Project-related talks

Invited Talks

• March 2022, Bochum: „Two proof-systems for bi-intuitionsitic logic“, Bilateralism and Proof-Theoretic Semantics, 17–18 March, 2022;

February 2022, Marseille: „Intensional harmony via isomorphism“, Research School Logic and transdiciplinarity within Logic and Interactions, thematic month at the CIRM(Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques), 7–11 February, 2022;

November 2021, Bochum: „Equality and Apartness in bi-intuitionistic logic“, Model Theory of Non-classical Logics, 28–29 November, 2021;

December 2020, Bochum: „Intensional harmony via isomorphism“, Logic in Bochum VI, 5-6 December 2020;

January 2020, Lisbon: „Two approaches to the Russell-Prawitz translation“, Days in Logic, Keynote speaker, 30 January–1 February 2020;

December 2019, Campinas: „Proof, paradox and the semantic role of hypothetical reasoning“, Speaking the Unspeakable. Paradoxes between Truth and Proof, 9–10 December 2019;

June 2019, Rome: „Defeasible refutations’ for intuitionistic logic“, Assertion, Refutation and Meaning, 9 June 2019;

May 2019, Venice: "Anti-realism, identity of proofs and an intensional conception of logic", Ordering the world: Logical and epistemological perspectives on science, nature and society, 30 May 2019;

• "The calculus of higher-level rules in modern dress", Third conference on proof-theoretic semantics, Tübingen University, 27–30 March 2019 (joint work with Paolo Pistone);

• "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", informal talk for the Programming Languages research group, Tübingen University, 11 December 2018;

• "Proofs and refutation in 2-intuitionistic logic", research colloquium on Logic and Epistemology, Bochum University, 29 November 2018;

• "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", Pisa Spring Workshop on Proof Theory, 26–27 March 2018 (joint work with Gianluigi Bellin).

Contributed Talks

August 2019, Prague, „Harmony, stability, and the intensional account of prooftheoretic semantics“, Contributed Symposium „Identity in Computational Formal and Applied Systems“, XVI Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST 2019), 5–10 August, 2019;

• "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", Refutation Symposium at the Poznan Reasoning Week, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 10–15 September 2018 (joint work with Gianluigi Bellin);

• "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", Second SYSMICS Workshop, Technische Univeristät Vienna, 26–28 Februar 2018 (joint work with Gianluigi Bellin).