

Afzal, U., d'Adda, G., Fafchamps, Quinn S. and Said, F. Demand for Commitment in Credit and Saving Contracts: A field experiment, CSAE Working Paper No. WPS/2019-10, 2019 & NBER Working Paper No. 25802, 2019. (Online Appendix, AEA RCT Registry). (Accepted, Economic Journal).

Ahmed, H., Mahmud, M., Said, F. and Tirmazee, Z. (2024) Encouraging Female Graduates to Enter the Labor Force: Evidence from a role model intervention in Pakistan, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 72 (2),  (AEA RCT Registry,  Pre-specified Analysis, Policy paper, Media coverage, Policy brief).

Bonan, J., d'Adda, G., Mahmud, M. and Said, F. (2023). Nudging Payment Behaviour: Evidence from a field experiment on pay-as-you-go off-grid electricity, World Bank Economic Review, 37 (4). (AEA RCT Registry, Populated Pre-Analysis Plan). 

Musaddiq, T. and Said, F. (2023) Educate the Girls: Long run effects of secondary schooling for girls in Pakistan. World Development,  161, 106115.

Said, F., Mahmud, M., d'Adda, G and Chaudhry, A. (2022). Home-based Enterprises: Experimental evidence on female preferences from Pakistan. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 71 (1), 185-221. (Online Appendix

Afzal, U., d'Adda, G., Fafchamps and Said, F. (2022). Intrahousehold Consumption Allocation and Demand for Agency: A triple experimental investigation, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14 (3), 400-444. (Blog post, Online Appendix). 

Haroon, M., Said, F. and Zafar, M. (2022). Changing Mindset to Foster Non-cognitive Skills and Academic Achievement: Evidence from a field experiment in Pakistan, Journal of Asian Economics, 81, 101499. (AEA RCT Registry, Policy brief). 

Malik, K., Meki, M., Morduch, J., Ogden, T., Quinn, S., and Said, F. (2020). COVID-19 and the Future of Microfinance: Evidence and insights from Pakistan, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36, Issue Supplement_1, S138–S168. (Blog) (Op-ed) (Media coverage here and here). 

Said, F., Mahmud, M., d'Adda, G and Chaudhry, A. (2019). It is Not Power, But How You Use it: Experimental evidence on altruism from households in Pakistan, Applied Economics Letters, 27 (5), 426 - 431. 

Afzal, U., d'Adda, G., Fafchamps, M., Quinn, S. and Said, F. (2018). Two Sides of the Same Rupee? Comparing demand for microcredit and microsaving in a framed field experiment in rural Pakistan, Economic Journal,  128 (614), 2161 - 2190. (Blog post)

Hussain, S. and Said, F. (2017). Diversification on Small farms: An empirical investigation of panel data for 2001-10. The Lahore Journal of Economics 22: SE, 233 - 250.

Said, F (2016). Access to Finance and Agency: An overview of the constraints to female-run enterprises, The Lahore Journal of Economics,  21: SE (September 2016), 331 - 349. 

Said, F., Afzal, U. and Turner, G. (2015). Risk Taking and Risk Learning after a rare event: Evidence from a field experiment in PakistanJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 118, 167 – 183. 

Turner, G., Said, F. and Afzal, U. (2014). Microinsurance Demand after a Rare Event: Evidence from a field experiment in Pakistan, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, 39, 201 – 223. 

Ahmed, H. and Said, F. (2012). Determinants of Export Performance in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from South Asia, Pakistan Development Review SE 57 (4). 

Said, F., Musaddiq, T. and Mahmud M. (2011). Macro Level Determinants of Poverty: Investigation through poverty mapping of districts of Pakistan, Pakistan Development Review, SE 53 (4). 

Mahmud, M., Musaddiq, T. & Said, F. (2010). Internal Migration Patterns in Pakistan: Case for fiscal decentralization, Pakistan Development Review, SE 49 (4).

Permenant working papers:

Nazif, A. and Said, F. Gender Differences in Willingness to Compete, CREB Working Paper No. 03-20, 2020.  

Rahman, R. A. and Said, F. Can Competition Reduce Moral Hazard? A laboratory experiment, CREB Working Paper No. 02-20, 2020. 

Said, F., Mahmud, M., d'Adda, G and Chaudhry, A. Hiding Money: Evidence from a field experiment with aspiring female entrepreneurs, CSAE Working Paper No. WPS/2017-07, 2017. (Online Appendix)

Afzal, U; Turner, G. and Said, F. Natural Disasters and Social Capital: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Pakistan, CREB Working Paper No. 02-15, 2015.  

Other publications (selected):

Rigdon, M.L., Said, F., and Vecci, J. (2023). An Overview of Risk Preferences in Developing Countries. In preparation for the Handbook of Experimental Development Economics. Edited by Utteeyo Dasgupta and Pushkar Maitra, Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Cai, J., Meki, M., Quinn, S., Field, E., Kinnan, C., Morduch, J., de Quidt, J, and Said, F. (2023)  Microfinance, VoxDevLit, 3(2). (Version 1 (2021) here)

Ahmed, K.,  Nabi, I., Nasim, S., Mahmood, A. and Said, F. (2022) The Path to a Successful Pakistan. Report prepared for Consortium for Development Policy Research. (Blog 1, 2; Op-ed 1, 2).

Meki, M., Morduch, J., Ogden, T., Quinn, S. and Said, F. (2020) How Will Coronavirus Change the Global Microfinance Industry? Economics Observatory, Aid & International Development Blog 

Turner, G., Said, F., Afzal, U. and Campbell, K. (2014). The Effect of Early Flood Warnings on Mitigation and Recovery During the 2010 Pakistan Floods in Preventing Disaster: Early Warning Systems for Climate Change, United Nations Environmental Programme.

The Sentinel Project, a dynamic resource documenting the experiences and challenges faced by microfinance institutions around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Formative work (selected):

Microcredit and microequity for low-income households, with Kashif Malik (LUMS), Muhammad Meki (Oxford) and Simon Quinn (University of Oxford).

Experiments on management skill, with Sonia Bhalotra (Warwick), David Deming (Harvard), Ben Weidmann (Harvard Skills Lab) and Joseph Vecci (Gothenburg).

Experiments on poverty and redistribution, with Utteeyo Dasgupta (Fordham), Subha Mani (Fordham) and Rafia Zafar (CUNY). 

Interoperable payment systems (Pakistan), with Kashif Malik (LUMS), Phillip Roessler (College of William and Mary), Russell Toth (Sydney) and Tiffany Tsai (NUS).

Asymmetric information, relational contracts, and prices in fresh produce supply chain in Pakistan, with Sher Afghan Asad (LUMS) and Omar Hayat Gondal (WUSTL).