
We strive to enrich the lives of adult individuals who require enhanced living assistance.

· We work with persons over the age of 18 with disabilities and their families who may need long term or short term support.

· We assess the present and future aspirations, abilities and needs of our individuals to set realistic goals of achievement.

· We will as partners work toward these goals, thereby enhancing the individuals’ life.

· We work towards full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the life and events of the community.

· We appreciate each other’s differences with loving, family oriented care and respect.

· We assist with seniors who for whatever reason cannot be alone in the homes during the daytime while loved ones are working or if they just need a mental break for the stress of caring for a family member.

The staff at each of these facilities recognizes the importance of maintaining each person's dignity and handle the needs of persons with a primary diagnosis of mental illness and that are intellectually challenged.

All of our locations follow the following principles:

· We believe that everyone has an inherent dignity and that staff members show respect for the dignity of its residents regardless of age, race, creed, or economic need.

· We believe everyone must have the opportunity to practice their faith and live according to the dictates of their religion.

· We believe that everyone has a certain responsibilities which they must fulfill according to their capabilities and within the limits imposed upon them by their disabilities.