D Vannoni, The Review of Income and Wealth, 2023. 

"How Entry into Parenthood Shapes Gender Role Attitudes: New Evidence from Longitudinal UK Data", by E Grinza, F Devicienti, MC Rossi, and D Vannoni, Feminist Economics, 2022.

"Women on Board and Firm Export Attitudes. Evidence from Italy", by F Carbonero, F Devicienti, A Manello, and D Vannoni, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192, 2021.  

"Networking: a Business for Women", by A Manello, M Cisi, F Devicienti and D Vannoni, Small Business Economics, 55, 2020. 

"Why do Firms (Dis)Like Part-Time Contracts?" by F Devicienti, E. Grinza and D. Vannoni,  Labour Economics, 65, 2020.

"The advantages of formalizing networks: New evidence from Italian SMEs", with M. Cisi, A. Manello and D. Vannoni, Small Business Economics, 54, 2020. 

"Collective bargaining and the evolution of wage inequality in Italy", with Bernardo Fanfani and A. Maida, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(2), 2019.

What are the benefits of having more female leaders? Evidence from the use of part-time work in Italy”, with E. Grinza, A. Manello and D. Vannoni, Industrial and Labor Relation Review, 72(4), 2019. (media coverage: read here).

"Identifying sorting in practice", with Cristian Bartolucci and Ignacio Monzon, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(4), 2018. 

The impact of part-time work on firm productivity: evidence from Italy”, with Elena Grinza and Davide Vannoni, Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 7(2), 2018. 

Temporary employment, demand volatility and unions: firm-level evidence", with Paolo Naticchioni and Andrea Ricci, Industrial and Labor Relation Review, 71(1), 2018. (media coverage: read here).

Technical efficiency, unions and decentralized labor contracts. New empirical evidence”, with Alessandro Manello and Davide Vannoni, European Journal of Operational Research, no. 260(3), 2017. (media coverage: read here and here)

Rent sharing, hold-up and wages: evidence from matched employer-employee data”, with David Card and Agata Maida, Review of Economic Studies, 2014.

Are temporary jobs a port of entry into permanent employment? Evidence from matched employer-employee data”, with Fabio Berton and L. Pacelli, International Journal of Manpower, Issue 8, 2011.

Estimating poverty persistence in Britain”, Empirical Economics, vol. 40(3), 2011.

Shapley-value decompositions of changes in wage distributions”, Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 8, 2010.

The resurrection of the Italian wage curve”, with A. Maida and Lia Pacelli, Economics Letters, no. 8, 2010.

Are informality and poverty dynamically interrelated? Evidence from Argentina”, with F. Groisman and A. Poggi, in Research on Economic Inequality, no. 18, 2010.

Downward wage rigidity in Italy: micro-based measures and implications”, with Agata Maida and Paolo Sestito, The Economic Journal, no. 117, 2007. (media coverage: read here)



Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche (ESOMAS) 

Scuola di Management ed Economia, Università di Torino

Corso Unione Sovietica 218bis, 10134 TORINO (Italy), 

Tel: +39 011 6706288

email: francesco.devicienti@unito.it