[July 2024], Paper: our paper "Backdoor Attacks on Safe Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems", has been accepted by the ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), part of  Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK). Congratulations to Shixiong and all!

[July 2024], Paper: our paper "Model-free PAC Time-Optimal Control Synthesis with Reinforcement Learning", has been accepted by the 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE), part of  Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK). Congratulations to Mengyu and all!

[June 2024], Paper: our paper "CPSim: Simulation Toolbox for Security Problems in Cyber-Physical Systems", has been accepted by the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES). Congratulations to Mengyu and all! Visit our CPSim page!

[Mar. 2024], Competition: our poster "Catch You If Pay Attention: Temporal Sensor Attack Diagnosis Using Attention Mechanisms for Cyber-Physical Systems", has won the second place at 2024 ECS Research Day at Syracuse University. Congratulations to Zifan!

[Mar. 2024], Paper: our paper "LLM-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems: Survey, Research Opportunities, and Challenges", is accepted by International Workshop on Foundation Models for Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things (FMSys), co-located with CPS-IoT Week 2024. Congratulations to all!

[Mar. 2024], Paper: our paper on assuring large-language models (LLMs), is accepted by the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Poster Track, 2024. Congratulations to all!

[Mar. 2024], Paper: our paper "Recovery from Adversarial Attacks in Cyber-physical Systems: Shallow, Deep and Exploratory Works", is accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. Congratulations to all!

[Mar. 2024], Paper: two papers are accepted by the 30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Brief Presentations Track, 2024. Congratulations to all!

[Feb. 2024], Paper: our paper "Path Planning for UAVs under GPS Permanent Faults", is accepted by ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems. Congratulations to all!

[Feb. 2024], Service: I will serve as a TPC member in RTSS 2024. Please consider to submit your best work!

[Feb. 2024], Service: I will serve as the Social Media Chair in  Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) 2024. 

[Feb. 2024], Service: I will serve as a TPC member in RTCSA 2024. 

[Jan. 2024], Paper: our paper "Vulnerability Analysis for Safe Reinforcement Learning in Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2024. Congratulations to Shixiong and Mengyu! 

[Jan. 2024], Paper: our paper "Fast Attack Recovery for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by the 30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2024. Congratulations to Lin, Luis, and all! 

[Dec. 2023], Talk: I gave a talk on Real-Time Attack-Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems in the Department of Computer Science at Indiana University Bloomington. Thank Dr. Luyi Xing for the invitation!

[Dec. 2023],  Service: I was invited to serve as a TPC member 36th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS) 2024. 

[Nov. 2023], Book chapter: our book chapter on AI-Enabled Attack Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems, in the book "AI Embedded Assurance for Cyber Systems", is online! [Link]

[Oct. 2023], Travel grant: Zifan has received the travel grant to RTSS 2023. Congratulations!

[Oct. 2023], Service: I will serve as an Editorial Board member in Discover Internet of  Things, Springer.

[Oct. 2023], Talk: I gave a talk on Attack Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems, in EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP 2023). Thank Dr. Yu Chen for the invitation!

[Spe. 2023], Competition: our Simulation and Security Toolbox for Cyber-Physical Systems was accepted and presented in the Embedded Systems Research Software Competition at ESWEEK. Congratulations to Mengyu!

[Aug 2023], Paper: our paper "Learn-to-Respond: Sequence-Predictive Recovery from Sensor Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by the 44th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2023. Congratulations to Mengyu! 

[Aug 2023], Paper: our paper "Catch You If Pay Attention: Temporal Sensor Attack Diagnosis Using Attention Mechanisms for Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by the 44th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2023. Congratulations to Zifan! 

[July 2023], Job: I joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Notre Dame!

[May 2023], Tool: our Simulation and Security Toolbox for Cyber-Physical Systems is online. Visit CPSim!

[May 2023], Paper: our paper "Optimal Checkpointing Strategy for Real-time Systems with Both Logical and Timing Correctness", is accepted by ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). Congratulations to Lin and Zifan!

[Apr. 2023], Service: I will serve as the session chair of "Session 8: Networks and Communication" at RTAS'23. See you at San Antonio!

[Apr. 2023], Defense: Lin passed his PhD dissertation defense. Big congratulations to Dr. Zhang! My second PhD graduate!

[Apr. 2023], Award: Mengyu received the summer pre-dissertation fellowship for Summer 2023. Big congratulations to Mengyu!

[Apr. 2023], Award: Lin received the Pramod K. and Anju Varshney Endowed Graduate Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Big congratulations to Lin!

[Mar. 2023], Paper: our tool paper "Demo: Simulation and Security Toolbox for Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by RTAS 2023 Brief Presentation, part of CPS-IoT 2023. Congratulations to Lin and Mengyu! 

[Mar. 2023], Paper: our paper "Real-Time Data-Predictive Attack-Recovery for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by RTAS 2023, part of CPS-IoT 2023. Congratulations to Lin and all! See you at San Antonio!

[Jan. 2023], Grant: Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines (HARDEN) program, DARPA.

[Nov. 2022], Travel grant: Mengyu has received the travel grant to RTSS 2022. Congratulations!

[Otc. 2022], Demo: our new demos on real-time and trusted attack recovery for autonomous cyber-physical systems are online! [Link]

[Oct. 2022], Award: our Real-Time Attack Recovery work has won the Best Scientific Research Award at ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition (SRC) 2022. Congratulations to Lin!

[Sep. 2022], Paper: our paper "Fail-Safe: Securing Cyber-Physical Systems against Hidden Sensor Attacks", is accepted by the 43rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2022. Congratulations to Mengyu and all! See you at Houston!

[Aug. 2022], Service: Invited to serve as a TPC member for the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM E-Energy 2023). Please consider to submit your best work!

[July 2022], Service: Invited to serve as a TPC member for the  29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2023). Please consider to submit your best work!

[July 2022], Grant: our project on Sensor Attack Detection and Recovery in Cyber-Physical Systems is funded by NSF! Many thanks, NSF!!!

[July 2022], Talk: I gave a talk, "Real-time Attack-Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems", at the Information Institute, AFRL!

[July 2022], Talk: I gave a talk, "Real-time Attack-Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems", at the Fifth International Workshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems (DACPS) @DAC'22. Thank Dr. Xun Jiao for the invitation!

[July 2022], Service: I will serve as a session co-chair for "Can We Achieve a Secure, Robust, and Energy-efficient Cloud-Edge Continuum?" at DAC'22. See you at San Francisco!

[June 2022], Workshop: I organized NSF Workshop on Towards Scalable Design of Resilient Mission-Critical IoT Systems.

[March 2022], Award: our work "Adaptive Window-Based Sensor Attack Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems" has won the first place in Oral Presentation Competition at 2022 ECS Research Day. Congratulation to Lin!

[March 2022] Paper: our paper "Attack-Resilient Fusion of Sensor Data with Uncertain Delays", has been accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS).

[March 2022] Service: I will serve as the Information Director of SIGBED.

[Feb. 2022] Paper: our paper "Adaptive Window-Based Sensor Attack Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems", is accepted by 59th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2022. Congratulations to all!

[Feb. 2022] Service: TPC for the 43rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2022). Please consider to submit your best work!

[Oct. 2021], Paper: our paper "Applying Machine Learning in Designing Distributed Auction for Multi-agent Task Allocation with Budget Constraints" is accepted by  the 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2021.

[Aug. 2021], Paper: our paper "Towards Scalable, Secure, and Smart Mission-Critical IoT Systems: Review and Vision" will appear at EMSOFT 2021, part of ESWEEK 2021

[July 2021], Paper: our paper "Real-Time Attack-Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems using Linear-Quadratic Regulator" is accepted to EMSOFT 2021, part of ESWEEK 2021. Congratulations to Lin and all!

[June 2021], Job: Francis will join the CSE department at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, as a tenure-track assistant professor. Congratulations!

[May 2021], Paper: our paper "Recovery-by-Learning: Restoring Autonomous Cyber-physical Systems from Sensor Attacks", has been accepted by The 27th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2021. Congratulations to Francis and all!

[May 2021], Defense: Francis passed his PhD dissertation defense. Congratulations to Dr. Akowuah! My first PhD graduate!

[Apr. 2021], Paper: our paper "Antenna Pattern Aware UAV Trajectory Planning Using Artificial Potential Field", has been accepted for lecture presentation at the 2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). Congratulations to Hani.

[Mar. 2021], Paper: our work on anomaly sensor detection using hyperdimensional computing is accepted to the Brief Industry Paper Track of RTAS 2021.

[Mar. 2021], Award: our work on Real-Time Adaptive Sensor Attack Detection has won the second prize in 2021 ECS Research Day (13/73). Congratulations to Francis! [link]

[Mar. 2021], Paper: our survey paper on sensor attack detection in autonomous vehicles is accepted to the 4th International Conference on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD 2021). Congratulations to Francis!

[Jan. 2021], Paper: our paper "Real-Time Adaptive Sensor Attack Detection in Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems" is accepted to 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), part of the CPS-IOT Week 2021. Congratulations to Francis!

[Jan. 2021], Paper: our paper "A Data-driven Model Predictive Control for Alleviating Thermal Overloads in Presence of Possible False Data " is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 

[Nov. 2020], Award: our work on Real-Time Recovery for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems has won the Overall College Poster Prize in 2020 ECS Research Day (1/73). Congratulations to Lin! [link]

[Oct. 2020], Paper: our paper on real-time recovery for cyber-physical systems is accepted to RTSS 2020. This work is the first of its kind in recovering CPS in real-time after an attack is detected. Congratulations to Lin and all!

[Oct. 2020], Service: I am serving as TPC for the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2021). Please consider to submit your best work!!! 

[Oct. 2020], Service: I am serving as TPC for the 24th IEEE International Symposium On Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2021). Please consider to submit your work.

[Sep. 2020], Service: I am serving as TPC for the 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2021), co-locate in  the CPS-IOT Week 2021. Please consider to submit your best work!!! 

[Sep. 2020], Service: I am serving as TPC for the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2021), co-locate in  the CPS-IOT Week 2021. Please consider to submit your best work!!! 

[Sep. 2020], Service: I serve as the session Chair, "Session III - Machine Learning", for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020).

[Aug. 2020], Grant: our collaborative project on smart, secure, and scalable IoT system is funded by NSF!

[Apr. 2020], Service: I am serving as TPC for the 41th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). Please consider to submit your best work!!! 

[Mar. 2020], Article: "What is Cyber-Physical Checkpointing and Recovery?" is published by SIGDA Newsletter.

[Feb. 2020], Paper: our paper on anomaly state detection for autonomous systems is accepted by DAC 2020. Congratulations to Tianjia!

[Jan. 2020], Talk: invited to give a talk on Cyber-Physical System Security at IEEE Schenectady Chapter. Thank Honggang for the invitation!

[Dec. 2019], Paper: our paper on applying cyber-physical checkpointing and recovery to power systems is accepted by IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC 2020).

[Nov. 2019], Talk: invited to give a talk on Secure and Sustainable Cyber-Physical Systems at GRC. Thank Yang and Weizhong for the invitation!

[Sep. 2019], Service: I am serving as TPC for the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2020). Please consider to submit your best work!!! 

[Sep. 2019], Paper: one paper is accepted by the 40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019).

[Jun. 2019], Presentation: "Cyber-Physical System Checkpointing and Recovery",  at CEDA Workshop on CAD for Safe and Secure Electronic System Design, held in conjunction with 56th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2019).

[Apr. 2019], Service: I am serving as TPC for IGSC 2019, and Brief Presentations@RTSS 2019. Please consider to submit your work!

[Feb. 2019], Presentation: "State Consistencies for Cyber-Physical System Recovery", at the 2nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Resilience (CPS-SR 2019), held in conjunction with Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week 2019).

[July 2018], PI meeting: I attended the Intel/ NSF CPS-Security Meeting at Stanford University and presented our work of CPS checkpointing and recovery.