Race Sign Up

Sign up rules

We use this sign up to organize the races. Therefore it is important that you are accurate with your answer.

  • If you're not 100% sure you can commit to the race don't sign up or wait with the sign up until you know for sure. It is hard to organize if people bail out and it doesn't matter whether you bail out 2 weeks or 2 days before the race. It's always a hassle, so be sure with your answer.
  • For any other question in the sign up form (such as accommodation, rides etc.), if you're not 100% sure, wait with the sign up until you're sure or indicate in the comment that you need to confirm that answer later.
  • Wait for confirmation. When submitting your race sign up you should get a confirmation on this page. Something like "Thanks for signing up". Make sure you see that message to ensure that we have received your sign up. When in doubt sign up twice.

Sign up for 2015 Lotus Icebreaker

When: January 17th 2014; 9:15am heat

Where: Burnaby BC

More Info: http://lotussports.com/sites/default/files/2015%20Icebreaker%20Race%20Package.pdf