

misconduct and reputation under imperfect information, [working paper (pdf)] (v: 2023), forthcoming, JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY

moral hazard in insurance: theory and evidence from a credit reform in ghana, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2022, vol. 209 (104633).

risk, informal institutions, and index insurance (joint w bikramaditya datta), JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, 2022, vol. 113 (102635).

does bundling induce adverse selection in insurance?, ECONOMICS LETTERS, 2020, vol. 196 (109588)

disease and gender gaps in human capital investment: evidence from niger’s 1986 meningitis epidemic  (joint w belinda archibong), AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW: PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2017, vol. 107, no. 5, pp. 530-535.

federal crop insurance and the disincentive to adapt to extreme heat  (joint w wolfram schlenker), AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW: PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2015, vol. 105, no. 5, pp. 262-266.

spatial pattern of yield distributions: implications for crop insurance (joint w jesse tack, ardian harri, keith coble), AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 2014, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 253-268

the epidemic effect: epidemics, institutions and human capital development,  [working paper (pdf)] (v: 2023) (joint w belinda archibong, uche ekhator-mobayode), JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION, 2023, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 549-566

work in progress

randomized entry: the  equilibrium effects of entry in digital financial markets, AEA RCT REGISTRY (joint w mtn and gcb ltd)

redistributing transport costs (joint w npa)

digitizing bureaucracy, AEA RCT REGISTRY, (joint w mlgrd and apoorv gupta)

automating public distribution programs -- experimental evidence from ghana's premix, AEA RCT REGISTRY, (joint w npfs and p. asuming, s. carattini, j. mensah)

connecting rural unserved communities to digital finance -- vslas-as-agents, AEA RCT REGISTRY (joint w orange, gt bank, cafod, ipa)

working papers

other publications

digital public services delivery in ghana (docx) -- a viewpoint,  [viewpoint: d-psd in ghana (pdf)] (v: 2024), BROOKINGS AGI

digital payments, [working paper (pdf)] (joint w xavier gin, chi man cheung) (v: 2023), accepted, OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY

transaction cost index, [report: transaction cost index (pdf)], (joint w x. gin, w. blackmon, b. mwesigwa, a. zapanta) (v: 2023), INNOVATIONS FOR POVERTY ACTION

climate change, epidemics and inequality,  [working paper (pdf)] (v: 2022)  (joint w belinda archibong), THE REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY, 2023, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1.

my google scholar page is here