
Based on the ancient Greek gods, on this site I have drawn a sketch of the nature of man. I have explained the creation of the world from when the Word came to the world until today. And I have ordered and labelled the gods of Greek mythology. I have tamed them. Untamed, the ancient Greek gods are like properties of the carnal being. They are values and worth. The masculine ancient Greek god is value and the feminine ancient Greek god is worth. The carnal man is the beast as referred to in Revelation. The mark of the Beast is value or worth for the ongoing to have. By the poems of mine the beings are beautiful, by which the Girl arises. I have made expectations to the beast. The Girl of God is not in war with herself.

In Norwegian, "god" (the word [ god ] ) is "good", or "nice". In Norwegian, Fantasifix is pronounced


Thank You, Lord! Ruler of Godmix, or Fantasifix, is Jesus Christ. Fantasifix is given me by Jesus Christ. The site was established in December in 2016, and I made the English poems in May 2017.

My primary source was http://www.theoi.com/. The ordering is mine.