
Published and submitted papers

  • F. Enikeeva, A. Munk, M. Pohlmann, and F. Werner, Bump detection in the presence of dependency: Does it ease or does it load?, Bernoulli, 26(4):3280-3310, 2020. PDF

  • G. Herpe, Guillaume, M. Naudin, M. Léderlin, F. Enikeeva, O. Boumendil, L. Cassagnes, M. Cavet, Madeleine, K.Chaumoitre, P. Feuerstein, I. Fitton, V. Flory, C.A. Freitag, J-Y Gaubert, J. Gregory, H. Nivet, M. Ohana, I. Petit, N. Sans, M. Wagner, R. Guillevin, P-J Saulnier, J-M Bartoli, J-P Tasu, J-P Beregi, COVID-19 impact assessment on the French radiological centers: a nationwide survey, European Radiology, 30(12):6537--6544, 2020.

  • J.-M. Bardet, V. Brault, S. Dachian, B. Sausserau, and F. Enikeeva [editor], Change- point detection, segmentation, and related topics, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, 68: 97–122, 2020 PDF

  • F. Enikeeva, Z. Harchaoui, High-dimensional change-point detection under sparse alternatives, Annals of Statistics, 47(4):2051–2079, 2019

  • F. Enikeeva, A.Munk, and F. Werner, Bump detection in heterogeneous Gaussian regression, Bernoulli, vol. 24(2):1266-1306, 2018 PDF

  • F. Enikeeva, Z. Harchaoui, Discussion on the paper "Multiscale change point inference" by K. Frick, A. Munk, and H. Sieling, Journ. Royal Statist. Society, Ser. B, 76(3):533, 2014

  • F. Enikeeva, D. Morche, A. Oguz, Yield Improvement by the Redundancy Method for Component Calibration, Electronics Letters, 49:824–826, 2013

  • F. Enikeeva, On Two Estimates Related to the Change-Point Problem, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 21(1):29–42, 2012 PDF

  • F.N. Enikeeva, K.V. Severinov, M.S. Gelfand, Restriction-modification systems and bacteriophage invasion: Who wins? J. Theor. Biol. 266 (4), pp. 550-55, October 2010 PubMed PDF

  • E. Belitser, F. Enikeeva, Adaptive Filtration of a Random Signal in Gaussian White Noise, Problems Inform. Transmission 44(4):321-332, 2008. PDF

  • E. Belitser, F. Enikeeva, Empirical Bayesian Test of the Smoothness, Math. Methods Statist. 17, pp. 1-18, 2008 PDF

  • F.N. Enikeeva, E.A. Kotelnikova, M.S. Gelfand, V.J. Makeev, A model of evolution with constant selective pressure for regulatory DNA sites, BMC Evol. Biol. 7(1):125, 2007. PubMed PDF

  • F. Enikeeva, Adaptive minimax estimation of a fractional derivative, Statist. and Prob. Lett. 76 (14), pp. 1441-1448, 2006. PDF

  • G.K. Golubev, F.N. Enikeeva, On minimax estimation problem of a fractional derivative, Theory Probab. Appl. 46 (4), pp. 619-635, 2002 PDF

  • G.K. Golubev, F.N. Enikeeva, Asymptotically Efficient Smoothing in the Wicksell Problem under Squared Losses, Problems Inform. Transmission 37 (1), pp. 28-51, 2001 PDF

  • F. Enikeeva, V. Kalashnikov, D. Rusaityte, Continuity estimates for ruin probabilities, Scand. Actuar. J. 1, pp. 18-39. 2001 PDF

  • F. Enikeeva, V. Kalashnikov, A risk model under inflatory conditions, Obozrenie Prikladnoi i Promyshlennoi Matematiki (Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics), Ser. Financial and Insurance Math. 5, pp. 140-146. 1998.

Preprints and conference papers

  • R. Cornilet, M. Clausel, F. Enikeeva, L. Navarro, P. Carré, The wavelet leaders spectrum: a new tool for blind steganalysis?, GRETSI, 2019

  • C. Bakhous, F. Forbes, F. Enikeeva, T. Vincent, M. Dojat, P. Ciuciu, Analyse parcimonieuse des données d’IRM fonctionnelle dans un cadre bayésien variationnel, 45èmes Journées de Statistique, SFdS, 2013

  • F. Enikeeva, On two estimates related to the change-point problem, 28th European Meeting of Statisticians EMS 2010 (Greece, 17-22 August 2010), p. 95

  • F. Enikeeva, M.S. Gelfand, K.V. Severinov, Restriction-modification systems and bacteriophage invasion: who wins? Information Technologies and Systems ITaS 2007, p. 238

  • F. Enikeeva, V. Kalashnikov, D. Rusaityte, Continuity estimates of the ruin probability for a Markov modulated risk process, Theory Probab. Appl. 42 (2), 1999

  • F. Enikeeva, V. Kalashnikov, D. Rusaityte, Continuity of ruin probabilities, Proceedings of the international conference "Probabilistic Analysis of Rare Events: Theory and Problems of Safety, Insurance and Ruin." (28 June-3 July 1999, Riga, Latvia), Riga Aviation University, Riga, pp. 56-62

  • F. Enikeeva, V. Kalashnikov, Risk model with inflation, Theory Probab. Appl. 42 (2), pp. 394-396, 1998