Francesco Fasani
Professor of Economics
Research interests: Labour, Migration, Crime, Microeconometrics
News and Latest Publications:
NEW POLICY REPORT for the European Parliament: New Approaches to Labour Market Integration of Migrants and Refugees (publication for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament)
NEW WP: From Refugees to Citizens: Returns to Naturalization and Labour Market Outcomes (with T.Frattini and M.Pirot) IZA DP 16651 - CEPR DP 18675 - CReAM DP 16/23
Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe's COVID-19 Response (with J.Mazza) - Revised & Resubmitted: Journal of Economic Inequality
Facing Displacement and a Global Pandemic: Evidence from a Fragile State (with M. Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza and V. Molini) - Journal of Demographic Economics (2024)
Being on the Frontline? Immigrant Workers in Europe and the COVID-19 Pandemic (with J.Mazza) - ILR Review (2023)
Risk Attitudes and Household Migration Decisions (with C. Dustmann, X. Meng and L. Minale) Journal of Human Resources (2023)
(The Struggle for) Refugee Integration into the Labour Market: Evidence from Europe (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) - new version (Dec 2020) - Journal of Economic Geography (2022)
Lift the Ban? Initial Employment Restrictions and Refugee Labour Market Outcomes (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) - Journal of European Economic Association (2021)
If he saw an old man working he would say bitterly, "Look at dat old - keepin' able-bodied men out o' work"; or if it was a boy, "It's dem young devils what's takin' de bread out of our mouths." And all foreigners to him were "dem bloody dagoes" - for, according to his theory, foreigners were responsible for unemployment.
G.Orwell (1945) Down and Out in Paris and London
Contact details:
DEMM - Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan “Statale”
Via Conservatorio 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02503 21475
email: francesco.fasani (at) unimi (dot) it